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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Congratulations Sen. Obama

John McCain is not only a hero, leader, and true public servant - he's also a gentleman:

I'm sure that his opponent will be as gracious... now that someone else came up with the idea (it didn't involve spending taxpayers' money).

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

"School Daze"

It's bound to happen to all of us at some point in our lives if we have young children,and it's especially hard on mothers-it isn't the terrible twos or potty training-it's the offical first day of school-ever. My 4 year old daughter started Pre-K earlier this week and my life hasn't been the same since !
We were fortunate in that I had been able to stay home with my only child pretty much since she was an infant and even with the PT job I picked up last spring,I spent most of my days home with her so I was not prepared for how quiet it would be once I left her at school that first morning.
I debated going back to bed once I was home,but what if the school needed to call me and I was asleep and did not hear the phone?I found myself watching Spongebob Squarepants during the day when I was alone and towards the end of the week actually feared I was developing a compulsive disorder because I was vacuuming the Berber carpets bald and talking WAY too much to our two housecats.!My neighbor,who has seen two children off to school,tells me that is perfectly normal.Just two days into the new school year,she was so bored without her daughter home she washed all the windows in her house,and laundered all the curtains and blinds too ! Need to invite her over for coffee one morning-perhaps if I serve espresso I can get her to shampoo my rugs for me !
And did I mention the worry?All day I wonder-what is she doing right now in school?Does she miss me ?Why is the bus so damn late ? The first day of school,when the bus had still not arrived at lunchtime to drop off my little girl,I grabbed the keys and was getting ready to ride out and look for the bus ! I got a half-mile down the road and there it was,coming right towards me. Extreme, I know,but not too bad-I've actually heard of mothers who followed the bus to and from school !
Also, visiting your childs classroom and meeting the other parents is a sobering experience when you are an older parent! Many of the mothers present with their 4 yr. olds were young enough to be MY offspring!The only older parent was early 50's. I have nightgowns in the closet older than these young moms!
So,even though it is hard to let go,school is a rite of passage that is inevitable and I have found that you deal with it the best you can. My little girl is still at an age where kids are not totally mortified by their parents being with them in public so with my PT schedule I could volunteer occasionally in her classroom.I will have her home for a 5 day weeknd due to Labor Day,so by the time Tuesday rolls around I will probably be ready for a few hours of solitude!

Dee, Dee, Deeee! Robinson Is At It Again!

From: fixtime@aol.com

"Your an idiot. No doubt about it and your also wrong. As ussuall. I am not
even on the shore.
Please keep posting about me its great for business. It is amazing how many
of your so called friends talk about you.
And that post was sent to my email too. Its from a lady in ocean city. I love
how stupid you are. I am not moving my store and didn't buy a building and my
daughter is minemm speaking of her time to get Going to spend some time with my
kids so they don't end up like your worthless kid. Ouch that must have hurt.
Peace out - god I love getting under your skin."

I hope the apple falls very far from the tree John because God help the little ones if they ever end up anything like you. By the way, my kids are worth millions. I'd hardly call them worthless. Besides, you told me from your own mouth how bad your own Father screwed you in debt when he died, so be careful what you preach.

Oh, there's this new feature on computers, perhaps you've never heard of it, hence the Dee, Dee, Deeee Title. It's called, SPELL CHECK! Enjoy the rest of your evening John as I know this will bring you over the top of your boiling point. ROTFLMAO! Oh, by the way, I'm glad to hear your Daughter is yours. That's always comforting to know that the child you're raising is one of your own. Of course I'm raising my Grandson and although he's not blood related to me, I love him more than life itself too.

Salisbury Police Department Is Down

If you attempt to view the SPD Website it won't come up. The third floor must be beside themselves. GO HERE to see what I mean. "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"

UPDATE: Considering the SPD follows Salisbury News 24/7, their site is back up and running again. I feel so safe now. LOL

Mark Dumeyer Plans To Run For Office In Fruitland?

Mark Dumeyers 1st Grade Picture 1954.

