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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Anyone who knows Salisbury history will not be surprised by Cathcart’s outrageous attempt to smear Councilwoman Campbell at the City Council meeting last night. Even before Ms. Campbell was elected to the Council, Cathcart has tried to villify her in public. During the City election in 2005, when she ran against, and defeated, Cathcart’s cohort on the Council (Michael Day), Cathcart, who was then part of the “Dream Team” majority on the Council, made cutting remarks about Ms. Campbell that the Daily Times was eager to publish.

Cathcart was well aware that Ms. Campbell would provide a voice for those who opposed the policies and shenanigans of the Dream Team-Barrie Tilghman coalition that is a primary cause of the “structural deficit” and fiscal dilemma that the City now faces. And Cathcart was correct, because from the get-go Ms. Campbell tried to right the wrongs of that alliance of City officials who marched to the drumbeat of landlords/SAPOA and certain developers and land speculators.

By 2007, Cathcart’s public support had diminished – actually, it was never that great; the 2003 election was very unusual – and she decided not to seek reelection. This year, Ms. Campbell was reelected by a humongous majority, beating yet another candidate backed by Cathcart.

Now, Cathcart has seized upon the slime being spread by certain members of the police department to once again throw mud at Debbie Campbell. But that muck has already been hung out to dry, and it won’t stick any better than when it was wet and runny.


  1. Joe ,
    I watched her last night and it really pissed me off. She is so jealous of Debbie , and it is very obvious . Debbie is much smarter , Debbie is relentless in her persuit
    for the truth , Debbie in much more
    pleasing to look at(prettier)and
    Debbie has a wonderful personality.
    Lynn has aaahh , aaahhh , aaahh
    who knows? Lynn , please crawl back
    in your hole!

  2. How Lynn Cathcart can even hold her head up is beyond me.

  3. Lynn:

    Are you free this Halloween?

    No special makeup or costume needed, but you bring the broom.

  4. Resign lady, its time for you to move out of the way.

  5. Debbie is such a classy lady. Here the witch Cathcart is up there saying how a cop says Campbell committed a crime that if true, the cop was complicit in. Next Cathcart takes issue with Campbell saying the cop is either mistaken or giving false testimony. Then Cathcart has the nerve to call Campbell a liar. Okay, which is worse, a cop calling a councilperson a criminal with no evidence to substantiate the claim; or a former councilperson calling a sitting councilperson a liar without any evidence to substantiate the claim; or a sitting councilperson giving the cop the benefit of the doubt that he might be mistaken, or at the worst, giving false testimony? I say put up or shut up. Either you have the evidence and can make the claims, or you don't. Until you do, shut up already. You have no credibility whatsoever.

  6. Lynn Cathcart, the same person that sold the city to the highest bidding developer. Lynn Cathcart who voted for every annexation coming down the pipeline. Lynn Cathcart who protected SAPOA, Insley, Maloney, Williams specifically with every vote she cast.

    And this simple minded biotch wants a street named after her. If that happens it should be the road going into the Barrie Tilghman WWTP.

  7. Joe, some time ago you posted a picture of Lynn Cathcart with her landlord buddies.

    Maybe it's time to post that one again.

    I almost threw a shoe at the TV when Cathcart came out of retirement to sling mud again.

  8. Anonymous said...

    I almost threw a shoe at the TV when Cathcart came out of retirement to sling mud again.

    3:16 PM

    She hasn't retired, she owns that other blog ran by that Fat POS.

  9. thought Ireton said to drop the subject, doesn't Lynn understand english

  10. Lynn Cathcart isn't fit to lick Debbie Campbell's boots, in my opinion.

  11. Lynn Cathcart is a regular on JT's blog, along with Mike Dunn. They haven't changed a bit since leaving the council. The only difference now is they think they are hiding behind anonymous instead of wagging fingers in the faces of citizens in person. They had balls when they were behind the table. Guess they left them there when they gave up their seats.


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