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The Wicomico County Humane Society Sucks!!!!!


I am one of the people who has spent thousands of dollars trying to save the life of an animal from the (not)Humane Society. To be exact I spent $2,316.21 which DOES NOT including special dietary food that was needed, and other things like a leash, toys, regular food and a doggy bed. And yes I have a folder of receipts, lab results and the necropsy (canine autopsy) report. All of which have dates and times on them. Of course there is no price that can be put on the emotional trauma from thinking you are saving a life and finding out the IMPROPER or LACK OF medical care doomed the animal prior to being adopted.

My family and I decided to adopt a dog from the Wicomico County Humane Society and save it's life. We were told that the puppy we chose was 8 weeks old and had just reached the legal age of adoption. We filled out the paperwork and were told that the puppy needed to neutered, dewormed and given all it's shots prior to be taken home. After a week I received a phone call saying that the puppy now 9 weeks old had been neutered and was able to be taken home. Just a few days after being brought home the puppy began to have diarrhea. Of course we took the puppy to vet and after several tests we found out that the puppy had tapeworms AND ringworms. "I thought that I had paid the Humane Society to deworm the puppy. At least that's what the paperwork that they gave me said". Well the puppy was treated and given a dewormer and SEVERAL medications to be taken of the next two weeks.

The puppy never made it to the two week follow up. A few days later the puppy began sneezing violently for hours at a time. So back to the vet we go. Several tests later we find out that the puppy has bordatella (kennel cough). "Once again I thought that I had paid to have the puppy vaccinated against that. At least that what the paperwork said." Since this was our only dog and the puppy was not around any other dogs where else other than the Humane Society could the puppy have gotten it from? I've been told that it can take up to 10 days for bordatella to present itself. Strangely it was exactly 10 days after we got the puppy that this happened. Again we were given several medication to help treat yet another problem that the documentation from the Humane Society stated the puppy was vaccinated for.

Yet again the puppy did not make the two weeks follow up. A few days the puppy (now 10 weeks old) began having dark, bloody diarrhea. And again back to the vet's we go. After more test we found out that the puppy was bleeding internally from hook worms cutting in the intestines. Also the puppy was having liver failure. After several days of being given IV fluids, A BLOOD TRANSFUSION and having A PLASMA INFUSION our puppy's little body just gave out and the puppy died. The necropsy showed that the puppy had canine infectious hepatitis (highly contagious). Once again since the puppy was not around any other dogs, there is only one place that all of these illnesses could have come from. The Wicomico County Humane Society.

The puppy was a lab and only weighed a little over 4 lbs. at 10 weeks. The puppy was the same size as all of the other puppies in the litter. Since there were several puppies caged together sadly I can only fear that several others had met with the same horrible and easily preventable fate.

All we ever wanted was to save an animal and give it a home and a life that it might not have had. Sadly I feel the puppies would have had a better chance in life if they were left to fend for themselves instead of being taken to the Humane Society.

Ultimately my family and I feel devastated for the puppy, hurt by being lied to and having the money we gave to the Humane Society to start life out healthy used for obviously something other than providing for the animals.



I am truly sorry for the loss of your animal. There are three local Police Officers who have recently gone through similar situations, you could be one of them, I don't know? Nevertheless, ever since I have been investigating the Humane Society, the stories I get from people are just UNBELIEVABLE and quite frankly, it makes me SICK to my stomach that Gary Comegys and the entire Board hasn't heard of a single story like yours.

Linda Lugo is NOT this local hero who does this wonderful job in our communities. I have enough stories on Linda Lugo and her Life Partner, (2nd in command at the Humane Society) in which I can only hope will bring them down and thrown the hell out of that place! Even when she went in front of the County Council not that long ago she was cursing like a sailor, using the F-Bomb regularly and clearly showed she could not be pushed around. She reminds me so much of Jim Rappp, it isn't funny.

You need to go to a lawyer and sue the Humane Society for putting your Family through all of this. Matthew, sit tight and keep your eyes on the future Posts we'll be putting up. I have evidence of that Staff breaking the law and YOU are going to be damn interested in just what Linda allowed to go on down there, all of which will probably explain just why your animal became so sick.