Mind you Folks, this is the kind of a$$hole this guy really is. Although he likes to hide behind a fictitious name, (RALPH) this is in fact the man himself. He said elsewhere:

"Ralph said...
HA! HA! I just read Joey’s post about “maning up.” This from a pussy, and I don’t mean a girl, I mean a guy that sits to pee and hides in the shower whenever there’s a knock on his door. I mean a coward that has to “hide” in his “office” to take pictures of his stalking victims. I mean a guy that rides a really gay bike. I’m surprised it doesn’t have training wheels and pink and white streamers hanging from the handlebar grips. When I say “pussy” I’m talking about someone that can write lies about people but is too afraid to “man up” and accept an invitation to a face-to-face to discuss the lies.

Before you go calling others a pansy you should take a look between your own legs first. PUSSY."

Bring it on Ralphy Boy. I hope you're PROUD FRUITLAND? I wonder how many votes he'll get now?

Free Prescription Drug Cards Continue To Save Citizens Money


August 28, 2008

In a joint statement, Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., and Wicomico County Health Officer Lori Brewster reported that, according to NACO (National Association of Counties) statistics, County residents have saved $41,228 by using the free Prescription Drug Discount Cards that were first available in January. NACO’s most recent reporting period concluded on July 31st. NACO also said that the cards have been used 3,658 times in Wicomico County.

“The cards have been an unqualified smash hit here,” said County Executive Pollitt, “this is just one of the benefits that our citizens enjoy because of their county government’s participation in MACO (Maryland Association of Counties) and ultimately, NACO.”

Health Officer Brewster noted that, “There is no cost to taxpayers to make these money-saving cards available.” The Wicomico County Health Department administers the program.

Cards are available at the Government Office Building, the Health Department, the Civic Center, the Salvation Army, Family Connection Centers, the Hazel Youth Center and the Library. Ms. Brewster added that, “We would be delighted to provide a card display for any other organizations that want to participate.”

ABCNEWS.com: ABC Reporter Arrested In Denver Taking Pictures Of Senators, Big Donors

Strong arm tactics of reporter at Denver:

ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release

TO: Warren Hanson and Caron Brace

FROM: Earl Fowlkes
Assistant Director, Field Enforcement Division

DATE: August 27, 2008

SUBJECT: Press release information, Case # 09-0095

Caron: Please highlight the fact that Sheriff Mike Lewis, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department, and his staff made the traffic stop, recognized the contraband, call us and turned this investigation over to us. FED has worked with Sheriff Lewis and his staff in the past on several investigations. Sheriff Lewis has always been a staunch supporter of our division.

At approximately 3: 45 PM, on August 26, 2008, Deputy First Class Joel Arnold and Sheriff Mike Lewis, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department, stopped a 2006 Toyota Sienna, New York Registration, ECA 6165 on U.S. 13 North at mile marker 38, Salisbury, Wicomico County, for a traffic violation.

The operator of the vehicle, Zhen Ping Lin, Asian male, DOB 11-11-1954, from 17532 S. DuPont Hwy., Harrington, Delaware 19952, was found to be in possession of 4, 490 packs of contraband cigarettes.

Sheriff Lewis contacted the Comptrollers Office and agents assigned to Comptroller Peter Franchot’s, Field Enforcement Division, responded to assist with the investigation.

Upon arrival at the Sheriff’s Office, FED agents learned the driver of the vehicle and a passenger in the vehicle, Jinjkat You, Asian male, DOB 02-23-1967, from 235 W. 23rd Street., Chicago, Illinois 60616, were transporting the contraband cigarettes in black trash bags.

Zhen Lin and Jingkat You were both arrested and charged by FED agents with Transporting Contraband Cigarettes and Possession of Contraband Cigarettes in the State of Maryland. Charge #1. Transporting Contraband Cigarettes is a Felony, which carries a penalty of two years in jail and or a $50.00 a carton fine, or both. Charge #2. Possession of Contrabands Cigarettes is a misdemeanor, which carries a penalty of a $1000.00 fine or imprisonment not exceeding one year in jail or both.

