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Friday, July 31, 2009

Comegys Claims Career Firefighters Have It Too Good

OK Firefighters, this one is for you. While Gary Comegys was within his own safety net of people he felt he could say just about anything he wanted. You see, years ago there was no Salisbury News and unless you attended all of these boring meetings, you wouldn't recall now what was being said behind your back. In fact, what we deliver with these audio clips is something even the Daily Times hasn't experimented with.

Not that they'd ever do you the favor of letting you know things like this, they simply do not provide such a service. Nevertheless, clearly Gordo and Comegys are very upset because of, what they refer to as your Rolls Royce work schedules and because Comegys sees that,(should you choose to do so) you could actually take on a second job, (like most Americans have been forced to do in this economy) and they're NOT going to stand for it.

So without further adieu, click on this audio link and save it so you can play it over and over again for all your fellow Brothers to hear LOUD AND CLEAR! Once again, a Salisbury News Exclusive.

Rolls Royce Fire Service Shifts


  1. Sorry Bubba, that we dont get the same benefits that you had working for the state. We don't get to go home and hide the company truck behind the fence. When we work for 24 hours on, we protect you and the citizens of the county. As far as the part time jobs. We have to work them, because we keep getting promised raises and they never happen.

  2. For once he's right! Pay people to sleep, and keep the staffing the same for the full 24 hours when it's not needed! Also, check the effectiveness after 12 hours to provide the same service, or what it's like to wake up after severial hours sleep and be as sharp. HE'S ON THE RIGHT TRACK!

  3. Oh and by the way....Wonder why the firefighters did'nt support you for mayor?? Because we knew you were a backstabber.

  4. That man needs lessons on public speaking. It took him 3 minutes to say all that? I could have toned it down to about 45 seconds. Now, most firefighters work 24 on 48 off. 24 and 96 is a REAL good deal. Fact of the matter is, has it been working and for how long? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. As a former firefighter, 24/96 would have been great. Nobody truly knows the job we do other than those of us that do it.

  5. Unfortunately those who support this idiot are mostly idiots also, and don't believe he's an idiot.
    It's a vicious cycle.

  6. Let's get those letters and e-mails going to the Maryland Municipal League demanding that it can Comegys as its vice president and "president elect."

    And if he runs for any office or reelection to the Council make sure that he is defeated!

  7. Bubba and Gordo are in the attack mode now. They are taking this time to retaliate against the career firefighters because they didn't support him for mare or his re-election 2 years ago. Maybe the career guys need to go on a petition drive to have Bubba recalled. This is outright retaliation and not necessary.

  8. OMG!! I love it. Hope the can take the heat, cuz they aren't getting out of the kitchen on this one. Now all of you nay sayers of Joe, what do you think of him now? Keep up the great work Joe. The TRUTH always comes out and finally these two a-holes finally proved you right. Good for you Joe. Good for you.

  9. 9:26...that you, Gary? Or your new found pal JT?

    Comegys not only doesn't know what he's talking about, but he has been badmouthing everyone who didn't support him for mayor.

    The man has some serious sour grapes going on.

  10. Joe, I'm confused... so now you are siding FOR the firefighters?? That's a change from the past.

  11. Again this is another example of the hate Comegys has for paid firefighters and paramedics. The statements made has some factual information you can take those facts and twist them many different ways. It just a different way o f setting figures.
    So remember

  12. j.t and comedy Imeant comegys what douche bags

  13. Anonymous said...

    Joe, I'm confused... so now you are siding FOR the firefighters?? That's a change from the past.

    9:45 AM

    You idiot, Joe has always supported the firefighters. All he has done in the past is point out corruption from Gordo, See and Fatso Hoppes. The ones that didn't believe he sided with the firefighters were the narrow minded ones and the followers of those three stooges.

  14. It would be helpful before making a comment to hear from the firefighters what is the make-up during a 24 hour shift; ie training,etc.

  15. Why is SFD down 9 paramedics? They keep hiring and they keep saying they are down. What is going on? Are they leaving as fast as they get here? If so, WHY?

  16. Sounds like the union needs to get recognized so they can better protect their livelihood. At least if they had a contract they could ensure their shifts stayed as they are.

