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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This Week's DVD releases 11/18/2008

In the mood for an animated love story with a strong environmental message? Disney Pixars' "WALL*E" is among this weeks new releases and not only does it include a theatrical "short" titled "Presto",the DVD has an amusing bonus "short" film called "Burn*E",as well as director commentary.WALL*E is a lonely "cleaner" robot left behind on an empty earth to clean up with only a cockroach for company,and he has a fixation on the musical "Hello Dolly",which he watches daily.Then he falls in love with EVE,a probe robot sent to earth to collect biological samples and literally follows her across the universe.I think this is quite possibly one of the best Pixar movies to date! Read on.....


Major Releases

  • "WALL*E"-98 Minutes,G-rated,animated,widescreen

  • "Tropic Thunder"-107 Minutes,R-rated,widescreen,action/comedy,stars Jack Black,Robert Downey Jr. & Ben Stiller

  • "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2"-117 Minutes,PG-13,widescreen,sequel to "chick flick" of same name,stars America Ferrera & Amber Tamblyn

  • "Gonzo"The Life & Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson"-120 Minutes,R rated,widescreen,documentary



  • "Bones - Season Three"-5 disc set of Fox forensic drama

  • "Charmed - The Complete Series"-DVD set of witchy drama

  • "Doctor Who - The Complete Fourth Series"-6 disc set,scifi series

  • "Hannah Montana - The Complete First Season"-4 disc set of Disney teen hit

  • "McHale's Navy - Season Four"-5 disc set of classic TV series

  • "The Odd Couple - The Final Season"-3 disc set of classic TV series


Other DVD releases this week

  • "300 - Limited Collectors Edition"-3 disc set

  • "Encounters at the End of the World"-Also in blu-ray

  • "Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special "-Comedy Central special,widescreen,also on blu-ray

  • "The Who At Kilburn - 1977"-2 disc set of The Who in concert

  • "Paris Je T'Aime"-2 disc set,also on blu-ray

  • "The Third Man (1949) Criterion Collection "-2 disc dvd set or blu-ray

  • "Up the Yangtze"-Widescreen,subtitled

  • "The Last Emperor (1987) - Criterion Collection "-Widescreen

  • "Mirrormask"-Now on blu-ray

  • "Mister Lonely"-Widescreen

  • "Priceless"-Widescreen,also on blu-ray


Thats all for this week and remember,as you are compiling your Christmas shopping lists,DVD's make great gifts and they always "fit"!See you next week!

Delaware Electric Cooperative "Peak Alert"

“Peak Alert”


Be Energy Aware Between

7 A.M. & 9 A.M. TOMORROW MORNING, November 19

Between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. tomorrow morning, November 19 we are asking you to turn off all unnecessary lights or appliances that may not be needed.

In addition, whenever you can, please delay major appliance usage such as dishwashers, washing machines and clothes dryers, and if you can, delay any hot water usage.
By reducing our peak demand during these hours we save energy resources and the environment.

We need your help. Together we can “Beat The Peak”
Thank you.

This Just In

Ambulance called to PRMC for a man that fell in their parking lot.

Inaugural Mess

The Presidential Inauguration is months away, but already making headlines. If you are planning on making the trip to DC, it’s going to cost an arm and leg (and maybe your house). Tickets, which have not even been distributed yet, are going for thousands of dollars!

Residents of Georgetown and DC have their houses up for rent on craigslist for the week of the big event, for a whopping 50 THOUSAND dollars! That’s for a week!

Thank goodness someone has some sanity and is trying to put an end to this madness. A proposed ban would make it illegal to scalp these tickets. Ebay has taken down all adds for the tickets, lets hope others jump on board.



The Gannett Co., Inc. - (The Daily Times parent company) - set a new record low moments ago eclipsing their previous record low. The stock dipped to $7.40/share before slightly rebounding.

Just how low Gannett will go remains to be seen. But the former media giant is in dire financial shape as their stock tries to find solid footing.



Don't You Think We Should Be Able to Answer These Very Basic Questions?

Michael Day Resigns From PAC 14

Michael Day turned in his Resignation from PAC 14 last night. They should advertise, "We're Looking For A Few God Women" to replace the quitters leaving and taking their ball too.

National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week

November 17-21, 2008

Homelessness is everybody’s problem.

Did you realize Wicomico County has the highest percentage of homeless students in the State of Maryland?

8.8% of OUR students are considered homeless.

Prince George’s County has the next highest rate at 1.8%.

Wicomico County serves 14.4% of students identified as homeless in the State of Maryland.