The van being operated at the time of the stop and the contraband cigarettes, were seized by the investigating agents and are being held as evidences. The cigarettes and vehicle are subject to State and Federal Forfeiture Laws. The Field Enforcement Division will initiate forteiture procedures in the near future.

The sized cigarettes are valued at $22,539.80, and represent a tax loss to the State of Maryland of $8,980.00.

Zhen Lin and Jingkat You are currently being held at the Wicomico Detention Center. Each must post a $3000.00 bond before they can be released.

During fiscal year 2008, FED agents seized 55, 937 packs of contraband cigarettes valued at $ 263,120.13. The sized cigarettes represent a tax loss to the State of Md. of $86, 587.18.

Since July 1st. the start of Fiscal year 2009, FED agents have seized 18,390 packs of contraband cigarettes. These cigarettes are valued at $92,395.00 and represent a tax loss to the state of $36,694.00.


Democratic Club of Wicomico County/Wicomico County for Obama/Biden to Host Acceptance Speech Gathering Tonight!

For Release:

August 28, 2008

Contact: Chuck Cook – Wicomico County for Obama -443-614-3760, Jim Ireton – President, Democratic Club of Wicomico County, 410-916-0694

Salisbury – Wicomico County for Obama/Biden and the Democratic Club of Wicomico County host a gathering for Senator Barack Obama’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention this evening in Salisbury.

Supporters will gather at the Green Turtle on North Salisbury Blvd to watch events at the convention in Denver, and to provide campaign material (signs, literature, bumper stickers) to supporters of the Obama/Biden Democratic Ticket.

Campaign materials for 1st District candidate Frank Kratovil will also be available!

Supporters will gather at the Green Turtle at 7:00 PM.


[a Sbynews exclusive report]

Another report, verbatim, by our delegate source at the Democrats’ circus this

I’ve decided to depart after the third day of the convention, so this is my
last hurrah from Denver. The tentative decision occurred when I learned about
the faux Greek staging for Obama’s acceptance speech and stadium rally tomorrow
(Thursday), as I have no desire to be present as he is portrayed as a god just
arrived from Mount Olympus. And the program tonight (Wednesday) iced things.
It’s now all over but the confetti and balloons that will accompany the
investiture ceremony, to be held at Invesco Field (no pun intended) so that no
faithful follower need miss the revelations by the anointed one. But, back to
recent events.

The past master I wanted to hear light up a crowd one more time was a
disappointment, despite a well staged performance, because of his trite and
slogan-filled statements about the Obama fantasy. Slick Willie showed that he
can still sell his snake oil to the suckers, but I’m waiting for him to tell us
what the meaning of “is” is. Maybe he will enlighten us on that point someday.

It was another day and evening of misrepresentation about Obama’s experience
and competence as well as what he “will” do if elected, combined with Bush
bashing and McCain trashing. Does any sane person believe that Obama is better
qualified than John McCain in foreign relations or to be our commander-in-
chief? The suggestion that Obama would do more for the welfare of members of
the armed forces is sickening. Both Clinton and that wannabe president, Kerry,
spent much of their time ranting about Bush with little spirit and much bluster.

But Joe Biden delivered a pointed, emotional and strong speech – IMO the best
one so far at this convention and possibly his personal best ever – even if I
seriously doubt about 90% of his premises and promises, which he presented with
genuine conviction. Aided by the presence of both his son, who is deploying to
Iraq soon, and his elderly mater, it deserves credit as a masterpiece that was
diminished by the unannounced appearance of the big O himself at the conclusion
as if he were the man behind the curtain in the Emerald City. That stage and
podium certainly looks like something from the land of Oz, which is said to be
the subliminal theme of this Convention.

Biden’s presence and performance has transformed what was until then a very
banal and bland convention, and that may be the catalyst in bringing off a
Democrat victory this fall. I could say more about the palpable and very
dynamic effect of his effort, but I must stop at this point because I want to
reschedule my flight to visit my son, recently back from Iraq, his wife and my
grandson. It looks like a flight today could be hard to get; lots of white,
female (and angry) Hillary delegates are leaving this morning, many wearing the
NOBAMA and DEM. 4 MCCAIN buttons and signs that have popped up everywhere, and
carrying bags of PUMA paraphernalia.