You can always contact me directly any time you'd like. That poor animal. Ladies & Gentlemen, it's so important you tell your own story here. Talk to your friends and get them to post, even anonymously. Local Officials need to know just how big a scam they're running up there and just how many animals come out of there sicker than when they arrived, that's for sure.

Breaking News

Antonio Herneisen was in Court in Annapolis today for the murder of Reverend Van Crawford of Delmar last year. Antonio Herneisen was sentenced to LIFE IN PRISON!

Salisbury La cross Players Get Slap On Wrist!

The two Salisbury La cross Players that went on a drunken rampage through Salisbury months ago had their day in Court today.

Retired Judge Whitehead sentenced them to 18 months, suspended. One year probation and fined them $1,000.00 after they paid $12,000.00 in restitution before their trial.

You know what, I'm not going to say any more for right now. You can post your comments.

Here's A Funny One For You

GO HERE and see what the Google Photo Search provides when you type in Mayor Barrie Tilghman. This is just too funny. You can go page after page and see mainly Salisbury News photos. However, the very first one is the funniest one of all. Remember the braless photo 2 years ago? I'll be damned if that isn't the very first one up there. ROTFLMAO! Salisbury News sure is popular on Google!

Inside Sources Say, Mayor Tilghman Is Pissed!

I received word today that Mayor Barrie Tilghman is VERY UPSET at my Post this morning showing open prostitution on the streets of Salisbury.

Can you blame her? I mean, after all, she did just recently, (once again) deny there was any such said problem in Salisbury. That pesky Joe Albero does it again! Barrie, you shouldn't openly get so pissed off and what I'd like to know is, if the Taxpayers paid so much money, (seriously) to sound proof your Office, just how is it I get to hear such things?

Things that make her go, HMMMMMMMMM?

Let's see, Jim Rapp, John Jacobs, Carrie Samis, Dan, all out of jobs. Please Barrie, please run for Mayor? DON'T LET GARY DO IT! Get into the political ring with me so I can prove to everyone just how worthless you really are. No Gangs, No Graffiti, No Prostitution, No Sludge Pits at the WWTP, No Drugs, Crime has dropped, it doesn't matter what comes out of that woman's mouth, she's full of it.

Former Zoo Director Jim Rapp May Be Out Of A Job Soon?

The Grant Money that afforded the Former Zoo Director Jim Rapp his current position at DLITE is running out and sources tell me that if he doesn't raise the money for his salary himself, he could be out of a job just as soon as that Grant Money is over.

Man, that old phrase, "what goes around, comes around" is really starting to pan out. Now let's see just how many people back and support that guy. Are people actually willing to donate the man's yearly salary for another organization? Time will tell.

On other Zoo related stories, word has it the Zoo Curator Gary Muir will be retiring from the Zoo in the near future as well. One of the former Zookeepers left the Zoo and went to work at the Sewage Treatment Plant and since then we've seen multiple sewage spills. Hmmmmmm?

Joel Hamilton is now sporting around the Zoo in a new Gator to get from one end of the Zoo to the other. This vehicle is exclusively his. It must be one of the new perks for the job. Funny, even though the money had been there to purchase it almost 5 years ago, they finally got it. With the new age of computers, it is quite a challenge WALKING through the Zoo any more. In 20 more years they should have limos taking you from one end to the other and we'll all be going, yeah, that makes sense, NOT!

Hey, I've got an idea. Maybe they should take some of the taxpayers money and buy REAL Gators and not ones that run off of fuel? THE ZOO NEEDS ANIMALS FOLKS, NOT MORE TOYS!

WMDT Spruces Up Their Vehicles

Gardner Signs, (Butch Gardner) has found a special niche in the local marketplace by placing images on vehicles to advertise and promote whatever you so choose. If you'd like to have one of your vehicles upgraded with advertising call Butch at, 410-749-1200. I'm thinking someone should have one with Fernando Guerrero put on it? Who knows, maybe the Thrift Travel Inn should do some additional marketing as well?

The Lines At This Exxon Are 6 Cars Deep In Each Lane

If you think I'm kidding you, drive past there any time and see for yourself. Ever since my Post went up this morning showing their prices at this Exxon at College Ave and Rt. 13, they have been swamped! I've even received phone calls complaining because I exposed the difference between their prices and ANY of the Gordy Tiger Marts and now everyone has to wait in line.