So often you hear, “We don’t have homelessness in our town,” or “It’s a big city problem,” or “They could get a place if they wanted to.”

Homeless families and teens can be found in every community. Too often they lack emergency and long-term resources to get back on their feet.

It's Cold, Can You Take Me In Please?

Ladies & Gentlemen, THANK YOU!

Owning this Blog and delivering such controversial news and information on a daily basis makes Posts like this one so rewarding, it isn't funny.
Because of YOU, each and every animal we have Posted so far from the WCHS has in fact been adopted.

The 5 you see above and right now available to good homes. Remember, once this Post goes up, people tend to head right over there so don't waste your time. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Ladies & Gentlemen,

I come to you LIVE from Pemberton Manor Apartments in Salisbury, Maryland where the FEDS have teamed up with the Salisbury Police Department, Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and Salisbury Code and Compliance to raid/investigate multiple apartments in this complex. I have witnessed U.S. Postal Inspectors and even people from the States Attorney's Office.

I can't say at this time exactly what they're doing but there are probably close to 60 people involved and it doesn't look like this thing is going to be over any time soon.

I noticed quite a bit of vehicles around 6:00 this morning at the SPD and watched them pull out of the parking lot all at once and I thought, let's see where they're going. Ultimately we ended up at this apartment complex.

You know what they say MSM, "You Snooze, You Lose." More to come........

UPDATE: I have been informed that this inspection is based on subsidized housing. There are very strict guidelines as to who can live in these apartments and who can't. Ultimately, the Government has the right to request a search of the property and if they happen to turn up anything like guns or drugs as an example, they can make the proper arrests and remove those who do not qualify to be there.

Thank You

"I wanted to thank you for the posting of The Singles Mingle at The Fountains on the 14th of November. It was a huge success and we had many attend because they saw it on your blog. Again Thank you.


PRMC Up In Smoke

This past weekend and friend of mines Parents unfortunately had to go to PRMC because of an illness. Once there and admitted, the Mother chose to go outside to smoke a cigarette.

As many of you know, PRMC doesn't allow anyone to smoke on their grounds. Following instructions, this woman went out to the street and fired up a cigarette. No sooner was she enjoying her smoke, a Security Person confronted her and told her she could not smoke on PRMC grounds.

She immediately replied, I'm on a PUBLIC STREET, you can't tell me I can't smoke here. The Security Person told her the STREET was owned by PRMC, put the cigarette out or he would have her fined $1,000.00!!!!!

OK PRMC, we have our issues, everyone knows that. However, you people believe you are a God in which you can control the lives of people walking on the streets too? I will set a time to meet ALL of you in which I will gladly come down to that same public street and fire up a Cigar and I dare you to try to fine me $1,000.00 for smoking there. I'll be sure to bring along WBOC & WMDT to make sure your actions are on tape. Wanna try me?

Another Robery IN Salisbury

Hi Joe,

As you may already know, I work at East Main Street, Salisbury. Friday night one of our clients left the building just after 5pm, and much to her surprise was thrown up against her car by two men w/ hooded jackets/shirts and had her purse stolen. I didn't see it happen, but those are the details she gave me when she immediately came back in the building, very emotionally shaken up. A Salisbury Police officer was on scene in about 10 minutes, and a report was filed. I don't know if her purse has been recovered. I'm surprised (still not sure why) that no local news has reported it (or maybe I missed it). Anyway, I think it would benefit the community to know this crime happened right on Main Street in Salisbury, right next to a church, and most importantly it's just not safe to be in that area by yourself at night. I don't think it ever has been. I'd like to remain anonymous on this topic for the time being should you post anything on your website, if you don't mind. If you have any questions or would like to contact me that's fine. My main goal for sharing this info is in hopes that other people will learn from this and be very cautious in that area, as well as all areas of Salisbury. It could've happened anywhere! I searched wboc, wmdt and delmarvanow.com and couldn't find any information on this story. That should be disappointing but not surprising right?

As usual I'll be checking my email if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time!

Crime is down 4%, eh Chiefy? BS! If the crime is unsolved, it's not a crime, I guess?

A Letter To The Editor

Dear Joe,

This morning the newspaper published an article about the economy and fallling oil prices, I think your readers would love to chime in. This article (not written locally of course) says what we already know, oil is down from $4.50 to about $2.00 - but DMO has not notified me of an adjustment being made to my winter budget. And food prices are outrageous. Can you offer us a place to comment on this topic. thank you.

