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Friday, January 09, 2009

In God We Trust

Here's your chance to let the media know where the people stand on our faith in God, as a nation. NBC is taking a poll on "In God We Trust" to stay on our American currency. Please do it right away, before NBC takes this off the web page. The poll is still open so you can vote. NBC Poll


  1. I just voted a big fat NO! Don't remove it!

  2. Now I wouldn't classify myself as a believer in God. But come on. It's a couple of words. Does it really effect you or hurt you in any way?

    Leave it imo.

  3. I couldnt care less, put sponge bob on the darn thing if it makes it worth more.

  4. we don't go to nbc for anything.

  5. I couldn't find a "vote" link...

  6. Doug, We all have prayed to God at 3 o'clock in the morning at the porcelain alter at one time or another. For no reason other than that "In God We Trust"!

  7. Not me TED, I didnt like their religions or their Gods so I made my own.

  8. Should the motto "In God We Trust" be removed from U.S. currency? * 10013213 responses
    Yes. It's a violation of the principle of separation of church and state.
    No. The motto has historical and patriotic significance and does nothing to establish a state religion.

  9. I just voted no on NBC, so where should I go to vote on the school wear your Sunday Best issue?

  10. Obviously the Federal Reserve Notes we currently use are only going to be around a little while longer. The pertinent question is this: should the Amero have "in God we trust" ? Perhaps NBC is doing the research on behalf of the North American Union, so the powers that exist will know how best to patronize the subjects . . . I mean slaves . . . I mean citizens / sheople / pigs / zygotes ?!$#?

    Welcome to the machine.

  11. I know of someone who works but does NOT get a paycheck. She was given a plastic " debit/credit " card from her employer and her money is added to it on payday. I asked, How do you know if taxes are being taken out or if you are even getting paid for your real time? She said, We get an email with our hours and schedule in it. I am sorry, but this sounds like a scam to me but she DOES have her money on her card on payday.I won't name the company she works for but it is an inventory company.
    I guess this is the future? No paper money at all?

  12. Nixon took us off the gold exchange, its been paper ever since, just paper...

  13. No way dont remove it thanks for giving me opportunity to vote

  14. one more time...

    separation of church & state has nothing to do with where God's name is printed in this or any other country.
    SIMPLY put, it means that our government CANNOT tell you what religion you have to practice if any at all.

  15. Anon 5:42. I know of several companies that do this in an effort to be "green" & go "paperless". The company that I work for encourages direct deposit into a bank account & only gives us our paystubs on the computer (we have acess for several years & can print them whenever necessary). The whole debit card thing is a rip off IMO. You get usage charges for them (well, the one where I used to work)!! I hope we don't lose cash altogether but it looks as though we're going in that direction.

    Personally, I do not believe in god. However, I DO feel as though "in god we trust" should remain on our money. It is a part of our history. I am not offended by this statement on our money or a court house wall. I do not feel like this crosses the boundary of church and state either.

  16. No....DO NOT REMOVE!!!

  17. Which God? Some gods have names. This fiat currency has the word God on it. Who's god is this? Is this your god? Or, is this the god of the Saduccees in the temple? Is it the god Horus, son of Isis? Is it the god for which G symbolizes on the Great Seal of the United States?

  18. All I know is this: it is not my god. My god has a name.


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