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Friday, January 16, 2009

Here's What My Son Brought Home


  1. Well I know who won't be going to school that day.....my kids. W.P.W.W.

  2. great job PMS! btw, not sure if its a sign, but my word verification for this one was "Bless" as though this post is/was blessed :)

  3. Save it , you may run out of toilet

  4. What a great opportunity to teach and learn Civics, a subject that has been grossly under taught in the recent past.

  5. Hail to the chief??? PRICELESS

  6. Anon631 -

    Idiot... Hail to the Chief is the official march of the President of the United States. The song accompanies the President at almost every public appearance and was made the official music to announce the POTUS in 1954.

  7. Will there be the checking of birth certificates?

  8. Will there be the checking of birth certificates?

    Anyone who mentions birf certificates will be accused of racism and not wanting to see a 'Brother in the White House' as has happened here so many times.

    Did any of you finish elementary school in the third grade?

    Well thats how they do it in Pocomoke and the Middle School starts em in the fourth grade.

    This is such an obvious double standard, but be ready to be called a racist if you call it a double standard.

    What a crock of... OBAMANATION!

  9. Thank you, thank you. I am so glad the school, teachers and students are spending the day doing activities to honor President Obama.My son has very few friends of his race at school since the school has not really been fully integrated. I don't consider the small percent of black students a fair number for acceptable integration. President Obama to us is a breath of fresh air. He is looked upon almost as a father of the future. He is blessed by God and all other religions that are part of his roots and heritage. A new world leader who stands tall among all men has emerged. Everything has worked out so nicely with the inauguration being held the day after the celebration of Dr.Martin Luther King's birthday. To add to our delight a week later we all celebrate Black History Month. I am sure every day in February will be filled with lessons crediting the black Americans who have achieved greatness such as sports players, musicians, inventors, orators, authors, poets, senators, governors, etc. Dr. King's dream has been fulfilled and our ancestor's prayers answered. I am very proud of our school.

  10. I don't know how many of my black brothers and sisters read this blog but I am getting a belly full of all these racists remarks. Maybe we need to have a march down the street of Salisbury. I marched in Cambridge in my younger days and I can do it again with some help.The black churches need to organize our people and send a message to our sick white folks. Talking ain't getting us nowhere.We need to set an example for our children and the dream of Dr. King.

  11. Oh my gosh, this school is having kids learn about the path to the presidency and presidential ceremony? And on top of that they're reading about history and doing writing prompts!?!

    Me native Eastern Shore mama/papa, me no want my kids to learn this high falutin' edumakation. Me keep my kids home Tuesday. Me hope they stay on Eastern Shore forever, where they no need to know such fancy stuff.

    I understand people not liking Obama, hell I didn't vote for him. But get over yourself, do you realize how ignorant you look when you object to what's on that flyer?

  12. blamin the man before he even there. thats racism

  13. "It's racially motivated!"

    "It's politically motivated!"

    I'm very sad for all of you screaming about how awful it is that school children should be learning about a presidential inauguration and have fun doing it.

    Has it EVER dawned you, aside from race and politics, that Barack Obama is going to the highest office of our nation with the highest approval ratings EVER since ratings started being tracked?

    Maybe a lot of this is because, after 8 dismal years of war, recession, lost standing in the world, that people are just plain HAPPY that Bush is leaving and Barack Obama, who inspires MOST people to want to bring out the best in themselves, is going to be president?

    This is "motivated" all right. Motivated by a man who has a healthy, loving relationship with his wife and daughters who is inheriting the worst in economic and international times.

    Rather than focus on what you can do to help get this country and your neighbor through this awful time, you'd rather complain about celebrating a national event that is also historic in nature.

    Not everyone is celebrating because of the "double standard" you cry out about. How many of you did anything about that "double standard" when it meant kids of color couldn't even attend those schools?

  14. I have to agree with Anon911 and Anon1037 have said.

    It sounds really ignorant to keep your kids from getting an education on Tuesday because you do not like the incoming president. Like it or not, I'm sure this will not be the only day that the children will learn about politics and more importantly not the only day they will talk about the First Black President in the classroom.

    WPWW, Do you keep your kids home the whole month of February too, when most schools celebrate Black History month? I really would like to know.