City of Pocomoke Exposes Citizens to Danger From Unlicensed - Uninsured Explosive Pipeline Contractors

The openly corrupt municipal government of the City of Pocomoke has granted permission to Eastern Shore Gas to replace "dangerous steel gas lines" running throughout the city, without requiring; license, bonding or insurance. This demonstrates a complete disregard for the city's own law which requires that an erosion control plan be submitted, along with proper insurance and bonding in the event the work is performed wrong or property is damaged.

Every citizen and property owner is being exposed to an unlicensed, uninsured contractor digging, trenching, cutting and replacing deteriorating explosive gas pipelines, without any recourse other than civil suit in the event of an accident that results in personal injury or harm to your real estate or personal property.

I know what its like first hand because Eastern Shore Gas came onto my property and cut the anchor roots of a 250 + year old Heritage Sugar Maple tree less than three feet from the 9' diameter trunk. They then ran the plastic line ACROSS the property line from the house next door to save time from doing the job the right way, running the line from the street.

The yellow ribbon says danger underground gas line

The first storm after they cut the roots of our tree, it blew down causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to my house, garage, driveway, the commercial building next door and of course the loss of the tree. The roots of this tree that was standing when the Declaration of Independence was signed spread out over 150 feet in each direction.

What does that yellow ribbon read?

Industry standard for cutting the roots of a tree is they are not to be cut closer than what is called the "drip line" of edge of where water would drip off the leaves, which in this case would be 35' from the trunk not 20 inches.

We had to FOIA the City Government to obtain a copy of the permit so we could obtain the name of the insurance company for file a claim for damages. The City answered that there is no permit, license, bond, insurance of financial surety of any type required from Eastern Shore Gas to replace dangerous explosive gas lines.

What a great job the city government does in protecting the citizens! Maybe Mike McDermott will use this example when he runs for State Delegate as his next political ambition is reported to be.

When I asked the City for help the Mayor told me that I "was being unreasonable in your demands" because I asked the gas company to repair the damages they caused to my property, replace the tree and reimburse us for our expenses. Instead the Mayor told me to get a lawyer and take Eastern Shore Gas to Court, because the city only protects itself not the citizens from contractors doing business within the city limits.

Two years and tens of thousands of dollars later, we are still in court trying to get our property returned to the condition it was in prior to the gas company damaging it.

I have been doing a slow burn for over month after reading the minutes from the September City Council meeting. We used to trust Mike McDermott until he got in bed with City Manager "Boss Hogg" Russ Blake, the unelected dictator of Pocomoke City for 32-years and counting then turned against the people who elected him.

Here is a quote from the minutes of the September 9th City Council Meeting:

Representatives of Eastern Shore Gas Company to discuss plans for upgrading underground gas lines:

Dave Bradford from ESG gave an update on gas lines in town. He stated that ESG has replaced about 4,000 ft of steel gas lines last year with plastic. He proposed to do a little over 5,000ft this year in about seven locations within the City. (Attached are drawings where work will be done). Once all the work is completed ESG will be removing about 30 above ground tanks.

Mayor McDermott asked about disturbing the tree roots on private property.

Mr. Bradford stated that they are more aware of that and we are doing things to avoid that type of situation again by taking a different route for the gas lines. In addition, they have door tags to put on doors so that the neighborhood will be aware that they are working in the area.

Mayor McDermott stated that it would be nice if ESG would notify the City Manager’s office where they would be working.

Mr. Bradford stated that he would make every effort to let citizens know where they are working.

In a non-corrupt community the City Government would require license, bond, insurance and proof of financial responsibility to protect its citizens from contractors replacing explosive lines on private & public property.

In Pocomoke the Mayor politely asks if the unlicensed contractor would call Boss Hogg and let him know when they are going to be working.

Chapter 140 of the Pocomoke City Code: Grading and Sediment Control

Clearly states that a license is required

140-1: A City Grading Permit must be obtained prior to the start of any grading, clearing or filling or other earth change which may:

1) Introduce sediment into any watercourse of the city; or

2) Move more than 300 cubic yards of earth


Maybe that is why I had to submit another FOIA request to find out who the Pocomoke City Sediment Control Inspector is and guess what, it's Harvey Davis the city "housing inspector" who is not certified under current Maryland State law to perform a home inspection for a bank loan. Perhaps the city sent him to a half day course on soil erosion and sediment control as a rudimentary qualification but I seriously doubt that.

The Mayor, City Council and Boss Hogg get upset when I refer to them as the "Openly Corrupt Pocomoke City Government" but what should we call it when they refuse to obey their own laws?