SBYNEWS.COM Takes National Politics To A Global Level

Ladies & Gentlemen:

I just received a telephone call from the BBC in Jolly Ol' England. It turns out they were on the Internet and Googled Hillary Clinton and Salisbury News came up as one of the Top Search Engine Results, hence the telephone call.

They asked a few questions about my input on this Election and then popped the question, "Would you be willing to go LIVE with the BBC in England for an Interview from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM your time TODAY?"

Of course WE have agreed to do so and GA Harrison will be joining me for this Historical Event right from 300 W. Main Street in Downtown Salisbury.

Watch out Hillary Lovers because the world is going to hear it all LIVE from Salisbury News. So tune in, (lol) to your BBC Channels and listen in.

Gary Comegys In December 2008

Gary asked me to pull out a Crystal Ball and look into the future. This is what I could see.

SFD Calls Me A D%#k!


You are truly inhumane and have no compassion nor regard for the firefighters as you say you do. You will simply do/say anything to take a pot shot at the Admin; specifically Chiefs See/Hoppes/Gordy.

How you call yourself a "non-biased" source of "news" is completely beyond any rational thought and it is my hope that God will have mercy upon your soul on your day of reckoning...

The stress these men/women are under is enormous and you will NEVER be able to even imagine what some of the go through after some of what they see/deal with on an every day basis.

No...you'd rather find fault for some small amount of overtime that may be spent for this training instead of praising the Admin of the SFD for being proactive and attempting to reach out to its members to help them see the signs of such stress and realize that there may be help for them BEFORE the unthinkable occurs.

They "choose" their careers and each knows the job hazards which by the way includes struggling in the "pay" department and having to work multiple jobs to make something more of themselves. That is true for most ffer's throughout the country, not just SFD. However, each knew that going in to the job and each accepted that when they took the job. Simply put, that is just additional stress on these men/women on top of the job stressors that are present each and every shift.
Give these guys/gals a break and wish them well for once rather than busting their chops for sitting through a class that could possibly make a difference in even just one person's life.

For once...dont be a d%#k..."

I guess there's no STRESS in what "I" do every day either, right? You see, I give people like you the opportunity to lash back at me openly and as most don't like to be disagrees with, I have to deal with Anonymous Idiots like yourself putting words into my mouth. I have not once stated that I have no compassion with Firefighters and the stress they deal with every day. I will say, however, why just the PAID Firefighters D%#khead? Why exclude the Volunteers. Oh, that's right, the Paid Firefighters don't/won't treat them like real Firefighters and that's what this Post is all about, to me anyway.

You guys always try to go after the bleeding hearts of everyone to get what you want. We saved your life, we rescued your cat/dog, you know the drill. Get over yourselves and do what your paid to do, period. Maybe I should come back here crying about the risks I take every day with threats on MY LIFE from a$$holes like yourself and QUIT because the risks are too high. Some HERO you are!

The Opportunity Shop Pack Them In AGAIN!

It's the NEW Fall line of clothing that has drawn this crowd into their Store this morning. Show me ANY other Store in Downtown that has a line going into it. Obviously people are taking advantage of the great deals. Remember, they're only open Thursday's and Saturday's.

Clean Out Your Attic For The Westside Community Center’s Indoor Yard Sale

(Salisbury, MD) Bring your wares to sell or shop for your own yard sale treasures at the Westside Community Center’s indoor yard sale on Saturday, September 6 from 7:00am-1:00pm. Admission is free. Spaces are available for $10, please call 410-873-2993 to reserve a table or for more information. Concessions serving fresh breakfast sandwiches, pastries and coffee will be available.

Proceeds benefit youth programs at the Westside Community Center. Operated by a local advisory council, the Westside Community Center provides recreational and educational programs to the Nanticoke, Bivalve, Tyaskin, Whitehaven and Quantico communities. The Westside Community Center is located at 21109 Bivalve Lodge Road in Bivalve, Maryland. For more information, call Joy Klauder at 410-873-2993.

