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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Daily Times Removes Comments, How Convenient!

How well does it work when an individual puts up their real name, posts a comment and then allows others to have it removed?

No curse words, just opinion. Well, the Daily Times, (so all of you know) has a system where you put up a comment. Then it only takes THREE people with different IP Addresses to complain and it automatically removes your comment.

I have always used my name and take FULL responsibility for what I put out there, unlike 98% of the rest of you. The system is wrong, unless you want comments like mine, (THE TRUTH) removed.

I contacted Greg Bassett the other day in reference to this matter and he assured me it would be researched but they don't have the time to look at ALL of the comments.

With ALL due respect Greg, you get 25 to 50 comments a day, MAX. We get 600 to 800 a day, we read each and every one of them and yet we still post more local articles than you do with a full staff.

This morning I have had to re post my comment twice because they keep taking it down and I'm sure I'll have to do it over and over again all day. So are they serving their readers? I say, if ANYONE uses their real name, post it no matter what. I have to LOG IN to assure they know exactly who I am, they should allow it as they have no responsibility from that point forward with what I have to say.

The Daily Times is becoming a Communist Newspaper, only allowing what they want you to hear. Hey Chiefy, go back to work and stop hitting the complaint button.

UPDATE: Here's what I posted on the Daily Times but they continue to remove. It will get more view here than there anyway.

More manufactured news by the former Tilghman Administration. Remember Webster and Tilghman's involvement on the Drill Academy, out of their jourisdiction? Webster knows he's burnt toast, so he's trying to trick everyone into a lawsuit by exposing personell matters, which is against the law. Nice try Chiefy. As for the photo, leave it to the Daily Times to stir the pot even more. Well, they got all of us to comment here so far, I guess it worked. Finally, YOU, (the Daily Times) falsely reported their was a REPORT authored by Cohen AND Campbell. Now you've re-worded your article to still make it look as if they mislead YOU. You produced an article that was a LIE. You asked them if they together had authored a REPORT and they said no, they told the TRUTH. It is their JOB to inform the Mayor and Council ANY and ALL complaints by constituents. Chiefy is acting like a BABY, how dare anyone challenge him. He doesn't belong sitting next to the honorable Sheriff Lewis. Spit, spit!


  1. It may not be a person removing them, Joe. The Daily Times, using Gannett's comment structure, has in place a Report Abuse button for every comment. If it gets clicked enough times by separate users, the comment disappears without the actions of a human, I do believe. I may be wrong on this, but it did come in quite handy during the Mayoral election when vile, vile lies were being perpetuated by supporters of the losing candidate.

  2. Duck, here's what I put up there.

    More manufactured news by the former Tilghman Administration. Remember Webster and Tilghman's involvement on the Drill Academy, out of their jourisdiction? Webster knows he's burnt toast, so he's trying to trick everyone into a lawsuit by exposing personell matters, which is against the law. Nice try Chiefy. As for the photo, leave it to the Daily Times to stir the pot even more. Well, they got all of us to comment here so far, I guess it worked. Finally, YOU, (the Daily Times) falsely reported their was a REPORT authored by Cohen AND Campbell. Now you've re-worded your article to still make it look as if they mislead YOU. You produced an article that was a LIE. You asked them if they together had authored a REPORT and they said no, they told the TRUTH. It is their JOB to inform the Mayor and Council ANY and ALL complaints by constituents. Chiefy is acting like a BABY, how dare anyone challenge him. He doesn't belong sitting next to the honorable Sheriff Lewis. Spit, spit!

  3. It's there now at 11:10 - wait, nope, it's gone again.

    I'm just saying it may not be an actual person in the Salisbury office deleting it, it may be an automatic delete because Chief Webster's supporters like hitting the "Report Abuse" button.

  4. I didn't say it was the Daily Times, but it could be. Nevertheless, my name is on it, therefore their rules should change. If there's a curse word in your comment it picks it up and doesn't allow you to post the comment. JT, JT, BT, MD, LC and others are more than likely behind hitting the abuse button. The Daily Times CLAIMS they go back and look at them, (who knows, perhaps a week later) and decides if they should re post it again but what good does that do.

  5. So I guess you post every single comment (with exception to crude/vulgar comments) on this site? I think not.

  6. You'd be surprised. At least we don't create our own anonymous comment like you JT. Have you fixed your YouTube hits since we mentioned you only get 24 clicks on them whenever you post them. That's OK, our people followed you for quite a while to make sure we had regular stats on it and then we knew just how piss poor your visitors are per day, aside from anylitics. ROTFLMAO! What a loser.

  7. Try removing it now. LOL

    We get many more thousands of hits per day here on Salisbury News than the Daily Times does anyway.

  8. LMAO! I just rejected another JT comment where he claims it's not him. Hey JT, we know its you but you'll NEVER figure out how we know. The joke is on you.

  9. Way to go, Joe! Clap,clap,clap!

  10. Joe another thing about the Daily Times - why, everytime anything goes on with the city council, do they show Gary Tilghman's (oops, I mean Comegys) on the front page with the article. Is he the spokesperson for the city council? Either show all of the city council or none of them - and they talk about C&C having an agenda, BS!

  11. i say all of joe's supporters should copy and paste his comment to the thread.

  12. Joe, have you read Debbie's and Terry's letters or Chief Webster's letter to Mr Ireton? Truthful please!

  13. Joe cant you get three different people to click the abuse on them
    take them out also

  14. Great post, Joe, great post! The Times is playing a game with Campbell, Cohen and Ireton. I read Terry Cohen's press statement during the last round. She TOLD the reporter EXACTLY what she had submitted without telling the confidential details. But the Rag didn't report that.

    The Times played a game of entrapment for their precious buddies. I give them an award as:



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