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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hub-Bub In The Hub

To address the one comment who said that I lost some respect by posting in this forum, a lot of people said that when I started affiliating with Joe...last year, but that is neither here nor there as they say.

Now to the exclusive, MarylandPT was able to obtain the February 4th Briefing Book which includes the management letter that criticizes the city government for not following basic accounting guidelines, which led the the misplacement of $10 million and the testy situation from this past Tuesday...

Breaking News

A 9 year old child was attempting to cross Business Rt. 50 near the Downtown Draw Bridge, no cross walk, no traffic light and was struck by a vehicle. Fortunately there are no serious life threatening injuries and he was taken to PRMC.
The woman driving the car did see him coming out of the corner of her eye and was able to slow down quite a bit before she struck him. You can see the hand prints from the child on the hood of her car.
I believe you'll be able to see more on this accident on WMDT, 47 News at 11:00 PM.

Pam Oland Sighting

Pam Oland was seen exiting the GOB TODAY at 5:15 PM. She was hot footing it out of her office and she appears to have recovered from her illness. GO FIGURE!!!!!

Rep. Gilchrest And Open Borders In The Washington Times

Rep. Gilchrest and open borders
Liberal-leaning Rep. Wayne Gilchrest is fighting for his political life against two Republican challengers in Maryland's 1st Congressional District from conservatives led by state Sen. Andy Harris. Federal Election Commission figures show that between Oct. 1 and Jan. 23, Mr. Harris led all Republican candidates with $1.1 million during the current election cycle. Mr. Gilchrest raised $393,000 during the same period, bringing his total to more than $577,000. State Sen. E.J. Pipkin, who entered the race in November, has put more than $800,000 of his own money into the race, Congressional Quarterly reports.

GO HERE to read the rest.

If You Think This Command Center Is A Waste......

Wait till you see what's under curtain #2!!!!!!!
That's a MONSTER Generator that has been sitting outdoors DOING NOTHING for longer than I can remember!
That's right, the County has its hands on a VERY expensive generator that has been doing absolutely nothing, yet it's covered under that blue tarp and out of the public eye.
Perhaps someone from the County would like to explain this one because I can't seem to get any answers? None worth posting so far, anyway.
I would have brought it to yesterday's Council Meeting and slapped it up on the table like they did bottles of beer and pens but it was JUST TOO BIG for me to carry. Talk about Grandstanding!

The OTHER Command Center

"What ever happened to that so called "command vehicle" that the county let the 911 center/emergency management buy? What a waste of tax dollars, oops I meant to say grant money!! Grant money or tax dollars it is all the same. We, the tax payers have to pay for it. Joe, if you get a chance to hunt it down try to get some pics of it. Those morons went out and bought a light weight camper and converted it to a "command vehicle" that is hardly ever used. They make real command vehicles for a lot less than they paid for the camper. Does anyone know how much it is costing the tax payers to maintain that camper, I mean command vehicle? Enquiring Taxpayers want to know!"
I believe this is the one you're talking about. I can't say too much about it other than that "I" feel the County has a bit of a problem on their hands when it comes to both the Sheriffs Command Center Unit and this one. That problem is, these units should NOT be exposed to being outdoors 24/7. This is yet another reason I believe the County should consider a new Sheriff's Department whereas they can add storage for such units. Blast away.......



The Salisbury City Council’s February 7, 2008 work session to discuss the FY07 financial statements will be held in Council Chambers (Room 301 – Government Office Building) instead of Conference Room 305.

The work session begins at 4:30 p.m.

Maryland Politics Today Joins Salisbury News

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I am VERY pleased to announce that Mr. Kenny Burns of Maryland Politics Today, (a very respected Blogger) from the Western Shore has joined Salisbury News.

Mr. Burns will bring a Journalistic talent very rare to the Blogosphere. If you haven't been to his Site, click the Link below and see for yourself just how professional this young man is.
Welcome aboard Kenny and we thank you for your input on both the Eastern Shore and Western Shore.

GO HERE to see Kenny's Site, Maryland Politics Today. Mr. Burns has also achieved the #1 Blogger status in the state of Maryland numerous times by Blognetnews.

The New Andy Harris Commercial

If you would like to see the actual commercial, GO HERE.

Andy Harris Launches Final Ad Blitz

Annapolis - Today, Andy Harris launched his final television ad of the campaign. This ad comes on the heels of a positive economic television ad in which Andy outlined his vision for how to improve our ailing economy.
The new ad features individual voters from the district who have decided Wayne Gilchrest no longer represents their values. "Republicans throughout the district agree that Wayne Gilchrest no longer shares their values." said Chris Meekins, Campaign Manager for Harris for Congress. The individuals in the ad point out Gilchrest liberal fiscal record in Washington.

Former Republican Governor Bob Ehrlich closes the ad with "I'm supporting Andy Harris. He's the true conservative in this race." This is the first advertisement in which Governor Ehrlich has been used by the Andy Harris campaign. In the most poignant line in the ad a young mother says, "He supports funding for abortion," then a purple heart World War II veteran who was a prisoner of war in Germany says, "but not for our troops."