Worthy Of A Post

angela has left a new comment on your post "Board Of Housing Adjustments & Apeals":

OMG 7:48, let me cut and paste a message I have received from John Pick. I'd really love to hear what John would have to say in response to what you've said. It seems to me there is almost no difference between the federal and local definition of "family". I never responded to this email from him because it just seemed pointless at the time. I find it very hard to believe that there has been a single case against a landlord or the city yet for discrimination based on 4-2. Shame on you Salisbury! Can't wait to see the class action suit posted in the paper and on the blogs.

From: jpick@ci.salisbury.md.us
Subject: RE: 4 to 2
Date: July 17, 2008 5:57:30 PM EDT

Angie - The attorney, who is filling in for the City Attorney while he is on vacation, has responded by saying that, generally, provisions in zoning codes limiting the number of unrelated individuals that can reside in a single-family residential zone have been upheld in the courts. In the cases she has reviewed, the limitation is accomplished through the definition of "family," as has been in done in our code. The courts have generally approved of this approach and she is unaware of this type of classification being condemned by federal law. I hope that this proves helpful. John

Look At Me, I'm Somebody

I was tipped off this morning about an article written on one of the Anti Albero Blogs stating that the No BS Blogger was calling it quits AGAIN! Like Michael Jordan, he quits, then comes back. Then he quits again, then comes back. Similar to his early Post in which I read this morning, the crybaby was crying about he and his Family being EXPOSED by name, (in which I will not expose) and as I agree with the fact that Family does not belong in attacks on the Blogosphere, he is fair game.

It simply amazes me when a Blogger wants to have a Blog anonymously and when they're finally exposed they start crying like babies and can't take the heat. I have always had my name on my Blog, even when I started out as National Joe A Graphic, if you'll recall back then 3 years ago?

It's my feeling that if you're going to sit back and criticize, OWN UP TO IT and know the risks. So you know, they pulled the article this morning because, (I'm confident) that many people went right back on the attack again exposing this Pansie's name and even perhaps his Family?

Although Michael refuses to put his name in the top billing section of his Blog, he'd like to believe everyone knows who he is too. HA! However, every time we're at an event he'll proudly say, "I'm a Blogger too." Then the person will say, oh really, what Blog do you own. He'll reply with his Blog name and they'll go, really, I've never heard of that one. That's the honest to God truth too. Michael likes to believe that as soon as he tells them what his Blog name is, they're a new visitor.

GA Harrison is also guilty of not having his name in the top billing section of his Blog as well as many others. At least when he Posts on Salisbury News his name is all over it. On his Blog he goes by CATO?

That being said, I cracked up this morning when I read that the No BS guy stated he was getting 400+ hits a day when he only averaged, (according to Site Meter) 41 hits per day. Oh well, if you think you're going out on top at even 400 hits per day, at least we know you were 300% higher than old man Duvall. Nevertheless, he'll be back soon after he reads this Post, just like the last time. I've got some tissues at 300 W. Main Street for all those who get exposed on the Blogs.

Till then, the BS is finally over!

More Illegal Signs

I'm curious. Why does it take this Blog to get the proper people out there to remove signs like this one? This has been sitting there for weeks and as much as I see Public Works right here on this corner, (almost daily) these signs don't get pulled. I don't know about you but I see them everywhere in Salisbury.

The Lone Ranger And Tonto

The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert. After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep.

Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, 'Kemosabe, look towards sky; what you see?'

The Lone Ranger replies, 'I see millions of stars.'

'What that tell you?' asked Tonto.

The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, 'Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. Theologically, the Lord is all powerful , and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you, Tonto?'

'You dumber than buffalo shit. Someone stole tent.'

Another Sam's Club Satisfied Customer


"Thanks for the good idea.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T"

You can't beat their monstrous Nathan's Hot Dog and Monster Soda for $1.71. I'm glad you tried it and enjoyed it.

Crisfield Boat Docking Contest This Sunday!!!!!

Click on image to enlarge.

