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Monday, June 22, 2009

That Pesky Birth Cirtificate

Billboard cartel says no to questioning ObamaTrade group, headed by Democrat donor, discouraged acceptance of eligibility ad

WASHINGTON – A fourth billboard company has rejected a campaign designed to raise visibility on questions surrounding Barack Obama's eligibility for office– this time by claiming the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, a trade and lobbying group that claims to promote freedom of speech, actually discouraged acceptance.

Just one day after WND broke the story of CBS' rejection of the eligibility billboard campaign, the OAAA issued a press release defending the decision.

Since OAAA's job is lobbying for influence in Washington and negotiating the hurdles of a heavily regulated industry, it is understandable, said Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND and the initiator of billboard effort, that it jumped to the defense of the president."We simply reported the fact that this giant media conglomerate, that Rush Limbaugh would probably characterize as part of the 'state-run media,' was doing what we have witnessed the Big Media do over and over again – protect Obama at all costs."

"It's understandable," he said. "It's even predictable. But it is not moral. It is not right. It is not ethical. It is not in the spirit of a vigorous and free and independent media. These guys are looking for favors from government.

The press is supposed to be watchdogging government." More on this story


  1. The media is as corrupt as the government for the most part. Fox is the exception. It's perfectly obvious that Obama does not have a birth certificate or he would produce it. We have elected someone to the level of president who is not a natural born citizen. It is unbelievable that we did it and even more unbelievable that the people are not outraged and demanding that he resign. Even worse is the fact that many support Obama even though he is not eligible to be president. What good is the constitution if we only pick and choose the parts we like to enforce.

  2. Give it a rest Joe. This story has been thoroughly debunked repeatedly. Fishing for hits?

  3. If nothing is being covered up or hidden from the Public, then where is the transparency that was promised and promoted by Obama and the Democrats?

  4. i do beleive mccain had to go through senate approval since he was born overseas to 2 american citizen parents. why did our illustrious leader not have to do the same?

  5. OH MY GOD!
    What are they hoping to achieve?
    LET IT GO.
    Or make sure you tell your mental health professional about this obsession, so they can give you the help you clearly need.

  6. 9:00 you say the story has been thoroughly debunked repeatedly. How can you say that, no birth certificate has ever been produced. If he had one he would produce it.

  7. Give it up. If anyone of you want to really see the birth certificate go here:

    It sure looks like he was born in the USA to me, but wait that will not help the haters cause.

  8. The problem with this story is not the technicality of the Birth Certificate. It is the agenda.
    President Obama is a GLOBALIST. He is not loyal to America. A person can no longer be elected President if she/he is loyal to America. It will not be allowed. The Federal Reserve controls our government and the people who are elected into it. They are not loyal to America.
    Think about it.

  9. Well if it is not one thing it will be another with you guys, first he is not qualified by birth, and now it is the Federal Reserve. Please, is that the best you have got!

  10. 10:06, a certificate of birth is much different than a birth certificate. Anyone could have received a certificate of birth but it doesn't prove where you were born. Obama is not a natural born citizen and is a disgrace to our country. The process of electing him was flawed and should be fixed before the next election.

  11. 10;42
    "If its not one thing its will be the other with you guys". How pathetic. Obamabots really hate that pesky Constitution, don't they. Why not show the damn thing then. Because his father was really Frank Marshall Davis perhaps?

  12. Even if he HAS a birth certificate,he is not worthy of the office.He schmoozes with too many anti-American people.

  13. Official State of Hawai'i News Release attesting to the existence of Obama's original birth certificate in their records,


    The issue is closed, people. I know that your irrational hatred of Barack Obama knows no bounds... but it's time to start recognizing facts and thinking objectively.

  14. I may be wrong. I haven't seen many birth certificates. I just looked at Obomas and theres nothing on it like a stamp or seal or anything showing its a true copy. And the #'s blacked out? Why. Looks questionable to me.

    Tom Sawyer

  15. Mr Sawyer,

    It is a scanned image on the internet. The seal is there you just have to look very carefully to find it.

  16. have you ever scanned or copied a 'real' birth certificate?

    it shows the word "copy" all over it.

    a COLB is NOT a BC, anyone can get one as long as they are breathing no matter where they were hatched.

    it's obvious these obama supporters have never read his book in which he states he found his "actual" BC in the fold of Frank Davis's book.
    So, where is it?

  17. 1:32 pm.

    Actually no its not. I just checked my facts and Hawaii puts the seal on the back. That little marking near the bottom left is a date also on the back. Dated possibly Jun 2007 or 8. I can't find any fault with this document, and I wanted to.

    I'de put money on it, it real and valid.

    Tom Sawyer

  18. Of course it's real and valid.

    So, if you guys think he wasn't born in the United States (even though the State of Hawai'i says otherwise) please provide proof to back up your claims.

  19. chuck said...
    Of course it's real and valid.

    So, if you guys think he wasn't born in the United States (even though the State of Hawai'i says otherwise) please provide proof to back up your claims.

    3:14 PM

    we don't need proof, obama needs to provide the proof that he has a valid BC, something in which he has gone to extremes to hide.

    A COLB is NOT a BC, anyone can get one no matter where you where bore.

    why do the liberals not care if he qualifies as a "natural born citizen" as with compliance with our constitution?

    Why has he locked down his collage records and paid attorneys to make sure those records do not get examined? Could it be because he received a scholarship as foreigner? Sure it is.

    You liberals trample the constitution and laugh about it.
    This is only one more example.

    Why is obama trying to have the "natural born citizen" clause removed from the constitution? (look it up)

    It does not add up to anyone with 1/2 a brain cell.

  20. 3:32,

    Thank you for your continual insults. I expect nothing less from someone who is consumed by hatred, like you are with Barack Obama. You don't even know me, and you've claimed that I "trample" the Constitution and that I'm stupid. Do you routinely insult people you don't know?

    Sorry, but the State of Hawai'i has confirmed his birth there in 1961. That's all the proof I (or, as you so eloquently put it: "anyone with a 1/2 a brain cell") need... wouldn't you agree?

    I ask again: You made the claim that he isn't natural born. In a logical and reasoned debate, that requires that you back up your assertion. The onus lies upon you to prove what you said is true.

    Do you have proof?

  21. chuck, lets see some proof of a real birth certificate not a COLB and we will have something to debate.

    Until then obama is not a natural born citizen as described by our constitution. Yeah I know, liberals don't think our constitution is worth the ink that's on it.

    but tell us, why would he seal his collage records?
    why would he fight to not produce his original birth certificate when he admitted to having it?

    why does his relatives say he was born in another country?

    why does that country have a tourist site dedicated to the birth place of obama?

    liberals are blind as long as they get things the way they want them.

    why do you hate America so, that you would defend a person that is not a 'natural born citizen' as POTUS just because he wants liberal socialism that is left of Chavez and Castro?

  22. 10:18,

    The State of Hawai'i has already settled the issue. The Supreme Court dismissed the lawsuit as frivolous. I've already provided you with those links, multiple times.

    You, on the other hand, offer nothing but conjecture, innuendo, and more insults.

    Let me give you, ON MORE TIME, a remedial education in logic and argumentation:

    If you make a claim, then the onus is upon you to prove it to be true. You've claimed Obama isn't natural born. Now you have to prove it, or your argument is useless.

    That's how this works.


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