  15. 2:07, You know whats wrong with that (you marching), that would be ok in your opionion, But the minute us white people do it or even think of marching or protesting anything, boy look out, we are deeemed racists. Do you consider yourself racist for thinking of such, and what exactly would be your message? Your savior is here, you celebrate it, he is not my savior and doesn't have any experience to be a world leader, therefore I will voice my opionion as you have and why is mine or the ones prior to your comment so wrong? Go to another site where The Obamaniacs are celebrating the Obama nation brotherhood...What about an all white beauty pageant, a white history month, a white college fund, there are just as many whites in need than blacks? After all we are all one right, you have your views, we/I have ours and I do believe that is what makes America!!!!! I didn't vote for Obama but I sure hope he does a good job, for all of us.

  16. My son has very few friends of his race at school since the school has not really been fully integrated.

    What planet do you live on?

    My son is one of two white boys in his class.

    Both of his teachers are black.

    The majority of employees and staff at PMS are black.

    The black kids are allowed to call my white son things like " you are MY nigger boy..." without a word being spoken to them by the teacher.

    What do you think would happen if my white son made the same statement to his black classmate?

    There is open racism, its obvious by all the comments here.

    The Open Racism is Blacks Against Whites!

  17. Obama's goofy face is on Metro passes this week. Washington looks like Nairobi, with hand-lettered signs flacking Obama souvenirs for sale on New York Avenue.

    It's kind of embarrassing. I mean, the guy isn't even able to prove he's a natural born citizen. I guess if you have enough money you can now buy the presidency of the US.

    For the first time, I am ashamed of my country.

  18. And AmBlacks have turned into terrible racists, and aren't even ashamed of it. I bet Frederick Douglass is turning over in his grave. He fought for equal rights, not black racism against whites.

  19. Anon 1:18pm

    Then get out!

  20. Boss Hogg

    Anyone who mentiones birth certificates won't be accused of racism, just stupidity.

    This is one of the reasons why the Eastern Shore was a joke with most people. I am glad that is slowly changing.

  21. Joe, I know it is late now, but did you see the footage of Black Panthers acting as "security" at Phili. polling places? YOu can find it on YouTube. Of course, Fox News was the station covering it so no one will believe it is true.

  22. Anyone who mentiones birth certificates won't be accused of racism, just stupidity.

    Did you have to present an original birth certificate to obtain your passport?

    Why doesn't Barry have to present an original birth certificate to become President?

    You still have not answered the question of what would happen to my white son if he spoke to his black classmate the way he is spoken to every school day. In front of his black teacher no less.

    Not asking these questions is stupid... but stupid is as stupid does and there ain't no cure for stupid

  23. Some one mentioned that they are tired of the bunch of racist comments on here and then threatens to march down the streets. What do you mean by racists anyone who disagrees with you or just white people in general.You can get your black church's to organize I think most people understand what goes on in black church's after seeing Jeremiah Wright spew his hatred and you dare to call others racist your not qualified.

  24. "Why doesn't Barry have to present an original birth certificate to become President?"

    Because he did present his birth certifcate. Even put it on the internet. You just don't believe it.

    "You still have not answered the question of what would happen to my white son if he spoke to his black classmate the way he is spoken to every school day. In front of his black teacher no less."

    Can't predict the future. Let your son do it and see what happens. I'd be interested. Better yet why don't YOU say something?

    The birth certificate thing is STILL stupid and a waste of time.

  25. BossHogg made a good point-it's not 1959 anymore-all the public schools on the shore are as integrated as they can be in accordance with the local population.

  26. Also wanted to add, don't be too quick to judge white folks when it comes to traditionally black holidays. My daughters class will be learning about Rev.Dr.MLK Jr. next week and I have already talked with her about it-I simply explained that he was a good man felled by bad guys and without his efforts,her and all her classmate friends would be split up and go to different schools,without going into all the details(she IS only 5).

  27. As I see it..since Obama came on the scene..it is okay to be black and racist...white people have to keep their mouth shut!

  28. Anon 1108....I have to work to support all the filthy mongrels that bleed the welfare system and every other public offering, so unfortunatley...yes I must send my kids to school during black history month, however, when they come home we will have an ethnic cleansing you can believe that.

    White Pride World Wide

  29. I can see from reading this blog, that the election of Obama has done wonders for race relations. You all make me sick. What do you want, a race war? Shut up already or you might get what you wish for.


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