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Monday, March 16, 2009

Obama's H.R.1388, "The Give Act" To Reform The National Service Laws

Obama Requires American's to SERVE, H.R.1388, "The Give Act" to reform the National Service Laws

HR 1388, will hit the House floor on Tuesday.It is called the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (The Give Act.) The House is scheduled to Rule this week. Sponsored by Democrat Representative Carolyn McCarthy (NY), Education and Labor Committee. The objective is to reauthorize and reform the national service laws.

Democrat Rep. McCarthy is sponsoring the bill with 25 co-sponsors, ALL Democrats, including Charlie Rangel.

You can CLICK HERE......The Library of Congress Thomas

And CLICK this one too

From clicking on the link above: ( these are just a few of the things)

* Government the right to require individuals to give 3 years service under the guise of “volunteer” service

GO HERE to read more!


  1. Reminds me of the army, you got to "volunteer" for stuff there too. This is scary stuff if I'm reading it correctly.

  2. In the Navy you could volunteer for special areas. I proudly did for SUBMARINE service and was accepted. I would do it again.

  3. After reading a bit more then half of the HR the only thing I saw about 3yr requirments was in regards to organizations requesting grant money under the bill, they will be required to provide a min 3 years plan, and be required to continue to operate over the 3yrs after being given money...

    again I was just glancing over it just my observations

  4. This is the first step to a draft, or maybe it is like the old SS. The last step in indoctrination. You cannot have inde. thinkers in a totalitarian government.

  5. This is the most commie-fied thing I have heard of in a while!The words "national service" just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

  6. There is no doubt very much hidden in this bill. The "Give away the Farm" bill might be a more appropriate name. One thing tucked in the folds of the legalize is mention of mandatory National ID Cards. It's all about the "volunteers" on the surface, yet I can't help but feel that is simply a diversion.

    One of the provisions is a mandatory 3 year stint if one wishes to receive a grant. Hmmm. How are those things connected, anyway?

    I really have to say that I am very skeptical of any bill, propostion that says, "volunteer", "children", "help the (fill in the blank)" - it seems they all have an agenda.


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