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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Andy Harris - Service

This is the latest ad from our next Congressman - Andy Harris:

When I saw it for the first time it reminded me of some of the reasons that I believe that Andy is the best choice to be our next Representative from Maryland's First Congressional District.  It also reminded me of an incident that occurred to me a week or so ago.

I had the opportunity to meet a Salisbury resident who thought that she was going to support McCain, but was hesitant when I asked her about Andy Harris.  She didn't feel comfortable with candidates "who jump from one office to the next" and who "seem more concerned money than the people they are supposed to represent".  Fair enough.  I asked her where she heard this.  Needless to say, it was from some Kratovil people.

Never the less, I asked her what offices Andy was jumping around from.  She didn't know.  I then explained to her that Andy Harris was represented by a "moderate" Republican state senator (sound familiar?).  Andy saw that this gentleman was not truly representing the values of his district. (sound even more familiar?)

Andy took it upon himself to offer his neighbors a credible alternative; someone who more closely represented the things that they believe in.  Guess what?  The people of his district knew that Andy was right.  He beat an incumbent Republican in the primary and went on to win three general elections by large margins.  That is the only public office that Andy Harris has ever held, to the best of my knowledge.  He has just served in his office longer than Frank Kratovil has served in his.

As for being so concerned about money, I asked this lady if she thought that Andy Harris was the kind of guy who put service before money?  She admitted that she had been told otherwise.  I explained that Andy isn't some run of the mill saw bones, but a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and a physician at Hopkins.  Had she ever given any thought to how much money it cost Andy Harris to serve in the state senate each year?  While I can't speak for Andy, I have enough friends and family members who are doctors to know that a Hopkins anesthesiologist is taking a big financial hit by taking all of that time off to serve in the legislature.

I then asked this lady if she had ever given any thought to how big a pay cut Andy would be taking to serve us in Congress?  Of course she hadn't.  She was under the impression that Andy would be getting some kind of pay raise.  When I explained that he would be basically giving up 2/3 of what he makes now she was shocked.  Why?

It's really pretty simple.  It's the core reason that so many people support Andy.  It's not about money.  It's not about power.  It's about standing up for what you believe and doing the right thing.  The same passion that drove Andy to succeed up to now is the same drive and passion that makes me sure that he will truly represent our values.

I don't have to agree with him on every issue.  I know, as sure as the sun will rise in the east, that Andy Harris will ALWAY strive to do what's best for the people of his district.  Note that I didn't say that he would pander to us.  No, Andy will REPRESENT us, in the finest traditions and beliefs of our nation's founders.

Why should we support Andy Harris?  Because he is the real deal.

Oh, I almost forgot.  The lady put TWO Harris signs in her yard.  The truth may not win EVERY time, but it always wins in the long run.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

Gilchrest Goes All the Way!

Soon to be former Rep. Wayne Gilchrest has finally come out of the closet.  He's not only a liberal, he's a liberal Democrat.  This is something that many of us have known for some time.  With Gilchrest's endorsement of Barack Obama, it's official!

We know that Gilchrest's liberal apologists will continue to defend him.  That's fine.  As we have noted before, Gilchrest lacks the personal integrity to continue service.  Fortunately for him, honor is not a prerequisite for a nice Congressional pension.

There is no malice on our side.  After Andy Harris is elected to Congress we will bear no ill will to Gilchrest.  At least he is finally being honest about who he is.  As for his new friends, we hope that they will all come together for one more verse of "Kum By Ya".

For all of you Kratovil supporters without Obama signs in their yards, shoot me an email.  If your local Democrats can't get you one I'll sure give it try.  I think that you should be as honest as your buddy Wayne has suddenly decided to be.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

I'd Like To Report A Theft...WMDT 47 News Steals Photo

Seen on WMDT 47 News HERE.

Look familiar? Go HERE to see the same photo on Salisbury News.

Here's what's interesting though. I was the only photographer there that day and as someone at 47 News chose to crop my photo, they stole it and refuse to give Salisbury News credit for the photo.

