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Monday, March 16, 2009


I had an email come in that just went right over my head. Is the sender of this on to something or just a plain old ranting raving lunatic? Help me decide. Here is the email:

Don't worry, Obama will get a world war started so we can have economic prosperity. Just like FDR.

FDR cut off the sale of oil and scrap metal to the Japanese and then moved the Pacific Fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor to give the Japs a nice, juicy target.

We had broken the Japanese codes so we made sure the aircraft carriers were not in port when they attacked.

And how about the Neutrality Laws? FDR violated everyone of them. He had the US Navy fighting the German U boats in the Atlantic six months before Pearl Harbor.

He did everything he could to provoke Germany and Japan so we could get in the war.

He should be remembered as a warmonger who killed 400,000 Americans for nothing.

I know you history buffs and experts are out there reading so please help us make sense of this.


  1. It's probably half right.

    One the correct side:

    Trade with Japan was restricted.
    He did move the aircraft carriers away from Pearl Harbor.
    He probably knew of an impending attack (controversial assertion, but likely correct to some degree).

    On the incorrect side:

    Codes were broken later.
    FDR was not a warmonger. He didn't elect Hitler, and he didn't put Japan on an path of conquest.
    U boats were sinking American ships. You don't need to be at war to defend yourself. This was no violation of neutrality.
    He could have provoked Japan and Germany in many other and more obvious ways.
    WWII wasn't fought for nothing. It got rid of the worst leaders and put us on the road to prosperity.

  2. I was recently "alerted" to the danger of Obama and his New World Order....seems that there are some people who believe that this is all part of a master plan begun years and years ago....
    Paranoid??? It would seem so. Interesting how these conspirators managed to create the financial chaos which we're now experiencing. If we're going to be mad at someone, lets make it those unconvicted criminals on Wall Street. They're the source of most of MY troubles now.

  3. 12:22 Good knowledge of history. It is unfortunate that the Aircraft Carrier controversy will go on forever. I really believe that was dumb luck. The Pacific commanders were not united in planning at that time.

  4. 12:22 is right on. I'll add that the U.S had good reason to restrict trade with Japan at the time--the Japanese were engaged in a horrific attack on China, killing hundreds of thousands innocent civilians.

  5. I would be more concerned if you WERE able to decipher it. Did this person also get bitten by that confounded rat? Sounds like an 80 plus old man who is angry that FDR possibly "pitched woo" with his wife. I have offered this advice before; being a dillweed towards FDR will get you as many fans/goodwill as taking an "upper decker" in a convent toilet.

    BTW...Just prior to December 7th the Hornet and Enterprise were sent out of port on an exercise to deliver a squadron of Marine fighter planes {VMF-211-read how much havoc these few planes caused befor the Island was eventually over-run by superior Imperial Japanese landing forces}to the, ultimately, ill-fated base on Wake Island because tensions were increasing near the Phillipines/Guam. Fortuitous break indeed.

  6. Thanks everyone for the good info.

    As I suspected, it sounds like this person was just trying to start trouble.

  7. TS. What is scary is there are a lot of older folks out there like this, and I don't think they are trying to start trouble, per se. I think they really believe that jive {they sit around and have the jabronis at Fox news yell at them 24/7 and can't understand how WE are so stupid.} BTW....Did you enjoy Jon Stewart's public disembowelling of Jim Cramer as much as I did? I placed the videotape in my v.i.p. section right next to my copies of Caddyshack and the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" game against the Soviets.

  8. He really let him have it. I couldnt believe how much EVERYONE in the MSM talked about it. It was like "finally, someone said what we were all thinking."

    You know we are in trouble when the "news stations" are looking to The Daily Show for answers. Good thing I have been w/ The Daily Show all along...since back in the Craig Kilbourn days.

  9. I've been with The Daily Show since the beginning, too {shout out to Mr. Colbert who is actually playing a notorious "character" while also making challenging comedy}, and I've tried to tell my in-laws {perhaps you've seen their work somewhere before} they need to evolve; or transform into dust in the wind. "Sal" comes to my house for visits and stays like two three weeks with "Estelle" on my sofa-bed-not only does he listen to the Cramer guy yell at him all day {recent estimates reflect Cramer's "wisdom" has cost "Sal" in excess of 300k in lost/stolen stock equity; but he still yells at me for being foolish enough to take his daughter to a Fleetwood Mac concert for $80 a ticket}; but because he is also hard of hearing he actually turns that twit-bag's volume up. I usually counter-attack by barricading myself in the garage and playing "Gold-Digger" by Kanye West and "Friends In Low Places" by Garth Brooks through my p.a., at mucho extreme volumes, until U.N. peacekeepers intervene on the neighborhood's behalf. For me, it always seems to boil down to that immortal line from that sexy Barbara Billingsley: " Chump don' want the help; chump don' get no help."

  10. This moron probably also thinks the US Gov't is responsible for the 9-11 attacks.

  11. there is a great piece on national review online about the stewart v cramer thing.

    Maybe if John Stewart took Barney Frank (boyfriend worked at Fannie Mae making huge bonuses - aren't those evil?) and Chris Dodd (received more $$$ from Fannie and Freddie employees than anyone else in the Senate) to task like he did Cramer, I could give him a gram of respect. But alas, Stewart is one of the most partisan people on TV. He would still be on Bush right now if he broke as many campaign promises as Obama has in a few months. No earmarks? really?

    And it's quite funny how you refer to conspiracy theorists of WWII, yet most of you probably think Bush and Cheney were responsible for 9-11. What's the difference?

  12. I am an history buff, but FDR did not fight the U-boats 6 months before WWII. He help support Great Britain by giving/selling some of our old warships and supplies. Look back in the history books.

  13. "No earmarks? really?"

    I thought it was McCain who was against earmarks?


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