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Friday, June 05, 2009

WCBOE Public Information Officer to Receive 33% Pay Raise

How big a raise did you get this year?  That is the question that all Wicomico County taxpayers should be asking themselves as the Wicomico County Board of Education (WCBOE) prepares to award their "Public Information Liaison" a whopping pay increase of 33%!

While hardly a bargain for Wicomico taxpayers, we know that this is a steal for Supt. John Fredericksen.  As most of you probably know, the WCBOE's "Public Information Liaison" happens to be the wife of Erick Sahler, managing editor of the Daily Times.  One of the perks of such an "arrangement" is that no unflattering coverage of the BOE appears within the pages of our local rag.

While we regularly read about the problems of the Somerset BOE, the fights between the Worcester County Commissioners and their BOE, and teacher pay issues in several Sussex County school districts (Delaware has independent school districts), coverage of the Wicomico County schools is primarily limited to puff pieces of children receiving awards.  Note that NO coverage was given to the WCBOE's recent decision to increase retiree healthcare benefits.  Note that explanation of the WCBOE's "dollar swap" as budget cut was afforded the same type of explanation as the Daily Times usually reserves for Barrie Tilghman's transgressions; in other words, shine sunshine up people's backsides.  As far as the WCBOE is concerned, increasing Mrs. Sahler's salary from around $40,000 to over $54,000 is the sale of the century.  Most school districts couldn't buy this kind of coverage (or lack thereof);  the Daily Times has sold it pretty cheap.

cross posted on Delmarva Dealings


  1. Worcester County BOE didn't give raises this year. Wicomico shouldn't have either but I hear differently.

  2. Maybe she will do the right thing and turn it down.

  3. I'm moving to Delaware , you guys
    can have this crappy county. WCBOE
    is a joke anyway , overpaid and

  4. And the Mayor only gets $25,000.00

  5. This is extreamly hard to believe Show us your proof please.

  6. 2:27 Glad to have you.

  7. Why on earth are they giving a raise like this when they are facing a budget shortfall? $14,000 could go a long way for programs for the kids.

  8. I know we could put her job up for bid and get a more qualified less inside of a person for $25,000 with no benifits. Come-on they should be cutting positions like this to part time or out all together!

  9. So did Jim Fineran switch jobs?

  10. How about giving our teachers a raise ..They are the ones who teach our children and have to put up with some of these kids nasty mouths and attitudes..plus alot of the stuff they use in the classrooms come outta there own pockets!

  11. What is the difference than what the County Executive did. He let one retire and then bring them back doing the same job for more money along with the retirement. DA DA DA DA. It is a Wicomico Political move that will continue to exist as long as the GOOD OLE BOYS exist. The tax payers hopefully get smart but it is very doubtful.

  12. I agree with 2:57 about Finneran.. The rest of the county employees are getting a big fat $0 raise this year, why should she? Unfair and biased.


  14. Doesn't matter part time/full time, she is a PR person along with Dr. Wilson...why does the board need 2 full time PR people when they are cutting programs that deal directly with the students, when there are buildings still with no AC, when there are classrooms falling apart???? Shouldn't they be focused on those things that directly affect the students and not someone that takes pictures and talks to newspapers? Someone explain why two people are needed to do this when one is a "Dr."?

  15. Anon 1516 -

    My facts are straight. Ms. Sahler's status is being changed from "3/4 time" to full time. Her pay is going up $13,600 a year.

    Given the fact that part of a PIO's job is dealing with the press, her job should be pretty easy given that she doesn't have to worry about adverse press coverage.

  16. I want a 3/4 job that pays 40,000 a year - my fulltime job doesnt' even pay that!

  17. Um, go get a better job then. Looks like you just missed the full time gig at the BOE.

  18. If the BOE has the money to give her a raise then it realy doesn't matter. And, maybe she will need this pay raise when the Daily Times goes out of business and her husband loses his job.

  19. Another fine example of the extreme bloat in the school system that doesn't bother to teach in a County where the Government expenditures grow exponentially faster than the population.

  20. FYI...the teaches are to get a 0% raise this year but will get a step on their payscale. So before you say that the teachers are getting a raise, get your facts. Not every teacher will get a step. Depends on where you are on the scale.

  21. This is not a raise, and reporting it as such, is a distortion of the truth. A new position is a new position. The salary that goes with it is unique to it. I do not believe any of you (those that actually have jobs) would work 33% more for the same money. if this blog wants to be thought of as a viable new source, it should stop distorting the issue. Bsides, the BOE has enough corruption that finding a real story to harp on should not be that hard. Work at it.

  22. I hope SBYnews will now blow the socks off of The Daily Slim.

    I have known they were slanted all along. All one has to do is connect the dots. They have had skewed coverage for years now.

    First it was Greg Bassett's wife, campayne relations director for Wayne Gilchrest.

    Second it was Susan Parker, another managing editor for the DT and also a former WCBOE employee.

    Third it was Eric Sahler's wife, Tracy, the spokesperson for the WCBOE.

    How much more can the citizens take with one of our largest medias being on the take.

  23. Why does the Board need Mrs. Sahler full time and Dr. Wilson full time? Could it be because one of them doesn't do any real work?

  24. Everyone needs to spread the word about all of this.

    Every stone in this County needs to be turned over so that all the citizens will be informed as to what kind of mind altering propaganda The Daily Times dissemninates.


  25. GA, if you want to be taken seriously as a news writer (indeed, if Joe's vision of this site as a source for real news is to be realized) then sensationalistic half-truth headlines should be avoided. Frankly, I don't give a hill o' beans about this position at the BOE, it seems reasonable. But to say that this individual received a raise is playing pretty loose with the facts. If someone's job responsibilities increase from a 3/4 time position to a full-time position, the pay should be commensurate. Argue if you feel the like about the perceived need of this position or the quality of work, but calling it a raise only makes you look unreliable as someone to go to for "news."


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