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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

If The SPD Won't Do Their Job, Should We?

While it would take some time to do it, we could provide a format in which we could provide the very same kind of information as this gentleman did. GO HERE.


  1. Yes.I can get you pictures of not only the prositutes and the customers they service but also the gang members that are not in salisbury dealing drugs walking around with guns and shooting dice on the streets that our police department does not wish to respond to when I call them.

  2. Isnt this what the POLICE are paid for.

  3. Better look out on that one in Maryland they might want to go after the video man with a criminal summons instead of the real law breaker.

  4. The problem with the prostitution issue as well as drug issues are that the courts are not strict enough with their punishments. Time and time again prostitutes are let out on stet or PBJ's. The Johns are only given fines or PBJ's. I believe that officers are frustrated with this and sometimes don't pursue these offenders because of the leniency in the courts.

  5. YES! There is more than one vigilantes in this town. Just stir them up and see what happens. No more pimps no more whores! See what we can do.

  6. Do it! This is GREAT. Shoiw these ppl how far reaching your blog is.

  7. Get some john's cars and license plates on the web, and after these people's moms, wives, girlfriends and co-workers see them, I don't think they'll be back again.

  8. I am all for it!We used to video tape curbside drug deals in our old Salisbury 'hood but the police werent interested in our footage.Hmmmm.....Not recommending anyone risk their life or anything but in Salisbury the criminal element is bold and they do not even try to be discreet.
    To all criminals-"you are on camera,biotches!"

  9. put up the chicks pictures. Have a whore blog.

  10. those girls look a little too healthy to be whores, probally got all their teeth and everthang!!!

  11. Or we could just legalize prostitution. Then it would be regulated, a little safer & providing tax $$ to the state.

  12. Jeeez guys, They're just on their way down to the local Acorn Office to see if they can get a home loan.

  13. I think that is a great idea.

  14. I ain't seen girls like that in Salisbury !!

  15. Until you post someone's license plate that was soliciting prostitution. Best to leave the police work to the police...

  16. 3;43 right? Might as well send the information to montna. We would get as much response.

  17. They should just make prostitution legal..ain't like we don't pay for it anyway..if you are married or in a relationship with a woman..you pay..don't believe me..stop paying bills or giving her money for groceries etc..see how long she keeps giving it up LOL

  18. they look they are worth paying for to me.

  19. Legalize prostitution then they can tax it. That should solve the whore problem and the city problems
    with money. Then they would not have to raise our taxes and lay off city employees. As far as the police go I think they should be busy on real crime like all the drugs and murderers in the city.
    At least these girls are working. We have people shot and stabbed and
    killed everyday in Salisbury and most of them are never solved.

  20. 100% YES!! Other tv shows have done this and it's hysterical to see them fuss and stammer when caught!



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