I can tell you one thing, the Gordy Marts do NOT have a line and perhaps for once this will keep them a little more honest. Go on Bill, take a ride over there and see what I'm talking about! Don't you ever tell me this Blog isn't as big as I say it is!

I need to start advertising!

Is It Really Safe To Send Your Children Off To School?

Early this morning in Sussex County, we woke to quite a bit of fog. Our Grandson goes to all year school in Delmar and wouldn't you know it, the Bus was right on time and ready to pick up our little guy, even with this fog. When we asked why there wasn't a delay the driver responded, there are only 4 buses that service the entire County and it is what it is.

Spring Into Action At The The Thrift Travel Inn

New State Of The Art Beds have been installed at the Salisbury Thrift Travel Inn where you can score locally at discounted rates.

Just another FEATURE you don't have at home.

A Towing Comment Worthy Of A Post

"OK. i have alot to say. being a 3rd generation in a family towing business. Their are alot of scams and crooks out there in all of our eyes. One if the city police respond to a disabled/accident etc tow the city does not allow owners request as they claim due to un insured and un licensed wreckers coming into the city. Now the state police and wico sheriffs office do allow owners request.

5.64.020, License Required - adds that companies must be licensed by the city treasurer in order to tow within city limits; and

5.64.070, Procedure for Dispatching of Towing Vehicles - eliminates "own choice request" (must follow rotation list).

Now if the customer has the money to pay the tow bill there is NOOOO reason why the wrecker service shouldn't have tow'd the vehicle straight to their house or place they wanted it repaired. As for not answering the phone to get more storage, well take a close look at the companies accused of that.. BRAND NEW wreckers and rollbacks all of them. You don't see the older companies like Williams, Simpsons, or Adkins riding around in brand new equipment. Those other younger company have to scam ppl and insurance companies just to survive. While they ride around in brand new rigs thinking their big shots. Honest towing companies don't rely on POLICE calls to survive, they are merely a bonus and its a privilege to be on the rotation list. Not a right.



EASTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IS IN LOCK DOWN! There has been a bomb threat and they locked down the Hospital at around 7:15 AM. The detonation time is at 10:30 AM, according to people on location.

There are Bomb Sniffing Dogs on location and no one at the Hospital is supposed to make any cell phone calls. This is an EXCLUSIVE story from Salisbury News. ANY updates coming in will be posted.

UPDATE: The Easton Police would not confirm or deny anything is going on. The Public Relations Staff at the Hospital have no comment.

UPDATE #2: The lockdown has been called off.

Maxine On Boarder Control

Everyone concentrates on the problems we're having in this country lately: illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida.

Not me. I concentrate on solutions for the problems. It's a win-win situation.

+ Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.

+ Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levies.

+ Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.

Any other problems you would like for me to solve today ? Yes!

Think about this one:

1. Cows
2..The Constitution
3. The Ten Commandments


Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.


They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq .... Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.

T H E 1 0 C O M M A N D M E N T S

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this:
You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a buildi ng full of lawyers, judges and politicians.It creates a hostile work environment.

Also, Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending

It is Time for America to Speak up !

Major Trouble!

Is this kid adorable, or what?

Who Is the Wizard In PAC-14’s Land Of Oz?

Public revelation of a fully formed scheme to finance the enlargement and expansion of the “public access channel,” PAC-14, by means of a mandatory “fee” for Comcast service has caused both curiosity and concern about its evolution in secrecy, including the complete disregard of PAC-14’s board of directors who are appointed by its sponsoring “partners” (Salisbury Univ., Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury). But Rick Pollitt, John Cannon, Barrie Tilghman and Louise Smith were apparently informed about its formulation during that process.

Another mystery and matter of concern is the identity of those who formulated this tax plan and secrecy scheme. And let us be clear: if it is approved by the Salisbury City Council and the Wicomico County Council, it would be a cleverly and clandestinely conceived tax on citizens who have Comcast service.

