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Friday, January 09, 2009


The Maryland State Police and Wicomico County Sheriff's Department are RIGHT NOW in a High Speed Chase heading into Virginia. The WCSO has 6 Deputies right now Tee's Corner at 120 MPH! The WCSO tried to initiate a traffic stop and the perps took off. More to come.

Their radios are apparently breaking up because they're so far away. Supervisor just asked some of the Officers to back off. They're now in Temperantville, VA. (sp?)

Word is they're going to try and pit the driver. Worcester County Sheriff's Department is also involved in the chase. Virginia State Police are now involved. They're saying there are TOO MANY vehicles in the chase.

You have to wonder how much dope these people threw out the window along the way.

They're trying to clear Rt. 13 to get everyone out of the way so innocent bystanders don't get hurt.

DRIVER just jumped across the Highway and heading SOUTH BOUND in the NORTH BOUND LANES!

They're saying at the initial stop area they discarded something. It's very quiet right now, perhaps we lost our connection? It could also mean they stopped them? OR, they could be in the Bay Bridge Tunnel at this rate of speed. We're awaiting something because it's still quiet.

The vehicle has wrecked, the chase is over outside of North Hampton Virginia.


  1. I wonder if they locked down some schools to keep the buses off the roads? I wonder if they know because they have banned the news source that could inform them?

  2. i hear they got into an accident in nelsonia va....6 other cars involved??

  3. Go get'em Mikey. Gotta replace that car with the banged up bumper from the last chase into Delaware.

  4. wheres matt jones?

  5. That's an incredible chase. I hope that nobody was hurt. Will copter footage be on the news?

  6. My husband just watched 18 cop cars chase the Ford Explorer past Keller, Va. The car was driving south in the north bound lane.

  7. I just typed in Northampton Va into google maps and it looks like they crashed out only 10-15 miles from the Bay Bridge Tunnel. Now that's a long chase!!

  8. They got em'. VSP pitted them apparently before the bridge tunnel. It was a ford explorer with New York Plates.

  9. Just goes to show New yorkers are Stupid.
    where the ehck did he think he was going to go when he got to the tunnel anyway.

  10. Joe, to all the Nay Sayers and he anti-Albero bloggers it is obvious that more people read your blog then just locals from Salisbarrie. Look at the comments from my Eastern Shore of Virginia friends.

  11. Some people are just so stupid!

  12. Dear anonymous 3:52, Lets get this? You send a comment to Joe's blog,criticizing new yorkers????? Ha,ha you really are a Dee dee dee arn't you? Guess where Joes from? Do you really think his blog would be as sucessful as it is if he was from "The Berry"? NOT!!!! He'd probably turn a blind eye to the truth of much that goes on in salisbury if he was from here and we wouldnt' get many of the true facts that we do. Just sign me a fellow new yorker.

  13. Allow me to speak my mind for a minute about this.

    First of all, this is the 2nd "high speed pursuit" involving WCSO, and the 2nd ending in motor vehicle crashes. Why?

    $14,000 a cocaine is of mild importance in today's world. While I am not advocating for the suspects of these crimes it's hard to believe that it was necessary.

    What if someone was hit, what if the suspects vehicle collided with an innocent motorist? What if a police cruiser collied with a pedestrian or another vehicle. I would think that then the $14,000 of cocaine would be of any importance at all.

    If they (the suspect} have not been suspected of harming other people; I, as a citizen paying for police protection, through taxes, would not object to calling off a police chase.

    While I understand that this would "promote" running from the cops I am only looking out for my wellbeing. I'm not trying to get hit by a suspect or a cop over $14,000 of cocaine. My life is worth a lot more than any amount of drugs.

  14. 6 cars hope all weren't from wicomico co. If so they need to get a policy on chasing. Seems like a lot of cars. Was anyone left in the county to handle all the calls they get. Lets see, wicomico co, somerset co, worcester co, msp, fruitland, princess anne, pocomoke city, accomac co, north hampton co, exmore pd, plus that would be a lot of agencies to get involved, maybe to many.