Last years contest was a resounding success with an audience well exceeding 3,000 people watching as 16 of the Bay's finest Captains expertly maneuvered their workboats in THE "Boat Docking Contest of the Chesapeake Bay". Hosted by the Crisfield Area Chamber of Commerce, the afternoon long event was a treat for all ages, young and old alike, and featured several concessions including the Eastern Shore's summer, Sunday afternoon staple - hot softshell crab sandwiches and beer.

This year the Boat Docking Committee and Sponsors have raised over $30,000 in funds for the event, where prize money will be $30,000, thus, greatly contributing to the support of the watermen's' industry.

With over 20 of the Chesapeake Bay's finest at the Captains Helm, this Sunday's, August 31st event will be spectacular. The Contest begins at 1 PM, however come early and enjoy a "Taste of the Chesapeake" from our food vendors. Reserved Seating also available by calling the Crisfield Chamber at 410 968-2500.

Another Letter To The Editor


I’m from the upper shore (Cecil County), but get to the greater Salisbury area several times a year. Thus I have an interest in what’s going on in local news on the Lower Shore. For some time now I’ve an Salisbury news on an RSS feed and I surf over a couple of times a day to get unfiltered local news. Thanks for putting all the effort into an alternative news source, which surely takes a lot of time. Since I’ve been reading SBY for a while now, I’ve taken note of how you go about covering things, how the discussions go on and much more, and I’ve learned a lot from just about blog management just from reading your work.

Recently I got involved in a little issue up here, where the Town of Elkton wants to sell 20 acres of public park land, which they had just acquired in 2003, to a developer. They paid for it mostly with state grant money and at the time the applications they filed talked about how priceless it was and valuable. Then in March a developer came along and wanted to build a Target Store and It suddenly wasn’t worth much as far as the public good was concerned. Got me!

When I heard about this, I tried and tried to get the local newspaper to cover it so there was some sunshine on the subject. I realize it may have been too complex to write about, but all they had to do was a basic paragraph saying that the sale was proposed or summarize my comments in public meetings. That never happened.

Then I remembered the things I’d been observing at SBY and said why not create a political blog. I knew how to blog in general since I use them for non-political matters, but making sure people knew about a municipal policy and arguing with local government was knew. I only rolled it out on Aug 10, but having observed some practical lessons from reading Maryland’s #1 political blog, I’ve put some of the observations to good use.

I’m not as far along as you are with your on-the-scene reporting and things, but I’ve included audio and may try some of the other methods. Town meetings here get almost no light of day from local media, especially the tricky, complicated things.

The Paper still hasn’t covered it, but the clicks keep on coming (by our standards) and people are talking.

Mike Dixon

GO HERE to see Mike's new Blog.

Artist Part I

Tommy Winn is an artist from North Carolina who travels around the eastern United States carving very special pieces of wood into unbelievable pieces of art/nature. Tommy, (if you'll recall) carved that Soldier at my Father's home in Salisbury last year and is back in town working with Bob Robinson from Tree Tech. He plans on being here for another two weeks finishing up some work he started a few days ago.

Tommy started working with a chain saw at 5 years old and felt a strong calling working with drift wood and creating art with it. The first picture above was done in Virginia Beach and took 8 months to create. The wing span on each Eagle is around 6 feet.

If you're interested in any of Tommy's work you can contact him at 434-738-8207. There's a possibility he may have some of his work at the new Marshall's Fruit Stand, should everything work out. Tommy said he'd love to put a smaller piece on that Pond right next to that location and leave his mark in Salisbury.

Artist Part II

While this piece is still a work of art in progress, Tommy is carving this piece of Jesus with two Lambs incorporated into his hand and at his feet. Tommy stated this piece will take about 5 more days before he's ready to deliver it to a local Church.

Is MD's 1st Cong. District Potential PUMA Country?

Bios of Democratic National Convention delegates from Districts 1

Service – Published August 25, 2008


NANCY VOSS, 75, is a retired kindergarten teacher from Denton. She is a veteran
of the Caroline County Democratic State Central Committee and has attended six
conventions as a volunteer. This will be her first convention as a delegate.
Voss is pledged to Clinton.

