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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Campbell On Reddish

Debbie Campbell will be on Bill Reddish morning show at 7:40 on WICO 1320 AM

To volunteer to help Debbie with her campaign or donate, click here How You Can Help


  1. Debbie is such a beautiful women god I love her.

  2. Inside and out...and she loves Salisbury. If all of our elected officials could put aside personal gain and work FOR SALISBURY imagine how great Salisbury could be. Get those contributions going, offer sign placements, etc. Go Deb, go!

  3. Although election campaigns are usually beneficial for the common cause, in this case there is no reason to have one in District 2, even in the general election, in light of the candidates.

    Mr Boda: please spare us and yourself the toil of an election in District 2 this year. Start attending the City Council meetings regularly -- not just a few times before the election -- and getting prepared to run in 2011.

  4. Special interests have always tried to paint Debbie in a negitive light and pay dearly to do so.

    There is such a thing as tenent rights. However, most fear retaliation reporting home violations. They fear eviction for least little thing or a huge increase in their rent.

    This only continues to fuel public apathy and keeps all of the people down.

  5. Joe do you think the Reddish show would provide a link to listen online? My radio at home goes in and out and I miss a lot of content. It would only increase the listeners.

    Do they have a link to it at their own site?

  6. 7:27, good idea. Lots of people calling in, they just might get live streaming. Their audiences would really pop!

  7. Anon: 7:23. In these economic times I don't believe any landlord is quick to evict for such a childish reason.

  8. Tell that to the tenents in your roach and mouse infested slumhouse. They know if they complain the rent will go up.


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