  15. That's why we ALL drive defensively so you will see all this coming and get the hell out of the way.

  16. Hey 6:16,

    The police should not chase them huh, ok, let the guys go with 14K in Cocaine. What if your kids got ahold of this cocaine, then the police would not be doing their jobs huh?? Right, oh lets not chase 3 teenagers in a stolen car that just committed a burglary. If it was YOUR house you would expect the police to chase them, but since it isn't, that is ok. Oh and that chase with the teenagers, yeah, read this story:


  17. 6:16 PM Well then, why chase or arrest anybody? For heaven's sake...Look at the long run, I'm sure the good citizens of Virginia Beach appreciate it. Who knows who he was going to get hooked on drugs from this man's actions. This is one reason why laws are made that they can pursue. Who knows WHY they're running?? Why don't you go visit this suspect in jail and ask him???
    And another thing Mr or Mrs soft on crime, how do the Police know that he (or any fleeing suspect) doesn't have something else going on in that car? Like transporting guns or maybe even a kidnapped child? Or a dead body? Or large amounts of cash that is destined for a terrorist group? Maybe the fleeing suspect just committed a murder? Or maybe he's got some explosives in the car that's to be used by a terrorist group? The Police don't know until the suspect is stopped and an investigation is made. HE'S the one that chose his path, not the Police. They are there to stop this kind of criminal behavior and THANK GOD they do it! UNFORTUNATELY, they are not mind readers and have a hard enough job to deal with rather than reading comments from liberal individuals like you!
    You're rationalization is absurd, it's best you don't have anything to do with making laws or rules otherwise this Country/State would be in anarchy.
    You would be the first one griping about how the Police don't do a thing..
    If you don't like it, run for the U.S. Supreme Court and change it! But be prepared for the results. The U.S. Supreme Court has determined that the Police CAN and SHOULD pursue fleeing suspects, BECAUSE who knows what they're running for (see above).
    I for one am extremely GLAD and THANKFUL that the Police pursue and catch these fleeing idiots. THANK YOU to ALL LEO! AWESOME JOB and KEEP IT UP!

  18. Here's my question. Who paid for the gas for the rides back home? I mean, you guys had to be close to empty after all that. Thanks for getting that THUG, drug dealing piece of crap off the road guys! Don't worry about the nay sayers. Their like opinions and you know where I'm going with that.

  19. Did this start just before how sweet it is. Something going on there. Anon 6:16 If the perps had drawn their guns would you change your mind if someone was shot at the original stop??

  20. $14,000 in COCAINE. NO IMPORTANCE?????????? And just where do you draw the line? Maybe next time the Police can just ask the drug smuggler (because they're so honest):"ok...just how much cocaine do you have in your car? We have to know before we chase you. You see this man thinks that approximately 5 Ounces of Cocaine is NOT enough to do damage in this world and he doesn't wanting us chasing you, so how much do you have?"
    6:16 Leave this Country, go to Amsterdam or somewhere...you and you're ideals disgust me and I'm sure alot of other individuals.
    Do you know how many lives can be destroyed by $14,000 in Cocaine? And yes, he could kill someone in a chase, and it would be unfortunate and the pursuing cops would be forever in counseling, but they didn't choose to run...the criminal did...ooops...the "alleged" criminal did (that make you happy?). He's the one responsible for driving like a complete fool. Why don't you talk some sense into him?

  21. Thanks Joe, just for the record...it'd suck running out of gas:)

  22. What if? What if? What if? What if 6:16's fingers got glued to the key board.

  23. The problem was it was a minor traffic violation. In any other part of the country now a days that would have never have happened.

  24. Police Pursuits kill an average of one person per day in the United States. That is a fact determined by the NHTSA. Pursuits also end in a collision approximately 33% of the time and injure thousands every year. If you notice I mentioned “approximately.” There is not a requirement or standard for any police department to report on their police pursuits. In fact, many departments do not keep records of their pursuits and many others will never release the information they have to the public. As a citizen or police officer, you must ask yourself why this is and what are police departments scared of?

  25. Cops can't even drive on icey roads with PLENTY of warning without killing someone, you think tunnel vission cops can do the same? I bet not.