All we are being told is that a “transition task force” of 18 persons have approved the plan. A special program promoting the tax plan that recently ran on (surprise!) PAC-14 and consisted of a conversation between two members of that task force – namely Michael Pretl and Philip Tilghman – did not mention who authorized the task force or selected its members or why the public and most members of the two Councils mentioned above, including those who are on the PAC-14 board, were kept in the dark. Apparently Pretl and Tilghman are among the prime movers of the tax plan/secrecy scheme, and are aware of significant details that they deliberately did not disclose.

This blog will present the details as they emerge, including the multi-part analysis by G. A. Harrison that will appear this week, beginning today. Scroll down for the first installment of the commentary by “Cato,” or go here: http://www.delmarvadealings.com/2008/07/28/the-pac-14-fiasco-part-i-%e2%80%a6/#more-2493

And if you want to see the names of the members of the “transition task force,” go here: http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2008/07/pac-14s-transition-task-force-revealed.html

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Yes, that's a City Vehicle driving the WRONG WAY up and through the Downtown Plaza. NO, the other end was NOT closed at the time. When they drove past my Office and up the street, I grabbed my camera as quick as I could and took this photo.

More Than 6,000 People Joined Andy Harris At The Shorebirds Game

The Fireworks that evening were the best EVER given at the Shorebirds Stadium the other night while Andy Harris sponsored a day at the Ball Park in Salisbury. Everyone thought the Grand Fanale was over and the next thing you knew it happened again and again, 4 times in all!

It seemed like everyone and their brother came to the Stadium to show their support for Andy, including his entire Family and friends. Although I have many more photos of that evening, I can only fit so many. It was a grand evening and many people got the opportunity to meet Andy outside the Stadium before the Game.

I asked the management if Frank Kratovill would be hosting his own sponsorship at the Shorebirds but considering they don't want to be any part of a losing team, (hence Andy's special night with the Shorebirds) their answer was, no.

Could It Be Bubba?


I have a son with Spina Bifida. Even though we qualify for a Handicap Permit, we choose to simply park as close as we can and assist him in walking. Having a handicapped child will open your eyes to the world around you. As we were leaving Home Depot today, we walked past this car. It caught our attention in two ways. One because it was a nice car, but TWO because even though there was no handicap tag or placard, the owner somehow felt he qualified for the spot. I guess it was a Mental Handicap!"

Can YOU Guess Which 3 Of These Stations Are Gordy Marts?

Does anyone know what price fixing is? You see, the way I see things, each one of these Stations is in close proximity of one and other, yet ONE of these Exxon's is HONORABLE, (not owned by the Gordy Family) and another example is Sam's Club.

The next time you feel like getting screwed, visit one of the local Gordy Tiger Marts, pull out your jar of petroleum jelly, bend over and tell them to reach inside to collect their money. If you'd like to save yourself the trouble, go to Sam's Club or the more honorable Exxon Gas Station on Rt. 13 & College Ave. Heck, shop around like I did and buy your gas pretty much anywhere else and save yourself some serious bread!

The age of the Internet really sucks, doesn't it Billy? You will be held just as accountable as our local Government. After all Folks, it's obvious the Gordy's are asking for MORE money to help support Frank Kratovill. Oh, and to get $20.00 worth of FREE gas, I think not! YOU are paying for everyone else's subscription to the Daily Times to boot!

Ron Alessi To Step Down As President Of The Salisbury Zoo Commission

There's all around good news coming from the Salisbury Zoo recently. I ran into Mr. Ron Alessi at the Shorebirds Game the other night in support of Andy Harris. I was able to take a few minutes and have a nice conversation with Ron where he flat out told me he's getting ready to resign as President of the Zoo Commission. When I asked why, he simply replied he was getting too old and it was time for a change.

Mr. Alessi was also kind enough to give me an exclusive by adding the Zoo has in fact hired a new Education Director but with everything going on that evening the name slipped him. I do know that her Husband is teaching Golf at UMES and they recently moved to the area. Ron sounded VERY pleased with this opportunity and from what I saw through his expressions, I'd have to agree. Besides, anyone, (no disrespect to the new person filling that position) is going to be 99.9% better than Carrie Samis, that's for sure.

Ladies & Gentlemen, the empire is crumbling little by little. Mr. Alessi has spent so many years at the realm dedicating his free time, one can only say thank you. I may not agree with his past or style but one can't deny his dedication and love for the Salisbury Zoo.