There are only two possible reasons for this type of criminally negligent behavior.

1) They are corrupt and being paid off by the utility company. (The famous white envelopes)

If that is the case they all need to be removed from City Hall and replaced by an emergency interim government until legitimate elections can be held.

2) They are dumber than a box of rocks, negligent, incompetent and are a danger to the community.

These actions once again demonstrate the City Manager "Boss Hogg Russ" Blake totally incapable of continuing in the position of City Manager and should be removed immediately for causing imminent danger to the public health and safety of the citizens of Pocomoke City. (at 32-years Boss Hogg is the longest sitting city manager in America today)

My question to the citizens is;

What should the community do to insure that we are not exposed to one more case of gross negligence from an unlicensed contractor piping explosive gas under our property when the city government refuses to obey its own laws and exposes the citizens to danger to person and property without recourse?

A History Lesson

In the late 1950's most Cubans thought Cuba needed a "Change", and they were right.

So when a young, dynamic leader came along, every Cuban was at least receptive.
When the young leader spoke eloquently and passionately and denounced the old system, the press fell in love with him. They never questioned who his friends were or what he really believed in.

He said he would help the farmers and the poor and bring free medical care and education to all, and everyone followed. He said he would bring justice and equality to all, and everyone said "Praise the Lord!" The young leader said "I will be for change, and I'll bring you change," and everyone yelled "Viva Fidel!"

But by the time the executioner's guns went silent, the people's guns had been taken away.

By they time everyone was equal, they were equally poor, hungry, and oppressed.

By the time everyone received their free education it was worth nothing.

By the time the press noticed, it was too late, because they were working for him.

By the time the change was implemented Cuba had been knocked down a couple of notches to Third World status.

By the time the change was over more than a million people had taken to boats, rafts, and inner tubes.

Luckily, we in America would never fall for a young leader who promised change without asking "what change?' ....Would we??

Barrie Comegys - Bubba as Dubya

As we prepare to see a new President come in to office, it is interesting that Gary Comegys (the man who wants to be Salisbury's next Mayor) shares many traits with our outgoing President.  Bubba seems to have a lot in common with Dubya.  In all fairness to President George W. Bush, Comegys has actually been a worse steward of Salisbury than Bush has been of the country.

Under the Bush administration we have seen the size of government swell to new, and distressing, heights.  Under the poor stewardship of Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegys, spending on the bureaucracy of the Mayor's office has skyrocketed.  The City Attorney has padded his pocket while citizens are ignored.  Laws are written to protect special interests at the expense of average citizens.

The nation's debt has risen dramatically under Dubya.  With the complicity of Gary Comegys, Barrie Tilghman has managed to saddle every man, woman and child in Salisbury with almost $3,000 in debt.  Read More ...

A Fire Department Comment Worthy Of A Post


First thing we had a memo from chief higgins many moons ago that came from mayor Martin about not useing the bridge on Isabella St because the bridge could not hold the wt. of the fire trucks so it was to be used only if needed!Looks like troll forgot that duh!Second thing is salisbury already had two tankers both 2000 gallons each for a total of 4000, See and former breezzzzz head said all we need to get rid of them we dont need them RIGHT !!!!!!! There is another motive here people!!!! troll and gordo want to take over the west side of salisbury were Hebron has service, so they can get that almbluace income, thats why they want the tanker!!!! and true reason fire house was built where it is now! next stsation 2 the old section of the bldg is not the best but it has been looked at more then once by out side companys who claim its ok !! now the city says its not all thats right they want all vollies up town because they have nobody because they moved fire house to far away !!!second is they want a station up north so bad they can taste it with paid ppl so, why when station 2s response time up north is less then 4 min in most cases.Next the fire station at two does not belong to the city ppl the deed was burned and when that happened it is recored that if fire house ever stops being used for that, the land is to be returned to the aires of the Dishroom faimly SECOND IS THE FIREFIGHTERS@ station 2 do not have to move the corparation does not belong to the city look it up if you need help tell me and i will be glad to help .Now i hope that the people of salisbury and other fire companys, now see why we were fighting so hard to break the ties with this mad city admin. that is totaly clue less!!!! all the new section of station two is great shape. Joe ask mare brainless whats suppose to be on here desk new plans for station 2 bldg wow !!!!how nice.PEOPLE please wake up and see whats going on here !!!!!!

Community Tree Lighting

Come to the Tree Lighting.

