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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lobbyists The Silver Lining In Health Care Storm?

As lawmakers squabble, health care groups focus on how to get ahead

WASHINGTON - A strong force, perhaps as powerful in Congress as President Barack Obama, is keeping the drive for health care going even as lawmakers seem hopelessly at odds.

The drug industry, the American Medical Association, hospital groups and the insurance lobby are all saying Congress must make major changes this year. Television ads paid for by drug companies and insurers continued to emphasize the benefits of a health care overhaul — not the groups' objections to some of the proposals.

GO HERE to read more from MSNBC.

1 comment:

  1. if drug companies stopped tv ads, maybe their products wouldn't cost so much. it's not like we can go get whatever drug. let them push 'em at the dr.s office.


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