In closing, I'm sure you'll read about this in the months to come in the Daily Times?

Even Sherman Couldn't Get The Customers To Pull In

While the Saturn Dealership in Delmar, (?) tried every stunt known to the automobile industry to try and encourage customers to at least pull in and have a free hamburger, hot dog, soda, chips, massive discounts and bouncing machines, there's NO money left!

Dealers are discounting automobiles like there's no tomorrow. One used car lot next to WaWa further north on Rt. 13 has nothing but pickup trucks on their lot, no cars at all. Other dealers have the rock bottom prices plastered all over the vehicle but there's no one pulling in to buy.

I just read an article in the Washington Post talking about expanding employee pricing to anyone they know. Dee, Dee, Deeee! No Sh!t! Either you unload them or you go under with that much more debt! Then who's going to service these vehicles when they fold? I love the commercial with Chrysler offering a Lifetime Warranty! Who's Lifetime? My money says I'll easily outlive that corporation, especially in this economy!

I guess a lot of people are that stupid?


Manley Brown, Jr. was the leading trainer at Rosecroft Raceway with 44
winners in 209 starts when the Fort Washington track closed June 28.
Brown has taken many of his trainees to Ocean Downs and fared very well
with them there. Brown’s eleventh win during the current summer meet was
with Mc Matz’s Ztam, a 7 year-old gelding, which won Saturday night July
26 (1:56.4, $4.40). The son of Sportsmaster from Funny Clown edged four
year-old Broule Hanover in a photo-finish and now has won four straight
at the ocean, the first three with John Wagner in the bike. With Wagner
unavailable Saturday, Ray Robinson, Jr. stepped in as the pilot.
Robinson earned his 23^rd win of the meet and is now only 20 wins shy of
the 1,000 career-win driving mark.

Mr Love Joy, a ten year-old gelding was seeking his fifth win of the
meet, but incurred a break and did not finish in a race won by Casimir
Bad Boy (1:56.4, $2.80). The nine year-old is trained by Shawn Armour
and was driven by Brandon Givens, who logged a driving double and has 13
wins for the summer meet. Givens also had the lines as four year-old
Crucial Escape, trained by Ronald Short, won her third at the ocean this
summer (1:59.2, $5.00). Wayne Long and Eric Ledford also posted
driving-doubles Saturday. Long now has 13 driving wins during the meet
while Ledford leads all drivers with 35.

Live racing continues with a Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
evening format through closing night August 24. First post is 7:35 pm.
Many stakes races are set during the final sixteen nights in the 40-day
meet. For further information, call Ocean Downs (410) 641-0600.

Jim Whittemore, Publicity Director

Does Anyone Actually Believe Bubba Would Make A Good Mayor?

The above photos were taken by ME this past Saturday. But wait a minute, does the SHA give their Staff take home vehicles? Are YOU and I paying for that vehicle? More importantly, are YOU and I paying for that GAS? Yes, this is Mr. Comegys home. Do YOU realize what the BIGGEST concern for Americans is right now? GASOLINE!

With the price of gas going through the roof, why are we, (the taxpayers) paying for Gary Comegys to drive around in this vehicle and actually bring it home on weekends? Could he be abusing the system? Do his Bosses care that he's rarely at work and spent all that time campaigning during business hours and now he's planning on spending even more time campaigning for Mayor? Enough Is Enough!

Well, I don't care if it is a take home vehicle, this ticks me off. I can see State Troopers locally having take home vehicles. I can see Sheriff's Deputies and even SPD Officers who live in the City having a vehicle to take home. My friend GA Harrison disagrees with me on that, that's what makes things so interesting on our Blogs.

However, a SHA take home vehicle? IF this is true, it's time our Governor start looking into how to SAVE a few million dollars and stop sucking every dollar out of our pockets as humanly possible through taxes!

It's time for a change all the way around but more importantly, this is the example you have of a guy who actually believes he has a chance at winning as Mayor of the City of Salisbury. If Billy Burke thinks things are bad in Pocomoke, man, we need to send Bubba down there for a while, wouldn't you agree?