  17. Anon 957am The city of Salisbury Granted the fire department 6 new paramedic positions by the mayor and city council but the leadership of See, Hoppes, and Gordy chose to hire firefighters instead. This is not what they were supposed to do, but the mayor and city council doesn't know the difference. To answer your question yes they are leaving and many have applications in other places as well. They are going to real fire departments that work 24/72 and pay much better so they paramedics don't have to work part time jobs.

  18. Maybe there is an under-ground network of people that are tired of words about to take matters into another realm, think about it. Think real hard about it.

  19. One paramedic just left to take a job with the DC Fire Department who by the way works 24/72's. It's been reported during the exit interview that part of the reason leaving was a hostile work environment. That is not good for the city. Help is on the Way! Well at least we thought so.

  20. 9:26.... your an idiot the staffing doesn't stay the same all the time 24 hrs a day in the city... theres your regular 24 hr shift ppl and then there is day work ppl who leave at 5.... so before you start running your mouth know your facts.... as for comegys.... your an idiot too... obviously you have no respect for the men and women that save the lives of the people in the city. enough said... everyone have a good day.

  21. Oh its coming, just not the way you think probably. Sometimes the end justifies the means.

  22. From the previous article on this upcoming post...

    Anonymous said...

    Anonymous 16 volley said...

    Maybe its the fact that station 16 ran a million dollar peice on a medical assist yesterday. Very bright dont you think Joe. With all the other equipment in house. I know for sure there was another engine in house. Because I saw it there.

    8:55 AM

    This statement is correct. The first engine with the paid crew was on a weather related call and couldn't respond at the time to the call for lifting assistance. The call was on Marine Road to respond with the ambulance because the patient supposedly weighed 400 pounds. That's another story because it wasn't serious enough to need a fire truck response. The 400 pound man can still walk to the ambulance. Anyhow the volunteers were alerted to respond on the assist so the new $1.2 million dollar ladder truck responded with a volunteer officer and a couple more volunteers. A $1.2 million dollar ladder truck responding on a call that wasn't even necessary and wasn't even a fire. How can you justify taking the new ladder truck on the call much less any other fire truck or rescue truck. The Salisbury Fire Department has 2 new 4 door heavy duty pick up trucks at Station 16 that they could take on a medical type call. They are both equipped with medical bags and now fire pump is required.

    Can you guess who the so called volunteer officer is who made the decision to take that $1.2 million dollar ladder truck to the medical call? Well it is Jeremy Gordy. Ring a bell? That's right Gordo's son. He has been told numerous times to quit taking that $1.2 million ladder truck out every night. Can you imagine the fuel consumption on that vehicle much less the cost of repairing the rear bumper numerous times? Well this guy is not even qualified to be an officer but Daddy Gordo runs the Salisbury Fire Department so he gets to do as he pleases. Gordo Jr. takes the $1.2 million ladder truck out every night he is around and calls it drivers training. They also take the $1.2 million ladder truck out for errands and to get dinner and they aren't even part of the duty crew for the evening.

    Mayor Liarton I know you read this blog every day so you better be listening. Gordo and Hoppes need to go. Do your job and do what you were elected to do. Help is on the Way. That help might be for a recall petition (wink wink).

    9:19 AM

  23. The 24/72 crew can go to sleep after 11pm and if no calls we pay them to sleep all night. Personally I'd rather my tax dollars be spent paying someone who is actually working for their money - NOT SLEEPING!! and what if they aren't sleeping and are on ambulance calls ---- how safe are they to then go on a bad fire or rescue with no sleep on a 24 hour duty.. Put them on a 5 day week like most of us do. If their job is as stressful as they claim, they don't need to do it for 24 hours straight!! I think this is the only thing Comegy's has ever said that made sense.

  24. Why is acting chief Richard A. Hoppes allowed to hire a firefighter instead of a paramedic for the position of a paramedic that just left? Why would anyone in their right mind replace a paramedic position with a firefighter? Chad Snyders is the paramedic that left and his position is that of a paramedic. If a "paramedic" is on the list they need to hire him. If not then they need to open the hiring process again. If Hoppes hires a firefighter instead of a paramedic then he should be terminated for insubordination. If anyone knows Chad Snyders then ask him why he left.

  25. WHAT!!!!!
    As many call you guys run a year, you should go back on 24/48. You would think you were a big metropolitan municipality with each medic unit running 5,000 calls a year, or a suppression unit working two or three jobs a shift. (I didnt say runs. I mean working fires!!!) Give me a break!!!

