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Friday, July 31, 2009

Key House Panel Approves Health Bill

Full House vote expected in September on Obama's top domestic priority

- In a triumph for President Barack Obama, Democrats narrowly pushed sweeping health care legislation through a key congressional committee Friday night and cleared the way for a September showdown in the House.

The 31-28 vote in the House Energy and Commerce Committee, largely along party lines, was weeks later than either the White House or Democratic leaders had hoped.

As part of a last-minute series of changes, the committee agreed to cap increases in the cost of insurance sold under the bill, and also to give the federal government authority to negotiate directly with drug companies for lower prices under Medicare.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Do the Liberals realize that several parts of the Healthcare Bill violates HIPA regulations? For most of them being Lawyers, using Obama's words, they are acting stupid.

  2. Federal funding of abortions was put back in as well. Four of the Blue Dog Democrats caved in after a visit from Pelosi and Rahm Emanuel. Go to Michelle Malkin's site for phone numbers of these traitors and "melt the phones"

  3. How does it violate HIPA?

  4. HIPA states no one has access or can be notified of your condition unless you authorize your Doctor in writing and specify who by name. This includes immediate family. This is Patient / Doctor confidentiality. Parts of this Bill authorizes Government or their representatives to have access to your medical history without you specifing them to gain access. Individuals must not have read the Bill that Congress passed concerning this or asked about the paper you have to sign when you visit the Doctor. This comment must be in favor of free Government Healthcare at Tax Payer expense.


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