  26. Officers face the basic dilemma associated with high-speed pursuits of fleeing suspects: Do the benefits of potential apprehension outweigh the risks of endangering the public and the police? Research indicates that too many restraints placed on the police regarding pursuits can put the public at risk. In the other hand, insufficient controls on police pursuit can result in needless accidents and injuries.

    And a life taken due to this chase out weigh the benefits of apprehension of the suspect.

  27. The police in all counties and the state of VA knew well in advance there was a high speed chase headed in their direction. Being people of a certain level of intelligence and training I think it would be safe to assume they blocked access to Rt 13 at all major intersections. Anyone trying to enter the highway not at a blocked intersection would have to be deaf and blind to not see and hear them chasing these idiots.

    Now, I want to know...did they have dope money on them and if they did, how much was it and what agency gets to lay claim to it?

  28. 7:52 You know about as much as 6:16. I love these people that second guess the cops. Let them do their job and stay the hell out of the way. W/O them people like you and 6:16 would be dead because the public wouldn't put up with you long. My money is on the fact that you and 6:16 were beat up alot in school????

  29. 7:58...no life was taken, you can breathe easy now. Maybe you'd like to have the criminal live with you?

  30. How many cars wrecked at WCSO ??? Some chases are worth it. I would say this. if my family would have been killed for 14k in coke I would be livid or just take justice in my own hands. But all is well that ends well. Use your common sense. I guarantee if the cops chasing killed one of their own family members you would not hear all this macho bullshit. It ended well so lets just leave it at that. Rapist, Murder yea dope dealers sell to dope users dont kill my kid for some freakin dope user, supply and demand. Chase the bad ones. Dope dealers are a dime a dozen+ Great Job use your common sense. No stop sticks for a 70 miles. Hmmmmmmmm some was having too much fun. Ilove the local cops but use your heads. You had the guys i.d. if this blog is correct.

  31. No maybe you would like your kid plastered all over the dash. Think about it.

  32. That's a very GOOD question.

    Where were the stop sticks? 70 miles of pursuit and NOT a SINGLE stop stick? HA! Really? That's too much.

    Now I TOTALLY agree with everyone, these cops were doing this for FUN. How else do you explain it?

  33. Boy the cop haters are coming out of the woodwork.

    I wonder how many of these naysayers on here have been caught breaking the law. That usually puts a bad taste in someones mouth after they've been busted.

  34. wow... you commenters are pathetic. Sometimes you actually have to prove to an idiot that you can't outrun a police radio and their cars. The result is WHAT? This police bashing? I'm, for one, glad this happened. I pay my police officers to do this dangerous job, and lately they took down a bunch of dummy "bloods" kids who were way out of control. This action shows me that the people I pay to protect my kids from snorting cocaine are doing the job I paid them for. If anyone out there is angry about this, than I hold that they are just angry that there will be less coke for them to snort. learn to be part of the majority, punks.

  35. 9:25, yeah, that makes a whole hell of alot of sense...they had the i.d. Do you think he just handed the Cocaine out the window? "Here you go Officer...now I'm taking off"...There's no way of knowing what the guy had...he could have had your child hidden under the blankets, you fool. Do you realize that people have died to get that Cocaine here?????? You don't look at that do you? Use your common sense, idiot

  36. 9:49, just for the record: stop sticks were deployed over 10 times trying to get this guy to stop. Througout the chase they were used. Can you believe that he swerved around them???? What the hell do you think? Of course they were used. And no S.O. cars were damaged from my understanding. read the press release

  37. y'know, these naysayers on here, when their kid ends up on crack, heroin, cocaine or the likes...they expect the police to come take care of it and then blame them because they don't "clean" up the streets...Well, aholes, you can't have it both ways...

  38. Amen Glad for the Police. You have said everything that I wanted to say. Good job guys, and thanks for taking this scurge of the earth of the streets at least for a while.

  39. Well done officers from all departments. To the dumb dumb's out there these cops had no idea why they were chasing this guy, they just knew he took off from a traffic stop, maybe he was a serial rapist with a victim in the back, or maybe he was a maniac with every intentions of shooting up a school, they didn't know! The point is they got the guy AND got 14k of coke off the streets! Just think before you type it does wonders...idiots

  40. i c my explanated comment didnt make it to the post in regards to jurisdictions


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