MICHAEL EAVES, of Forest Hill, is a real estate agent and secretary of the
Harford County Democratic Central Committee. Eaves was also a member of the
Young Democrats of Maryland, and served as a staffer for the Democratic
Senatorial Campaign Committee. This is his first convention. Eaves is pledged
to Clinton.

JACK HUGHES, 50, of Salisbury, is a correctional officer. Hughes will represent
the American Federation of State and Municipal Employees. Hughes is married
with children. This is his first convention. Hughes is pledged to Clinton.

BARRIE TILGHMAN is the mayor of Salisbury, a post she has held since 1998.
Before becoming mayor, Tilghman worked for various political campaigns and
community organizations, such as the Salisbury Historic District Commission and
the Salisbury School Board of Trustees. She is a pledged alternate delegate for


RYAN EWING, 28, of Easton, is the field organizer for the Maryland League of
Conservation Voters. Ewing also served as a town councilor in Brunswick, Maine.
Ewing attended Western Maryland College and George Washington University. Ewing
is married. This is his first convention. Ewing is pledged to Obama.

JOYCE FITZPATRICK, 69, of Grasonville, is retired. Fitzpatrick graduated from
Penn State University. Fitzpatrick is married with three children. This will be
her first convention. She is pledged to Obama.

Update On The Dispensary

Stewart Haemel's Company has stopped printing for the Liquor Dispensary due to a "conflict of interest."

It's amazing just how powerful the Blogs truly are. Me personally, I think the man should be brought up on charges along with Alessi for such conflicts of interests.

Question of the Day, Thur 8/28

Today is National Stupid Day?

Dare I ask . . . have you had a stupid moment you'd like to own up to? Do you wish 'someone' would own up to being stupid at one point or another?

Write In Hillary Clinton For President ???

To: American voters

We, the American people, find the choices offered us in the November 2008 election -- the inexperienced, deceptive Barack Obama and the conservative flip-flopper John McCain -- to be unpalatable. We cannot in good conscience vote for either of these candidates. As such, we hereby pledge to write in Hillary Clinton for President when we vote.

Additionally, our vote is a stance against the biased and sexist way the primary season proceeded. Both the media and the DNC encouraged and permitted sexism and disenfranchisement. No one stood up and spoke out when Hillary Clinton was subjected to sexist insults, or when her innocuous statements were twisted to mean things they did not. No one stood up and spoke out when, by insulting Hillary Clinton, every assertive, confident woman in America and the world was insulted too. No one stood up and spoke out when Barack Obama’s missteps and misjudgments were ignored, allowed to slide. The media and the DNC cast aside our protests when Florida and Michigan were disenfranchised, and later that same DNC was all too happy to give some of Clinton’s won delegates in Michigan to Obama, and in fact gave votes likely intended for Edwards to him as well. Such behavior was once considered unthinkable for Democrats, but this year has become par for the course for them.

Furthermore, we will not accept Senator Clinton in any other position. For her to serve under Obama in any way – as vice president, a cabinet member, etc. – would be demeaning and insulting. Such an experienced, deserving person should never serve under an inexperienced person who bullied his way to the top every step of the way. We ask that Senator Clinton refuse any offers of such a role, and affirm that we will not vote for Obama no matter what position he offers Clinton.

Therefore, by voting for Hillary Clinton in November we protest the DNC and the media’s forcing of Obama on us as well as their mistreatment of Clinton. Both sources have made evident their disrespect for women, and we will not stand idly by and accept it. In November, we will vote for the only candidate in whom we believe, the only candidate who is the kind of person we need as President – Hillary Clinton.

Source: http://www.petitiononline.com/writehrc/petition.html

Click here to sign petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/writehrc/petition-sign.html

Western Shore Firefighter Responds To Suicide Classes

Wow!!! You are some heartless individuals. Have you ever thought that maybe it’s a prevention tool. I work in a large metropolitan fire department on the western shore of Maryland and know of (were friends with) two individuals that have committed suicide immediately following their shift. Working in our field, the stress can be overwhelming. Do you ever think that what we see on our job is stressful? And we just can’t talk to anybody about what we saw or are feeling. We cannot go home to our significant other and talk about what we had to deal with on our shift. Yes some of us have a morbid sense of humor. That is the way we deal with the stress. You go anywhere in our industry, for that fact anywhere in the public service industry, and you will see the same humor. But not everyone can deal with this stress. They dedicate their lives to help others, but find it hard to get help for themselves.