Thursday, Nov. 20 at 5:30 to 6:30 pm

At the Government Office Building.

Enjoy the St. Francis de Sales Band & Choir, the Eastern Shore Ballet Company,
the Senior Class Choir of the Salisbury Christian School, a solo by Meredith Taylor
and everyone's favorite, Santa Claus !!!

The Mayor will light the tree with help from Mr. Claus to cap a great family event.

Bring your family & friends.
A.J. HopeUrban Salisbury, Inc

Our National Anthem - As You've Never Heard It

This is long, but I promise, you'll be glad you took the time to listen. I knew the story behind the song, but not as completely as told in this. Those first Americans where willing to lay their lives down to protect our flag and what it stood for. I wonder, if our next president attempts to replace "Old Glory" with another flag as he did on his campaign plane, will we be willing to protect it as our forefathers did? As the old saying goes, if we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything. I pray fervently that our nation isn't on the verge of falling.

The Star Spangled Banner

Sent in by a loyal reader.

A Comment Worthy of a Post

This was submitted by one of our readers this afternoon and I thought I would share it you.

Dear Pocomoke Tattler,

This week is National Education Week and we as parents of Pocomoke City Schools have been invited to visit our children in the schools this week. I consider myself to be a pretty involved parent, and attend Award Assemblies for my kids, bake cookies for class parties, send in requested items throughout the year, and check my child's homework nightly.

I try to keep an open line of communication with my children's teachers, and have always had a good working relationship with them. My kids are certainly no angels, but they aren’t problem children either.

All of this was to say I attended one of my children's classes today at the Middle School and I experienced something that I just really don’t know what to do, or say about; let alone who I should say this to. Which is why I have decided to write to you and ask if you would post this, because it really has me perplexed.

During the time that I was seated in my child's class there was the usual chatter and raising of hands asking the teacher questions I heard the strangest thing… I heard an undertone chant that many of the children participated in while attending to their assigned task on their desks. Seemingly even unaware that they were doing it. Even stopping and asking a question, getting the answer and then unconsciously joining back in the chant.

The chant….

Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama

I have to wonder… When did this start? How long has it been going on? How long will it last? Has anyone else noticed this? and Can anyone ever remember such a thing happening? Has a teacher noticed? Are they saying anything about it?

I am disturbed and perplexed at the same time.

Disturbed: because the only leaders that I have ever seen having their name chanted were Roman Emperors, Evita Peron, Adi Ame en, and Adolf Hitler. Even more disturbing is that most of these people required not only allegiance to them and their country but also to worship of them as gods.

Perplexed: are parents encouraging this behavior in their children? I did not vote for Obama, so I didn’t get the memo from Change.org to school my kids in type of behavior. Those of you who did vote for him, is this something that is encouraged?

I don’t know whether this was the place to voice this, but I couldn’t help but ask if anyone else has experienced this, and share with all of you how wierd I found this to be. What on earth does this have to do with learning?

Thank you for considering this for publication.


A Concerned Parent

Grace Merdock Resigns From PAC 14

Grace Merdock has formaly Resigned From the PAC 14 Board as of yesterday. When some people don't get their way, they take their ball and go home.


Yesterday's Daily Times has a letter in support of Gary Comegys for Salisbury's
next mayor that warrants comment, and not merely because its author is Thomas
M. Becker. His stated rationale is completely devoid of any specific
accomplishment by Mr. Comegys since he became a member of the City Council five
years ago as one of the “Dream Team,” whose other members (Dunn and Cathcart)
are no longer serving on the Council.

Instead, Md. Becker presents platitudinous pablum praising Comegys as being “distinguished” and suggesting that his “dedication, commitment and
attentive concern to our town's finances, personnel and taxpayers will be
valuable.” If that nonsense hasn't made you nauseous, you must be new to
Salisbury. Since Mr. Becker has lived here during Comegys' tenure on the City
Council, the letter is truly astounding.

Apparently Mr. Becker is enthralled because Comegys has promised to retire from
his position as a State of Maryland employee if he is elected, so that he could
devote full-time to the office of mayor. The past 10 years under Barrie
Tilghman's reign as mayor, indicates that competence is a much more important
factor than available time.

His letter has significance that was unintended, no doubt. Because Mr. Becker
is the ultimate “FOB” (Friend of Barrie), it signals her decision not to seek
another term as mayor. And, given that Mr. Becker is involved, professionally, in development, it signals that Comegys has the support of developers and groups such as the Greater Salisbury Committee that want the City to invest huge sums to “revitalize” the North Prong area.