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Monday, June 22, 2009

Salisbury News About To Publish 15,000 Posts

While we have published more, Salisbury News is about to publish our 15,000th Post since we've been on Blogger.

I don't care what anyone says, that's some serious volume. The days of 3 or 4 Posts a day are long gone.

2009 (4,784) So far....
2008 (6,962)
2007 (1,509)
2006 (1,072)
2004 (1)

We were not on Blogger in 2005 and part of 2007. We hope you've enjoyed what we have delivered over the years and the future looks really bright towards the end of this year.

Could Obituaries and Sports be next?????


  1. Red Bull...."The Bloggers Little Helper"

  2. Sports, yes; obituaries, no...Let the Daily Times do the depressing stuff

  3. If u do obits there would be no need for me to log on to their site. I log on read and log off. Dont even see what their negative comments are or their view of things.

  4. How about an Idiot of the week. (No Lunatics), just idiots.

  5. leave the sports alone, way to much garbage to weed through.

    sports are everywhere and easy to find.

    the obits would be a great addition, families appreciate it when they can get the word out easily.

  6. Recipe of the week???

  7. Enjoyed? How about can't live without? My mornings start with coffee and sbynews. I love your blog, Joe.

    Obits would be a good thing to add; sports I can live without, but go for it! I don't have to read the sports stories. Just keep up the good work. I know you devote a great portion of your time to this blog, and I appreciate it. I've told many people that if they want to know what's REALLY going on in this area, go to sbynews.

  8. I agree blogs (news) is good. Sounds like SBYNEWS is going to be our next source of what is going on. More blogs than years ago, we are all bored with the local news and local newspaper(s). What is local anymore to fill news and expect comments, NewCastle Del.? Sure, comments will come and most are actually in perspective on their accessments of what they have read..Who is right and who is wrong in most cases..Not sure why keeping track of how many hits are recorded..unless...oh..this is a business isn't it. Keep up the good stuff that you find "in between" filler stuff.


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