    This is just another reason why my tax dollars are so high in this city. So the career folks of the SFD can get a good night's sleep and work some OT.

    Drop the 4th shift. If you want 24/72, go to work in a big city like Baltimore or Philly. Not in this Podunk town!!! Going back to 24/72 would ease any personnel deficencies and OT would not be needed. But you girls should be able to get enough sleep each night to run your side businesses on your two day breaks anyway.

    I predict that this will happen anyway. You will loose the 4th shift. Because the economy is going to keep tanking and the tax base will not support your "country club shifts".

    And yes I am from a career department, and I retired from a station that ran 1 and 1/2 time more calls then your busiest station here.

  26. OK Mr. Comegys & Mr. Gordy, (aka anonymous) why don't you tell ALL of the people about how it would cost the taxpayers of Salisbury an additional $880,000.00 a year if you went to a 24/48 system. That's right Folks, this would be the OVERTIME expense if they went to such a system and that's why they have NEVER recewived ANY support to change it.

    Now stop beating around the bush and lying to people and tell the truth for once.

  27. Anonymous said...

    Maybe there is an under-ground network of people that are tired of words about to take matters into another realm, think about it. Think real hard about it.

    10:18 AM

    Please tell us what the underground network is all about.

  28. Go back on 24/48's? The SFD never worked 24/48's so WTF are you talking about?

    Regardless of 24/48's or 24/72's it is the same amount of coverage that needs to be paid for. Most departments are going to 24/72's because it is cutting down on OT costs. Anyone that thinks 24/48's is the answer is a complete idiot. That shift is the only "perk" that keeps the firefighter paramedics here. If the city converted to the 24/48 shift there would be a mass exodus from the Salisbury Fire Department immediately. The paramedics are already stating they would go to work in the county vollie stations working 24/72's with less calls and more money. Jim Ireton if you had the spine you would do anything in your power to remove Bill Gordy from his position as "chief" of the Salisbury Fire Department.

  29. 11:19, its about rage. Its about having nothing left to lose, thats dangerous. You push and you push and you push until finally someone pushes back.

  30. Crap joe. I was hoping you were going to finally break the news of the station 2 sexual harassment scandal that happened a month ago.

  31. Anon 12:08 PM there is no scandal at Station 2. Anyway this is more important of an issue. Sexual Harassament scandals are nothing more than hearsay. This is fact, listen for yourself.

  32. Hot topic!What does this Gary have against career FF ?

  33. Gary has hated "paid men" since the get go. However when his house was burning he wanted them quick and then when someone asked "why did you call the duty crew?" and his response was "well its different when your house is on fire." That should say enough about his worthless self. He does not care about anyone but himself. Get bubba out of office....

  34. I wish I could work 12 hours, sit around for 4 hours and then go nighty nite. Say I worked 24 and then take the next 3 days off. What a deal. Where is the management here. I remember when they had regular hours and guess what? ......it was still covered!

  35. They used to work what was known as 10's and 14's.... You came it at 0800 and left at 1800hrs. You did that for two days then you had a half a day off then you came it at 1800hrs and left at 0800hrs. Still had 4 shifts and it was still covered for an entire 24hr period

  36. It doesn't matter if you work 24/72's, 10/14's or the old Dupont shifts you still have to have coverage around the clock and it costs the same regardless. The advantage to 24/72's is that it is the most productive shift and it is attractive and desirable to retain the current paramedics. Changing to anything else will ruin the Salisbury Fire Department and they will have NO paramedics working for them.

  37. Jeremy Gordy is a qualified fire fighter. He has paid his dues. He learned from one of the best, and motivates others to take it up a notch.

  38. Comedy's,oops,Comegys couldn't even man up and work an 8 hour shift without hiding out at his home so I wouldn't expect him to even begin to understand a real man's career.

  39. Ok people wake up and see the reel reason this was brought up listen to Bubba lets look at the staffing hmmmmmm wonder how we can get more people for the fire serivce change thier hours !!! wait you mean go back to the way it use to be years ago but we need more people !!Yea right it was done better 10 years ago under the 12 hour shift with less people then you have by far now !!!!! watch it people they are going in the back door to get what they have been wanting a long time more people.Bubba i thought you were the one that said 24 on 72 off was a great thing a few years ago on the meeting room floor!How about pulling all those very well trainned pen pushers we have doing nothing all day and put them back on the shift were they can work not ride around and stop at wawa then go to shore stop right after that yea you have been caught agian !!!!!