You don’t want a minimal amount of taxpayer money used to bring suicide awareness into this department? Ever thought that there maybe a trend growing across the country in firefighter suicides, and the leadership of the SFD maybe taking a proactive approach to this to prevent this from happening here? It seems to me it will probably cost less in the long run to save one life from suicide. Not just counting the dollars it would cost to train a replacement for that individual.

I just cannot believe you people are that way. I grew up on the shore and can't believe that someone from my shore would think that way about people that help citizens. You people are obviously transplants and not from my shore. It just absolutely disgusts me. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. What do you expect the leadership to do? Stop training their people and just let the department flounder? Get a life. Let the leadership of the SFD do their business. Especially if it just might save the life of a person that does the job of saving lives.

M. Adams

Mr. Adams:

Again, there are millions upon millions of Firefighters out there in the United States. That being said, the odds of a select few committing suicide is a given. I can happen anywhere, especially in the Policing business. Holding classes and gaining more attention on this issue, (IMHO) will only enhance the probability of more Firefighters getting more attention. I know this isn't a popular subject for me to respond to and or even bring up but the reality is, more bureaucracy in local government is all I'm seeing. Oh, besides, someone may want to have a sit down with Chief See because lately he's had some serious signs of issues.

Look Who Supported Biden With Bucks

Janet Dudley-Eshbach, (Zip code: 21801) $1000 to BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. on

James A Perdue (Perdue Farms Inc.), (Zip code: 21801) $2000 to BIDEN FOR
PRESIDENT, INC. on 06/30/06

Where's The Pot Of Gold?

In case you don't know where this Rainbow ends, it's right behind 300 W. Main Street. A loyal reader took this photo at around 7:00 this morning.

The Grassroots Petition That Roared: "PUMA"

When the Clinton and Obama campaigns announced last week that Senator Clinton’s name would be placed into nomination, a group of Clinton delegates cheered for a moment and went right back to work. With Hillary Clinton’s name “officially” on the ballot, the petition signatures were no longer technically needed. But this group of determined individuals pressed on.

“When we started this effort, it was the ONLY way for us to be able to vote in Denver to represent the people who elected us,” said a Clinton delegate from Texas. “We’re proud of what we did. We’re going to see it to the end. Just like our candidate – we don’t quit.”

According to DNC rules, a floor nomination petition needs a minimum of 300 signatures from voting delegates to be submitted. In July, a small but determined group of Clinton delegates and volunteers started reaching out to fellow delegates in true grassroots fashion – one by one – to collect the signatures. This proved to be slow going since Democratic Party officials would not provide contact lists for delegates. The 300 Delegate Petition group was born.

After national and international mainstream media attention, petitions started pouring in. When they received the requisite number of petitions, they once again took a breather and went back to work. DNC rules state that no more than 600 petitions can be submitted. They’re working on it.

“We’ve got well over 300 petitions now in hand,” explained Sue Castner, a Clinton delegate from Portland, OR. “Since we never consulted with Senator Clinton’s campaign, we don’t know if ‘the petition that wouldn’t die’ had anything to do with the two joint campaign announcements made last week. We will probably never know but it certainly made us feel good.”

Signatories include a governor or two, county Democratic party chairs, members of the diplomatic corps, and even some brave Obama delegates. The names of those who signed the petition will remain a mystery unless Senator Clinton decides to file the petition, in which case, their names will be a part of recorded history.

As a meager reward for those delegates who saw the nomination process as a path to party unity and signed this historic document, a numbered commemorative pin will distinguish them from fellow delegates. Rest assured, the green pin, featuring the number 300 with a pen, will be THE most coveted pin in Denver.

We Proudly Say NOBama

P.U.M.As are NOT sore losers

We simply believe Obama is grossly unqualified for the Oval Office