This is not the first time this has happened and all I usually ask from others is that they give Salisbury News, (me) knowledge that they want to use one of my pictures and credit sbynews.com for the pictures.

I had a someone contact the proper people at WMDT several hours ago about their not legally getting permission to use my photo and they refuse to change the credit. I then left a message with Kathleen hours later and actually stayed on hold purposely for 15 minutes and I have not had the courtesy of a response.

Again, the MSM (Main Stream Media) wants to charge Bloggers for words and photos through newly proposed legislation in Congress but they have the nerve to steal from us without permission and think they can just do what they want.

WMDT owes me an apology as well as financial credit for the use of this photo since they refuse to be decent about this matter.

I just noticed WMDT has pulled their article from their Site. INTERESTING!

Wayne Barrall Delivers Again

Click on images to enlarge.


I went out shooting the night before last again down around the Sharptown Bridge. I shot the newer bridge and also the moon again. I am a member of an on line Nikon forum group and I posted the bridge photo for some of the more pro style guys to critique it. They said it was wonderful with great exposure.

I shot this on a tripod and set the camera shutter to stay open for 30 seconds to bring more light into the scene via the moon. That is was the sky looks so blue /daylight. The photo was taken at 11:50PM.

Dover Downs Ball Room

While the photo is somewhat blurry, this is the room chosen for the Budweiser Celebrity Billiard Event scheduled for tomorrow evening.

Bruce's Billiards was selected as the company to deliver & install the 4 Pool Tables to be used for this event.

650 tickets have already been pre sold for this event and we're expecting a whole lot more at the doors.

I'm told I'm in for a surprise when I get there as one of the Female Professional Pool Players will be there with me for Trick Shots and entertain the crowd.


In The Beginning…

In the land of Salisbarrie was a wicked queen, Barrie Parsons Tilghman. The only way to stay in her good graces was to do her bidding or SHE WOULD GET EVEN otherwise it was off with your head (Stu Leer, Coulbourne Dykes, Bob Eaton etc, etc, etc). The list of those beheaded during her 10 year reign of terror continued to grow until one day along comes this man from the Bronx. Being a come here she had no fear of him, after all this is her turf, she and she alone rules the land. Anyone familiar with her knows you don’t buck up against her or she’d run you out of business, your home, your marriage ultimately out of the state, ala Brenda Cox. Now, this fellow from the Bronx didn’t know the Queen for what she is or that she will go to whatever lengths necessary to rid herself of anyone that becomes a nuisance. The man from the Bronx is befriended by a local attorney that likes to blog in his pass time. His attorney friend blogs about the injustices within Barrieland, exposes the Queen and her minions for what they are and what they do within her Queendom. The man from the Bronx being a typical New Yorker, doesn’t take kindly to lies or innuendo and relays this via emails to the Queen of Salisbarrie. Ultimately, after he learns the Queen would rather climb a 100 foot pine tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth, the man from the Bronx says what any red blooded New Yorker does, he calls a spade a spade. Actually, he told her she was a waste of good sperm. The Queen couldn’t take this lying down or keep it to herself. What does she do? The Queen calls a press conference, with all of the media venues available to her, in the land of Barrie. Queen aka Mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman, in her deluded mind, visualizing herself as the all powerful Queen of Salisbarrie, takes the stage, in front of TV cameras, whining about those “mean spirited blogs”. After all, who would have known that anyone told her she was a waste of good sperm or of the blogs had she not publicized it on local television? I don’t know if it was Queen Barrie or the medias attempt to oblige the Queen, but naming the blogs that were in the forefront at the time Justice for All?, owned by local attorney, Charles Jannace and Duvafiles owned by retired attorney Bill Duvall was the dumbest thing she could do. A handful of peasants in the land of Barrie knew of these blogs and very few knew the man from the Bronx, UNTIL THEN. Queen Barrie, in her effort to control Joe Albero, formerly known as the man from the Bronx, CREATED Joe Albero, The Blogger and present day owner of Sbynews.com.