  40. Anonymous said...

    Jeremy Gordy is a qualified fire fighter. He has paid his dues. He learned from one of the best, and motivates others to take it up a notch.

    4:40 PM

    Who was one of the best that trained him??

  41. Anonymous said...

    Ok people wake up and see the reel reason this was brought up listen to Bubba lets look at the staffing hmmmmmm wonder how we can get more people for the fire serivce change thier hours !!! wait you mean go back to the way it use to be years ago but we need more people !!Yea right it was done better 10 years ago under the 12 hour shift with less people then you have by far now !!!!! watch it people they are going in the back door to get what they have been wanting a long time more people.Bubba i thought you were the one that said 24 on 72 off was a great thing a few years ago on the meeting room floor!How about pulling all those very well trainned pen pushers we have doing nothing all day and put them back on the shift were they can work not ride around and stop at wawa then go to shore stop right after that yea you have been caught agian !!!!!

    9:19 PM

    This is one educated person that wrote this comment? Go back to school and learn proper grammar. Another embarrassment to the fire service.

  42. I wish I lived in an area served by paid fire fighters! Where I am there is a fire department less than a mile away yet I have witnessed two houses burned to the ground because of delayed response and pure ignorance. I would be happy to drive by the fire department and see guys/gals doing something other than cooking out and kicking a few back.

    A real firefighter understands there is too much at risk by sitting around getting drunk all day and then going out on a call.

  43. 1:36

    You are 100% correct. I wish that there were county paid departments.
    The vollies in the county are under trained and miss use county funding.

  44. With all do respect Mr. Albero please move this to the top of your page. It deserves more attention. It has gotten lost with your numerous other posts.


    Thank you.

  45. I think the city should have paid staffing 8am to 5pm and let the vollies step up to the plate run the city from 5pm to 8am. Let them really show the city how much money is saved by them.

  46. Anonymous said...

    I think the city should have paid staffing 8am to 5pm and let the vollies step up to the plate run the city from 5pm to 8am. Let them really show the city how much money is saved by them.

    9:07 PM

    The city does have staffing from 7am to 5pm at 2 of the 3 stations. What's your point? The vollies can't handle the calls now at all three of the stations and have to be realerted all the time. The main reason is the administration places to many demands on the volunteers making it difficult to recruit and retain good ones. Another reason is the enormous amount of BS calls the fire trucks respond on. There is no need to send the fire trucks on all the BS car accidents and medical assists. Mayor Ireton are you listening?

  47. First of all "Comedy" needs to learn how to speak properly when he is being taped. Has he worked 24 on and 72 off??? I don't think so!! Has he tryed to raise a family and have to work 2-3 other jobs on his 72 off?? Again the answer is no. These career men are all hard workers, and have to have other jobs when they are between shifts to support their families, because the City of Salisbury does not pay them enough money!! Stop and realize what these men do for us in a 24 hour period. I am thankful for each of them and pray for their safety each day. Stop belittling the firefighters until you know the real circumstances!! How do I know this?? I am the relative of a Career Firefighter and proud of it.!!

  48. Bubba and Gordo are running that fire department and they are running it into the ground fast. If they are allowed to change the 24 hours shifts to anything but 24 on and 72 on they will have to run calls themselves because there will be no paramedics left. Oh that's right they aren't paramedics and they aren't intelligent enough to become one. Jim Ireton you were supported and elected with the help of the career firefighters and I hope you take a stand against these 2 buffoons.

  49. Don't you all have any thing better to do or bitch about.It is a sunny warm weekend and you career people are on here crying like babies.GET A LIFE

  50. Anonymous said...

    4:16 BS

    10:57 PM

    Sorry Dude, there is no 4:16

  51. I agree with 10:51, there are enough people in this city that are tired of the lies and deciet of the people we elected that I believe a recall petition would be very successful. Jim, you are a smart man and you need to wake up.

  52. 10:51 is so right! Hoppes is a tool of Gordy, just as See was. You need a real chief in there, Mayor, one who will pick a new deputy chief of volunteers. Gordy will spend Salisbury into a grave. The career firefighters are treated like dirt. We've already lost a lot of good ones.

