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Friday, June 05, 2009

Double Murder In Queen Anne County

"Hi. I follow your blog and have heard a rumor that there has been a double murder of two women from New Jersey in the Crumpton/Pondtown area of Queen Annes County. Have you heard anything, will there be a post coming?"


  1. Just read it on WBOC...Does MSP not send u press releases?

  2. MSP Salisbury sends press releases. This is not in their area. It is Centreville

  3. anon 3:37, centreville is still in md.

  4. I just read a story in the Daily Rag that a woman was found dead in a so called car jacking in the Crumpton area. This story doesn't pass the smell test. I bet the husband gets charged.

  5. Anon 6:21.

    Without a doubt. Definitely the husband.

    Who here has stopped at the rest stops on the NJ Turnpike and gotten gas there? Its self serve. There's always a guy at your window or on your car pumping gas. Its perpetually crowded. No one could run up and carjack you and get all the way to Crumpton, MD. Not a chance. Moreover, some guy from New York who wants to off his wife and has a vacation home in Virginia Beach so obviously would think "no one will ever see us in Kent County, MD! my plan is genius!"

    Do your dirty work in NYC, pal.

  6. Gas is NOT self serve in New Jersey.


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