In The Middle…

Did any of us know who Joe Albero was before Queen Barrie made her announcement on television about those mean spirited blogs? Did anyone know his opinion on anything before Charles Jannace published them on his blog “Justice For All?”? Did anyone really care who or what the opinion of Joe Albero was? He was one man, that didn’t even own a blog, voicing his opinion on the blog of another as many have done before and after the day Queen Barrie announced existence of these blogs The problem with Joe Albero is, he is ungrateful. He doesn’t bow down to his creator, the all powerful beast of Salisbarrie so, she has to teach him a lesson. More proof Joe Albero, The Blogger is a typical New Yorker, he doesn’t back down when threatened. Queen Barrie tells him to stop being mean to her or she’ll sue him for defamation. Did Joe Albero listen to her? NO! He continued to speak the truth and provide visual and audio aids for all of those reading his blog. His creator, the Queen, had to follow through with her threats and filed a civil suit against him. She knew she couldn’t do this alone being a public official under the political microscope so she allegedly encouraged her chief of police to do the same. Being the subservient being that he is, the Chief of Police, in the land of Barrie does exactly as he is told to do, he files a civil suit. Not only does he file suit he uses the same law firm Queen Barrie retains. They file their bogus suits for a measly $9,999.00. Why would anyone sue anyone, with as many assets as the man from the Bronx is known to have, for a mere $9,999.00? That won’t even cover the attorney fees for the law firm they retained. I’ll tell you why. It keeps them out of circuit court and strips away the right of Joe Albero, man from the Bronx, to a trial by jury. Queen Barrie and her Chief of Police know they cannot be confronted in a court of law judged by their peers, the Queen might have an emotional breakdown having 12 people find against her on public record. During discovery the attorneys for the Queen and her loyal subject Chiefy, demand the sources of information from Joe Albero, man from the Bronx. If the truth ever comes out, finding out who Joe was getting his information from was the whole purpose of filing the civil suit. Joe in his best Bronx dialect tells them straight out, "faggedaboudit, youse ain’t gettin' nuttin' offa me." After all, there is that pesky right afforded him called the FIRST AMENDMENT. There is also this tiny flaw in Joe's character, he gave his word he'd never reveal his sources and he kept his word. Imagine that. Time goes by and they get nuttin from Joe Albero. Finally, his court date is upon him, with the Chief of Police. According to the Tilghman Times in Salisbarrie the attorney representing Alan Webster aka Chiefy calls the attorney representing Joe Albero, the night before they are to appear in court, requesting a deal before appearing in court. Whatever deal was struck, we’ll never know, however what we do know is there was NO MONETARY SETTLEMENT. Chiefy walked away empty handed, with nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Since they didn't get the sources he and his Queen so desparately desired everyone still has a job. Except the meter man which has nothing to do with this. Now we wait for Queen Barrie to meet Joe Albero, man from the Bronx, in court. That date has yet to be set, as far as I know.

Lets back up a bit and see just how devious the Queen of Salisbarrie thinks she is. They can’t shut the man up that she created by publicizing his mean spirit. She can’t shut him up by threatening and filing civil suits against him. Next step bring in the dogs. It has been alleged and rumored all over the community that local attorneys brought a recent real estate transaction to the Queens attention. The Queen thinks she has finally found a way to shut this man up and shut him down. She allegedly dispatches her chief of police off to the comptroller’s office with this new found evidence. Phone calls are made locally to the state office of the comptroller. Day trips to Annapolis are on the unofficial agenda. The Queen just knows she has finally toppled the man from the Bronx. Papers are filed, grand jury is convened, indictment is handed down, and an arrest is made. Queen Barrie is so distracted waiting for the news of Joe's arrest she can't focus on the game of the day. Surely this will shut him up. WRONG. Joe Albero, man from the Bronx, hides from nothing. As soon as his beautiful bride posts bail, brings him home, he blogs about the situation, exposing it for what it really is…VINDICTIVENESS on the part of the Queen and her subservient minions. Those that have had their toes stepped on by Joe Albero wait in great anticipation of September 16, knowing this is the end of Sbynews.com and Joe Albero. What they didn’t know, even though they were being led around by the ring in their nose, was their lawyer buddies were WRONG.