My Book, "How To Get Laid In Salisbury For Dummies"

Oh, that FEEL GOOD Press Release sent out last week from the Salisbury Police Department wanting ALL of YOU to feel good that your man is afraid to go out and find his way to the Thrifty Motel for a quickie clearly told me today, (Sunday) that those arrests didn't seem to scare off the female population looking for a quick buck or two.

It goes back to the old Dr. Phil saying, "How's It Working For You" Chief? I truly loved the God Message they like to pass off to everyone each day from that Motel, as if anyone believes the bullsh!t coming from that place. Nevertheless, without going up to the windows and taking some peep shots, I chose to stay across the street and watch these people doing what they could to pick up anyone they possibly could. Funny thing is, why isn't the local Law Enforcement doing this?

I spoke to one of my friends about this who travels that area several times a day and he said, yep, I saw them today. They're out in full force, aren't they? So WE can see it! We can also see the Gangs and We can see the graffiti and prostitution and even the rampant drug sales all over the City. How is it everyone is so blind Chief?

Let me close with this. Does anyone reading this Blog believe for a single second that the SPD isn't loaded with PROFESSIONAL Police Officers trained to have an eye for such wrong doings? I say that with all due respect towards the Officers because I happen to know that they have been asked to concentrate on other issues instead and the Officers are EXTREMELY frustrated.

Remember, where there is prostitution, there is drugs. If "I" can see this so openly, if Officers are asked to concentrate on other issues, would you agree your City is falling apart right in front of your very eyes and it's time for a change in leadership? Or do you simply believe no Police Officers were working on Sunday?

Councilwoman Debbie Campbell On Bill Reddish Show This Morning

Turn your radio to 1320 AM this morning and listen to Debbie Campbell share her points of view of the City of Salisbury. She should be on at 7:40 AM on WICO.

As The Jail Churns

"On Friday July 25, 2008 Chief Investigator William Hardin was banned from the building of Wicomico County Detention Center. This was on the order of Chief of Security Col. Thomas Kimble. Not only was Mr. Hardin banned, his office was padlocked. What is really going on here? It's common knowledge at WCDC that Mr. Hardin and Director Devenyns have locked horns before. Its also a fact that Director Devenyns has been the subject, or should I say suspect, of an investigation. It is also a fact that Mr. Hardin, who normally reports directly to the director, does not fall under the directors chain of command any more. Which means that he is not responsible to report to the director, and has not for more than four months.

The banning occurred on Friday just after the front page announcement of WCDC to house more US Marshall Detainees. How could good news go so bad so quickly.

Do not think that Col. Kimble done the banning on his own, he was ordered to. Mr. Hardin is retired from MSP and regarded highly statewide. The Wicomico County Sherriff will attest to this as he has worked with and known Mr. Hardin for many years.

It has been evident that Director Devenyns, not warden as he has never been certified to be a correctional officer, does knee jerk reactions. He had one officer out on administrative leave because of unfounded rumors. That was paid leave without the officer using one minute of personal leave. A paid vacation. Another officer was arrested and handcuffed in the Officers Dining Room, placed on unpaid leave only to be restored to duty with back pay. Both of these officers have lawsuits pending. Will Mr. Hardin be joining their ranks? Only time will tell. If anyone has more facts or can refute any of these facts, please speak up. Only the light of truth will be true. The really sad fact is that the hard working and yes underpaid line officers will the ones who truly suffer."

The PAC-14 Fiasco - Part I …

... How Will YOUR Money Be Spent?

To date, the move to put our local access channel - PAC-14 - on sounder financial footing has been little more than a series of deceptions and refusals to answer questions. In other words, it's been a pure fiasco.

Today we begin a five (5) part series on The PAC-14 Fiasco. Read more...


A 5th grader asked her mother the age-old question,
"How did I get here?"
Her mother told her, "God sent you."
"Did God send you, too?" asked the child.
"Yes, Dear," the mother replied.
"What about Grandma and Grandpa?" the child persisted.
"He sent them also," the mother said.
"Did he send their parents, too?" asked the child.
"Yes, Dear, He did," said the mother patiently.
"So you're telling me that there has been NO sex in this family for 200 years?
No wonder everyone's so damn grouchy around here."