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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Pittsburgh Steelers Win The Superbowl 27-23


  1. dang joe your the first on that one!!! they won only seconds ago lol!!!!

  2. Steelers + Refs win superbowl!

  3. They certainly can't boast that it was in the bag, though! Cards gave em' a run for their money.

  4. It wasnt a holmes T.D. and it wasnt a fumble when the arm is going foward, but obama did pick pitt. and obama cant be wrong ...can he ?

  5. Oh, was the Superbowl on today? I haven't watched football in years, it's all commericals and penalties. It's like watching retards play chess.

  6. I love how the Ravens' logo was on all during the HD feed on Comcast. Sorry Raven fan, but Flacko and Lewis are sitting in Baltimore instead of playing in Tampa

  7. anonymous 10:32, he picked Hillary, didn't he!

  8. Steeler Country has just gotten bigger and moved southeast from Pittsburgh! Ha Ha Sorry Raven fans, but there is always next year.

  9. For all of you Black and Gold haters....

    Kick our A$@...we are world champions...

    And the ravens are left to dance in super bowl commercials...nice touch Ray Ray...

  10. Once again Joe , you are right on.

  11. Typical Ravens fan, whining still. Blaming the refs, right? No, the calls were actually very good last night. And the Ravens were never robbed during the season, so quit your crying and move onto something productive. Ravens suck, Steelers are the champions for the 6th time (can the Ravens players even count to 6?), and you're still a sore loser.

  12. 10:25

    Yeah, that roughing the passer call was so "rough".

  13. Steelers SUCK!

    No team in the NFL can beat the refs and the Steelers!
    ANON 10:25 watched the same game I did.

  14. What a great game. It was a boring first half. I was extremely disappointed with the commercials. There were a few that were funny, but for $3,000,000 for 30 seconds of advertising they could have done a lot better than that. Congratulations to both teams for making this an exciting game. Time for family and friends to come together and watch the game and keep us on the edge of our seats right up to the end.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. whatever. black and yellow wins another one whoopie.
    its in the past and the 2009 season begins NOW.

  17. I would just like to say as a die-hard Ravens fan, I was actually wanting the Steelers to win Sunday. Granted, I do not like them, never have, (although I do believe i dislike the fans more than the players) but it says something for the Ravens that the team to beat us was the team to win the superbowl. Now I know a lot of other Ravens fans will not like me for saying this but I dont really care, I am a mature enough person to admit that the Steelers are a good team. There are instances in EVERY game where the refs screw up. You just have to play better if they do and if you dont then you lose. And yeah we didnt make it the the Superbowl, but something has to be said for us making it to the AFC championship game and giving the Steelers a fight while having a new quarterback and coach. With all that said I think the Ravens did amazing and I am proud of my team, so all of you who are being jerks about Ravens not getting to the superbowl please just shutup. This is why half the country hates the Steelers.


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