  53. I always said the best wives would be firemen because no one knows how to clean, polish and cook better than they do. Not to mention they know what time the best shows come on television.

  54. Bubba is just jealous because he would never quailfy as a career firefighter because it actually involves working hard.

  55. Joe, I commend what you do with these audio clips. All the Daily Times reports on is fake news they create. Like yesterday's stupid article about a "debate" over there being a quorum of the city council on the crime task force.

    What debate? Shanie Shields doesn't show up to meetings, so she complains about Terry Cohen being appointed because Terry will show up and will work. That's no news, but Shanie whines to her Times buddies and next thing you know, it's front page "news."

    People are sick of that crap and that's why they come to your blog.

    Same with this fire department. The real news is what someone posted here -- they are going after more bodies so they can change the schedule to justify a bigger department. That's Gordo. Bigger = better. We wanna be NYFD, wah, wah, wah.

  56. 1:36 and 4:16 Stop the whining and go volunteer and change things to your liking.

  57. 9:06 you are absolutely right. However, they do need to lighten up on the requirements for the volunteers and lower that % so it is possible to get more volunteers that can do this. I was a volunteer at one time but had to quit because of the pressure to drop everything almost every alarm and run to the firehouse. It was giving up the volunteer position or my family. This is totally because of the expectations the fire department puts on the volunteers..what about putting the paid people on 8-5 with call rotated from 5-8? on 2 nights a week?

  58. Joe, what happened to the post about the old fire department that you offered to buy and Bubba's comment?

  59. Most of these so called part time jobs the paramedics have to work are at county stations where they do even less then they do at work, so don't let any of them fool you with that bs.

  60. Bubba you need to go away, resign you seat and go away. Your on the list.

  61. I always wonder why his wife makes him live in the garage. Drive by sometime, he is always sitting there with his garage door open looking like white trash.

  62. 1:36

    You must live in Parsonsburg or Hebron

  63. Well, lets see, you paid maids work 96 hours in a 2 week period. Most likely, by the amount of calls I see from each station, you get between 6 and 8 hours sleep a night. Okay, 6x4=24 of the 96 hours you are horizontal sleeping. Thats not including your naps you may take during the day.

    Bottom line, the forth shift needs to go. It will eliminate the OT and possibly up the staffing.

    Get over it paid maids.

  64. I believe Mr. Comegys had it too good myself. He had a pretty cushy job at SHA that barely required him to break a sweat or show up. He hung out at Station 2 quite often and hid from his employer while playing fireman. If he wasn't hiding there he was parked behind his home in the graveyard. At least our career firefighters show up and do work. There is a trail of satisfied customers all over town who will attest to that.
    The 24/72 schedule is pretty standard for fire departments everywhere. Salisbury is no exception and has been able to recruit personnel because of it. If Mr Comegys spent more time worrying about crime and urban blite maybe he wouldn't have time for things like this. However its payback time for him and the career guys are on his list.
    If this schedule were to implimented today it would cost several hundred thousand that the city doesn't have. Roughly 30 percent of the force would look or go elsewhere to work. No Paramedic in his right mind would apply here and what you did get would be the bottomfeeders of EMS.
    This is a perfect example of why Mr Comegys is not Mayor. There is a shadow figure in the picture again as usual. He's the guy who loads the gun and lets Bubba shoot it. He's elusive and nothing sticks to him. He also runs the department and has close ties to political figures. Get the picture now ?

  65. If he was my husband I would keep him in the garage too

  66. Anonymous said...

    Most of these so called part time jobs the paramedics have to work are at county stations where they do even less then they do at work, so don't let any of them fool you with that bs.

    10:23 AM

    Another uneducated individual who hates paramedics because he can't be one. They have to work their part time jobs because the city doesn't pay them enough to live off and raise their families. The point isn't about them doing more or less the point is them trying to make ends meet. Get a life moron.

  67. Bubba has no friends in the Salisbury Fire Department and never has, NO ONE!!

    He is to stupid to realize that he is being used by Gordo. That's right you dumb ass idiot, he is using you big time. ROTFLMAO

  68. If the department got rid of Gordo and Hopeless it would be a much better department. Neither the career or volunteers like either of them. Maybe someone should start a petition to rid the department of these two and thier cronies.