In The End…

To quote the Tilghman Times, “Dove said, the Maryland State Comptroller’s Office originally pursued the case against Albero because he is obligated to pay taxes as a Delaware resident buying property in Maryland. But what was overlooked is that since Albero reinvested that land in Maryland three weeks after purchase, HE WAS ENTITLED TO A TAX DEFERMENT and OWED NO MONEY. The Comptrollers Office then became less interested”. In other words, the special prosecutor for the State of Maryland said the Tax Free Exchange aka 1031 that Joe filed was PERFECTLY LEGAL. So now that it is on record he evaded no taxes what is left? The perjury charge is all they have. Knowing this entire waste of taxpayer time and money was politically motivated, they can't just throw this out of court, they had to do something so the prosecutor offers an Alford Plea, Judge Kathleen Becksted gives Joe a PBJ, court costs and fine. Judge Beckstead also let it be known in her 8 years on the bench this is the third, thats right, 3rd, PBJ she has handed down.

The way I see it, Joe Albero is guilty of one thing in this charade. He is guilty of trusting Don Richardson. I could see if Joe didn’t know Don Richardson or have any previous professional dealings with him. This is not the case. Don Richardson has handled other real estate transactions for Joe in the past. Joe is no stranger to him nor is his address. On one page of the documents, it states Joe's address as Maryland, a page or two after that his address is listed as Delmar, Delaware. Joe goes to settlement, is handed paperwork by an attorney he knows, trusts and has retained in the past. Attorney asks Joe to sign here, here, here and anywhere else his signature was required. Why not? I’d do it, wouldn't you? After all, this same attorney has handled real estate transactions for him before, what’s not to trust? If Joe has learned nothing else from this I hope he has learned to TRUST NO ONE.

Now that everyone knows the Queen of Salisbarrie has once again, allegedly wasted the time and resources of yet another law enforcement agency (remember her lies to the FBI sending them to the home of Bill Duvall?) maybe she will reflect on all of her failures of the past 10 years and pack her bags and leave office quietly. Not going to happen but hey, I can fantasize, can't I? She might also do well to concern herself with being investigated by various departments within the government. Rumor has it the FBI has a great interest in her dealings or misdealings. All of the lies she can tell, all of the truths she can twist, can not win in a court of law, no matter how many Bibles she holds in her lap. EVERYBODY,throughout the state, judges included, are well aware of her game. Once again, many taxpayer dollars are misused in an effort to exact revenge against anyone that would dare to expose the truths of the Tilghman administration.

Congratulations Joe and THANK YOU and your family, for all you do, have done and endure.


Chris Sligh, a top ten finalist on the hit TV series AMERICAN IDOL, will be headlining a concert at Eagle’s Nest Fellowship Church near Milton on Saturday night, November 15th. The concert is sponsored by 88.7, WKNZ, a new Christian radio station coming to Delaware in March of 2009.

Sligh’s vocal skills and humor, combined with his unique presentation style and curly hair, earned him rave reviews and made him a memorable contestant during the 2006 AMERICAN IDOL competition. His performance of “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal earned him a standing ovation from Paula Abdul during his audition, and he famously told the judges he had tried out for the show to ‘make David Hasselhoff cry”, a reference to the previous season’s finale which showed Hasselhoff in the audience wiping a tear.

Since leaving the show, Sligh has written and recorded a new Christian CD “Running Back to You” produced by Brown Bannister (Amy Grant, Third Day) and his first single “Empty Me” has rocketed to the Top Ten on the Billboard Hot Christian Songs Charts.
The son of missionaries to Germany, Sligh attended college in the United States, and has studied acting . He has also served as worship leader at Seacoast Church in Greenville, SC.

Tickets are $10, and available online at "http://www.wknz.org" or at Weller’s Utility Trailer’s in Bridgeville. Seating is general admission. The concert begins at 7pm with doors opening at 6pm.