The campaign did a sizeable buy. "By the end of this campaign, every voter will have seen this ad that draws a stark contrast between conservative Andy Harris and liberal Wayne Gilchrest," said Chris Meekins.

"We sent Wayne to change Washington, but Washington changed Wayne" Meekins added. "Now we need to change congressman."
The ad can be viewed at www.andyharris.com

Script for the Ad (Each line is spoken by a different person)

Wayne's Changed

He Changed, he won't get my vote

Not this time

He's liberal

Too Liberal

Too Liberal

He might as well be a Democrat

He votes for big spending

Big tax and spender

Tax and spend, tax and spendspend and tax

That's all he does, tax and spend

Taxes are killing us

He's been in Washington way too long

18 years

Money for abortions

But not for our troops

I can't support him this time

I can't vote for him again

He doesn't believe in the Republican Party, we need someone who does

I support Andy Harris. Andy Harris is the true conservative in this race. I'm Andy Harris and I approved this message

Before & After

What was once a Book Mobile has now become the Urban Assault Vehicle for the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department. It's amazing what can be done with ASSETS owned by a CITY or County. The City of Salisbury likes to SURPLUS everything from mop handles all the way to buildings worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Rather than keeping items worth while and showing some vision, the City of Salisbury has clearly shown they are not open minded and they do not value items worth money.
Remember that Fire Truck I offered $2,500.00 for and Chief See told me that unless I offered $5,000.00 plus, they weren't selling it? They cut that Fire Truck in half and put it inside the new $10,000,000.00 Fire Station.
Kudos to Rick Pollitt, The Wicomico County Library System and the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department! This is a group headed in the right direction!

Comments Soar

Along with additional hits have come comments. Between yesterday and the day before we've had 223 comments. This is fantastic Folks. People are expressing their opinion and that's what creates the pressure and that creates change.

Bumper Stickers are a great thing too but there's nothing like giving people the opportunity to express how they feel, especially knowing the Tilghman Administration is watching the Blogs every moment of the day. Oh, by the way, Hi Chief, hello Barrie.

They can shut us up in Work Sessions and even Gavel us in Council Meetings but they CANNOT stop the Blogs. Keep in mind Folks, you can comment anonymously and no one will EVER know who you are. Blogger protects you like there's no tomorrow and I can assure you, if your comment is too far over the top I'll make sure I reject it.

In the mean time, blast away and do NOT fear retaliation. You do NOT have to create a Blogger Account to post a comment anonymously. If you want Barrie Tilghman to hear what you have to say, post it here and believe me, it will get to her even if she doesn't read it herself.

Heck, we get more comments in one day than most other Bloggers get in hits for one week! Keep them coming and again, thanks for the support.

Frustrated Bloggers

While WMDT, 47 News has created a fantastic opportunity for local Bloggers to express their opinion by promoting them on their very own Website, (not forgetting the commercials they're airing on television) some Bloggers are upset with the end result.

Bill Duvall clearly became upset because Salisbury News was the first to get on board. Respectfully, WMDT removed Bill from participating for good. Then there's the Anti Albero Bloggers who desperately wanted to be included but were denied because of their one and only intent and content, ME.

The idea, (IMO) is to create another opportunity to share with the Internet Community news WMDT might not be able to produce for numerous reasons. Should someone call them and ask why they didn't touch on a particular topic, WMDT can easily explain that it was available on their Blog Link, similar to The Daily Times.

However, the content should be about news and information. The Blogs can deliver instant notices and if they're anything like Salisbury News, they'll produce it all day long.

Then there's the comment portion. Citizens can participate how they feel about each topic, which can't be done on television. Sure, they can interview people but the people watching can't express their own opinion like they can on the Blogs and people can also do so anonymously, should they fear the retaliation of let's say, Barrie Tilghman.

This Blogger isn't at all frustrated because I personally believe this is a great way to gain more exposure and considering each day, every day, we're reaching record days and I want to personally thank WMDT for the opportunity. The Pocomoke Tattler did just that HERE.

Don't forget to pop onto WMDT's BLOG Link and show your support to an organization that is open minded and willing to take the risks. You know the Mayor and others are ticked off at them and quite frankly I've even seen myself that they haven't been invited to certain events or been given the heads up. Welcome to the Dark Side WMDT!

Two Years Ago Today

What started out 2 years ago as a $14,000,000.00 Fire Station was suddenly reduced to a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station and THAT convinced the City Council, (at the time) that it was now worthy of building.
As it stands, the Salisbury Fire Department is one of the most expensive Fire Stations in the World. And everyone wonders why tens of millions of dollars just disappears and then pops back up again?