  69. Anonymous said...

    Well, lets see, you paid maids work 96 hours in a 2 week period. Most likely, by the amount of calls I see from each station, you get between 6 and 8 hours sleep a night. Okay, 6x4=24 of the 96 hours you are horizontal sleeping. Thats not including your naps you may take during the day.

    Bottom line, the forth shift needs to go. It will eliminate the OT and possibly up the staffing.

    Get over it paid maids.

    12:11 PM

    You have no idea WTF you are talking about Mr. Gordo.

    Bottom line is you need to go. All you do is rip off the tax payers of the city of Salisbury. Jim Ireton you need to get rid of this flake as soon as possible. Do your DAMN job now!!

  70. I love the "paid maids" comment. That without a doubt came from some disgruntled volunteer, who wants to work for the city, however cannot pass the testing process to be hired. "Paid maids" huh...looks to me that saves the city money by having employees cleaning the city owned buildings, instead of hiring cleaning companies to clean for them. As for the 24/48...Gary cant do the math on his fingers and toes, to see that will cost the city over $800,000 a year in overtime. Hey, by all means. I would love to have an extra $20,000 a year by them paying me overtime. Only downfall will be watching a good majority of paramedics leaving. See why the local did'nt support him as mayor???


    He knows about this mess with the p!ss poor leadership of the Salisbury Fire Department and refuses to do anything about it. Jim Ireton was at that meeting when this discussion took place and did nothing to defend the people that helped get him elected.

  72. You know what? I have been giving this a lot of thought. Jim Ireton has been in office as our new mayor for over 100 days now. That is over 3 months in office and he has done nothing that he promised to do. Many of us have worked hard on his campaign. Many of us have contributed quite handsomely to his campaign. Many of us have gone out on a limb to support this bag of hot air and see what it got us. NOTHING.

    Now with that being said Jim Ireton has been in office for over 3 months now and he has neglected his duty and his promises. My guess is that the same disappointed people can work just as hard to get Jim Ireton out of office and I bet we can get him out of office sooner than 100 days. If the mayor doesn't get rid of Richard Hoppes and Bill Gordy then maybe the new mayor needs to go? Any thoughts?

  73. If the paramedics don’t think they get paid enough and have to work part time jobs, maybe they should leave and get hired some where else. Almost every department out there, most that pay alot more then Salisbury are all ways hiring paramedics all they have to do is apply.

  74. Unfortuately I've known the dumb ass my whole life and he's not any brighter now than he was 25 years ago. Now let's not kid each other, he didn't do his job when he worked for the state and so how would he know what actual dedication and hard work is that the Salisbury firefighters give every shift they put their life on the line for.

  75. So now Bubba Comegys is an expert in the fire service. I remember when he tried to play the part of a firefighter. He went in to a burning house fire and come running out like a freight train. From that point on the real firefighters called him Choo Choo. After that he tried to be a full time driver so that he wouldn't have to fight fire. He was SKEEERRTTT!

    Choo Choo you are not an expert and you have no one in the fire service that respects you so why don't you just go ahead and resign. Save yourself some embarrassment because the only endorsement you will get is from the slumlords.

  76. Memo to Mayor Ireton:

    First thing Monday morning investigate why your appointed acting chief Hopeless is hiring a firefighter in place of a paramedic. There is a difference and this is insubordination and Chief Hopeless needs to be brought up on charges and terminated. Hopeless is also part of the administration that hired firefighter instead of paramedics when the mayor and city council gave them the 6 new paramedic positions. Mayor Ireton by turning your nose on this matter you are condoning this insubordination and you are just as guilty. Please do your job and remove the authority you granted acting chief Hopeless.

  77. I would rather hire fire fighter's to, paramedics are the down fall of the fire service.

  78. What was Engine 2 doing at Ross' at 9:15 tonight?

  79. Anonymous said...

    I would rather hire fire fighter's to, paramedics are the down fall of the fire service.

    9:05 PM

    What a stupid freaking idiot to make this comment. Typical of the fire service wanting EMS for job security, but not wanting to give it up. Maybe that is the best thing that could happen to the city of Salisbury is to separate the fire department and emergency medical services just like they did BHZ. EMS never works in a fire department expecially when you have a fire chief without EMS experience.

  80. Hey 9:05 PM why is the paramedics the downfall of the fire service when 95% of the call volume is EMS? Another stupid farmin that can't pass the entrance exam to get in the Paramedic Program.


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