Former Wicomico Library Director Speaks Out About New Proposals


I have known about the proposed changes to the county library for awhile now and still am opposed to moving the system from its current location.

One reason is the current building is very environmentally friendly with its 45 solar panels on the roof, which carries 70-75% of the heating needs for this building.

The reported 94 years as the age of the building is very miss-leading. The old armory was installed 94 years ago, but that portion has been renovated and the new 26000 square feet added to it are really only 30 years old. When I came on board as director in June 1978, they broke ground for the new addition and renovation of the old. It went from a 24,000 sq. ft. building with a very large boiler in the basement that used some $6,000 worth of fuel oil in 1978 costs, to a 50,000 sq. ft. bldg. and two small backup boilers that used only $1,200-1,500 for fuel oil until I retired there in 1995. So, this is what would be called a "Green" building in today's jargon. And it is the only government owned building that is solar in this area. With the cost of fuel oil well over $4.00 a gallon now, think about how much we tax payers are saving with this efficient building.

If its more space we need for services, I suggest they ask the Regional Library system to find other quarters and the same for two other agencies of welfare and education that reside in the building (all done after I left as director, (except for the Regional Library), which I question the need for now-a-days. I really think the regional library has outlived its usefulness as a backup collection for other MD libraries on the shore.

I might add that I had asked to extend the upper floor out over the parking lot behind the library and adjacent to the Cannon building, but could never get the funding onto the county's funding docket, but that would allow for a good bit of expansion if done now and would cost considerably less than tearing the current building down and building a new one. I also, think the old fire house across the street would make a fine children's section if renovated for such use.

No, I'm sorry, but I don't see the need for a new building and/or moving the library someplace else in Salisbury. This is a good location. I hope Tom Hehman won't think ill of me for these comments, but they are how I feel about the proposals I have seen in print and elsewhere.

Arthur H. Goetz
Wicomico County Free Library Director

Editors Note: I'm proud, honored and pleased to announce that Art Goetz is my Father In Law. Oh, Jennifer got her looks from her Mother. Sorry Art, but it's true. ;-) You gave her the brains!

Residential Sprinkler Systems Required in Pittsville?

It was recently brought to my attention that Tad Farlow has been pushing the Pittsville Town Commissioners to pass an ordinance that would require new residential construction to incorporate sprinkler systems for fire suppression. I was unable to attend the last Town Meeting during whichI understand the issue was brought up for a second time. I am adamantly opposed to this requirement. I have no problem with Tad and have been aquainted with him for some time. I do, however, have a big problem with continued pushes toward government intrusion (at all levels) into the lives and businesses of the citizens. The last thing we need is another law dictating how we conduct our lives.

I found the following letter on the internet written by a home designer from Renton, Washington. This letter basically guts the theory that sprinkler systems save property owners significant amounts of money in property damage and insurance premiums. Therefore, the position that I foresee will be taken by proponents of this type of legislation will be the saving of lives in the unfortunate event of a fire. Is it not true that in the vast majority of cases where residential house fires resulting in death, smoke detectors were either non-existent or not operating? Wouldn't it be more prudent to push an effort to continue to educate the public about the importance of smoke detectors and how to make certain they are working properly?

Where does the type of legislation proposed in Pittsville stop? Do we require that all older homes be retrofitted with sprinklers? Do we require that all homes be constructed of cinder block to further reduce the possibility of fire? Do we require that all interior cabinetry, carpet, curtains, etc., be made of asbestos or some other fireproof material? The ridiculous notion that the the govt. must regulate everything we do from the time we open our eyes in the morning until we close them at night brings us closer to Socialism everyday. This must stop.

Following is a copy of that letter.