One Year Ago Today

"One Year Ago Today a Salisbury City Police Officer was shot at in the line of duty. The officer was chasing a man who had just broken into a home and kidnapped three people at gunpoint. All three people were saved and the suspect was captured after being wounded by the officer. No one cares about police officers until they need one or a cop is killed. That officer almost didn't go home to his family because he was protecting our community. Show some love."


FREE Bumper Sticker

Don't forget to come to the 4:30 Council Work Session tonight and get your FREE Bumper Sticker.

Visitors Are Still Mainly Locals

As you can see, we're still pulling in mainly locals. Thanks to all of you, this Blog has done very well.

Please don't recall Barrie Tilghman! What would I do without her? ROTFLMAO!

For those of you who don't know what that means, (I was asked last night) it means, Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off.

Something To Ponder

When a public official abridges another's Constitutional Rights (including that of free speech), that official stands PERSONALLY as to liability, that Official is not cloaked in immunity as to his official position.


Cockroaches, Public Officials Share Common Traits By June Maxam

SANDUSKY, OHIO----Public officials and cockroaches have a lot in common. Neither like having a spotlight shown on them .Cockroaches like to hide, engaging in their destruction in the dark, unobserved, undisturbed.

Much like those public officials who engage in official misconduct and wrong doing. The key to eradicating cockroaches is shining the light on them, exposing them and eliminating them.

Robinson Charges On Hold For The Moment

John Robinson discharged a hand gun yesterday in his business while the bullet and or fragments from the bullet struck an employee. In one breath Robinson claims it happened on the carpet, yet he also claimed he was putting the gun away. The problem with this story is, there is carpeting in the front of the Store and no carpet in the back of the Store where he'd be putting the gun away.
So why would he be in the front of the Store taking a hand gun apart? Oh well, the truth to the whole thing will eventually come out. The reality today is, it is up to the States Attorneys Office and it is in their hands right now. Will they press charges against Robinson? Only time will tell. In the mean time, go out and enjoy some soft ice cream while you can get it John. They don't serve that in the WCDC. You know, just in case.

A Comment Worth Posting!

I implore the city NOT to give that building away. (and not to sell it for a token, either).

In fact, all business transactions not already in place should be put on hold until this budget fiasco is straightened out, safeguards are in place in fiscal matters, public confidence is restored.

Unfortunately I cannot attend tonight. I would love to be there. However, I have to work my second job to pay my taxes.

Council President Louise Smith Loses It!

This is the series of photos Monday night where Louise Smith simply lost it and ultimately adjourned the meeting.
NOW, here's what's important Folks. Last night, Louise Smith announced on WBOC that from here on out the City will be hiring Security for every meeting! Look, this is a move to intimidate and discourage Citizens from attending meetings.
The idea is to make it seem as if this is how ALL the meetings go. That's simply not true. The City placed the Taxpayers in a very awkward position. You see, we entrusted the City to PROFESSIONALLY handle OUR money, just like a publicly held company.
Well, something fraudulent happened and all of a sudden in the past few months, $19,000,000.00 has suddenly showed up, PLUS a 14%, (perhaps illegal) Tax Increase to boot!
Certainly the STOCK HOLDERS are going to be upset. Now, does that mean someone would become physical with a 70 year old Council President? I'll personally kick anyone's ass if they ever tried! However, no one would ever think of it and Security is bullshit! It's more wasted Taxpayers money and this is all a show!
Do NOT allow them to intimidate you and PLEASE do show up for these Council Work Sessions tonight at 4:30 and tomorrow night at 4:30. Either you care and want to see a change or you don't and that's all there is to it.
Many of you are retired. This is NOT going to be on PAC14, so get off your ass and get out to these meetings. Leave your guns at home, thank you.

Hum Num Num Num Chomp Chomp Num Num Slurp Slurp

Chomp chomp oink oink num num hum num snarkle snarkle chomp chomp num num num num snort snort num num, oh uh huh, I schecond dat, yeasch, uh huh. Chomp, chomp, num num, snorkle snorkle.
Whach you mean the meeding is adjourned? I aint finished with my num nums yet!


If you're waiting around for YOUR Daily Times, you know, the one YOU paid for, it ain't there! Why, who the hell knows? Nevertheless, there are some of us who cannot access their Website either because they're too lazy to make any corrections to help Dial Up Users.
Oh well, the timing couldn't be any better for these kind of mistakes while Salisbury News enjoyed yet ANOTHER Record Day yesterday, honest to God. Look out Daily Times and please, keep up the good work.

It’s Give-Away Day In Salisbury, Again!

The City that misplaced millions of dollars last year and had to do a double-digit tax rate increase despite its auditor telling us that it’s in good financial health is about to pull another shenanigan on the public. This time the mayor wants to give away (not sell) the old headquarters fire station on South Division Street when it is vacated by the SFD.

That’s what the City Council could decide, by “consensus,” to do at the work session this afternoon, beginning at 4:30 PM in the Government Office Bldg. (Room 306).

If you can’t attend or call Council Members, then e-mail them all at sbycouncil@ci.salisbury.md.us