Jun 21 2008

As a residential designer in Renton, I feel compelled to respond to a recent letter to the editor. My goal as a designer is to produce the best home solution for my client. This may or may not include fire sprinklers but does consider their “bottom line” and safety. Fire sprinkler systems are good to have but should not always be required.
The writer’s obvious bias against the Master Builder’s Association (MBA) seems to have affected his math abilities. If a fire sprinkler system costs one-half percent of a new home’s price, that would average $2,000 in a $400,000 home. The actual installed cost averages over $8,000. Spread it over a 30-year loan and it doubles to $16,000. The savings one can expect from homeowners insurance on a $400,000 home would be about $100 per year. $16,000/$100 equals a 160-year payoff. This alone is “economic grounds” to avoid sprinklers.
Keep in mind that residential fire-sprinkler systems are not fire-suppression systems. While they may put out a small fire directly in their path, they are specifically designed to increase the escape time occupants have before the fire gets beyond its control. This effectively negates fire and water damages as a cost variable. Fire marshals can and do require fire sprinklers wherever the fire department cannot respond to or gain complete access to, regardless of a city’s codes.
New homes within four to six minutes of a fire department (most of us), with all of today’s required life-safety technology, are not unsafe. To expect that a builder must “eat” the cost of a sprinkler system shows ignorance in construction and basic economics. The additional cost, with the contractor’s typical markup, will be added onto the house’s cost, guaranteeing higher-cost homes. Water departments will have to redesign their systems to provide increased availability, adding costs to everyone with or without sprinkler systems. It is an enhancement and will be marketed that way, forcing up the basic cost of any new home.
Forced requirement of sprinklers in every new home is an additional and unnecessary intrusion of government into our daily lives that is not yet economically relevant as the writer attempted to promote. Have an escape plan; test your smoke detectors monthly and keep them working; learn to use extinquishers;if you can afford it, put in sprinklers, and use common sense to avoid fire hazards.

Karl Koning

Question of the Day, Thur 9/18

September is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) month.

I'm only 31 . . . but I remember, as a child, being very energetic! I remember my mother asking the peditrician about hyperness, and the doctor telling my mother not to worry . . . just a kid.

Today, times have changed and doctors are writing prescriptions left and right. Some children may need these types of medication, however, I do not feel the doctors are probing and diagnosing as thorough as they should. These medications are controlled substances.

What's your feeling on ADHD and medication? Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? And if so, does your child take medication to help focus in school? What medication? How many times did your doctor have to switch medication to find the right medication for your child?


I am under 45 years old,
I love the outdoors,
I hunt,
I am a Republican reformer,
I have taken on the Republican Party establishment,
I have many children,
I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than two years in the governor's office.

Did you guess?

Answer: [scroll down]

I am Teddy Roosevelt in 1900

Ed Baker......What Happened?

For the past several months I have been working on a couple of things that effect the Wicomico County citizens and, at the direction of Rick Pollitt, I contacted Ed Baker of the new Legal Department. Rick advised me to get specific information from Ed. I have contacted the office of the Legal Department several times and have NEVER gotten a return call from Ed. Finally I was able to speak with Ed two weeks ago and he advised me that he would have the information I needed no later than 9/17. I still don't have that information. Anytime I have ever requested any information from Rick, I got it. No problem. Rick has always returned my calls. I have no reason to doubt that Rick tries to stand by his committment to open govt. I have expressed my concerns about not getting the return calls and information with Rick and he told me that he would talk to Ed about it. I am left with this opinion. Perhaps Ed Baker doesn't value the same "open govt." concept that Rick values. Maybe Ed doesn't care about the opinion of the public because he isn't an elected official. His behavior appears to be that of the "short timer". Rick I'm beginning to think that your choice to hire Ed Baker as the head of the "Legal Department" has resulted in the retention of one facet of the "good ole boy" system the citizens of Wicomico County voted to remove when they decided to implement the County Executive form of govt. Don't forget that the actions of your administration reflect directly on you. Perhaps it's time for a "Come to Jesus" meeting with your folks - you know - just a friendly reminder to them that the citizens are the reason the govt. exists and that they are all public servants.

The Other Side

"Hi Joe,

We met a while back at a public meeting regarding potential flooding in Salisbury...not sure if you remember?

Anyway, I'm a regular reader of your blog. While I disagree with the tone in many of your postings, I think you are providing a public service by helping to make local elected officials accountable to citizens. That is a critical requirement of a representative democracy - one that our traditional media often fails to accomplish.

I know you are supporting McCain for POTUS, but I wondered if you might be interested in posting an alternative, but conservative, viewpoint.

The following is an excellent summary of why conservatives might be better off voting for Obama...this from the former editor of the National Review.


I think this is the key two paragraphs:
Today it is conservatives, not liberals, who talk with alarming bellicosity about making the world “safe for democracy.” It is John McCain who says America’s job is to “defeat evil,” a theological expansion of the nation’s mission that would make George Washington cough out his wooden teeth.

This kind of conservatism, which is not conservative at all, has produced financial mismanagement, the waste of human lives, the loss of moral authority, and the wreckage of our economy that McCain now threatens to make worse.

I doubt this conservative's opinion would sway too many votes from the folks who comment on your blog (many of them seem simply rabid, or racist, or both). However, it might create a fair bit of discussion...I know you like to "stir things up" now and then."

Obama & Creationism

"Obama & Creationism

I never see any creationists for Obama buttons! If Obama is so Christian, would he urge that creation be taught in our schools along side evolution? I don’t deny the right of liberals to teach that their descendants crawled out of the slime and swung by their tails from trees. That just may be true! But mine & yours were created in the image of GOD:)

I’ve also read that there are unconfirmed reports that Obama’s former pastor, Rev."God Damn America," Wright, is a Homo sapien! I must admit that I haven’t seen anything to suggest that this is true, so I will give him the benefit of relying on his actions to evince that he is not a Homo sapien! It is grossly unfair to suggest that Obama is a Homo sapien because of a long associaton with Rev. Wright! But just for the record, I am in NO way against Homo sapiens or thespiens! They are people, TOO!

Thomas Augustus Littleton"

It's Join Cub Scouting Time

Attention parents of boys in 1st-5th grade! Your local Cub Scout Pack is looking for you and your son! The fun of Cub Scouting is about to begin. Don’t miss out!

What’s in it for the Boys?

Games, activities, camping, arts and crafts, sports, leadership opportunities, community service projects, crime and drug prevention programs, fun, fun and more fun!

What’s in it for the Parents?

An opportunity to see your child grow, build self-confidence and self-esteem and work together as a team with boys of his age. Scouting helps you to create the potential for your son’s accomplishments. It gives your son a sense of teamwork and belonging. Be a part of Scouting in a three county area that has the second largest growing membership in the Northeastern United States.

Any boy is welcome to join any Cub Scout group. To find a Pack in your area, or if you need more assistance, please call The Del-Mar-Va Council Boy Scouts of America at 1-800-766-7268 ext. 207. You may also visit us online at www.dmvc.org and click on the Grand Slam Logo. From there you will select your county and then your school for more detailed information.

Hallmark Writers Having A Bad Day

My tire was thumping.
I thought it was flat

When I looked at the tire...

I noticed your cat.


Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.

But don't fret about it...

She moved in with me.

Looking back over the years

that we've been together,

I can't help but wonder...

"What the hell was I thinking?"

Congratulations on your wedding day!

Too bad no one likes your husband.

How could two people as beautiful as you

Have such an ugly baby?

I've always wanted to have
someone to hold,

someone to love.

After having met you ..

I've changed my mind.

I must admit, you brought Religion into my life.

I never believed in Hell until I met you.

As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am...

That you're not here to ruin it for me.

Congratulations on your promotion.
Before you go...

Would you like to take this knife out of my back?

You'll probably need it again.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Dad!

(Available only in Tennessee , Kentucky & West Virginia )

Happy birthday! You look great for your age.

Almost Lifelike!

When we were together,
you always said you'd die for me.

Now that we've broken up,

I think it's time you kept your promise.

We have been friends for a very long time ..

let's say we stop?

I'm so miserable without you

it's almost like you're here.

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

Did you ever find out who the father was?

Your friends and I wanted to do

something special for your birthday.

So we're having you put to sleep.

So your daughter's a hooker,
and it spoiled your day.

Look at the bright side,

it's really good pay