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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama Will Begin To "RULE" On Day One

This is very scary

The co-chair of Barack Obama's Transition Team, Valerie Jarrett, appeared on Meet the Press this weekend and used, shall we say, an interesting word to described what she thinks Barack Obama will be doing in January when he's officially sworn into office. She told Tom Brokaw that Obama will be ready to "rule" on day one. It's a word that reflects the worst fears that people have for Obama the "arrogant," the
"messiah," that imagines he's here to "rule" instead of govern.

Jarret told Brokaw that "given the daunting challenges that we face, it's important that president elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one."

Don't blame me


  1. I have absolutely no problem with the word used.

  2. Hail to King Obama!

  3. Harris just conceded the race!

  4. Sounds like King Obama rather than President Obama. Do you think he is somewhat "obsessed" with himself.

  5. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the eye witness comments quoted there.

  6. Just heard that Obama the Great has already leaked information from a private conversation with President Bush. This guy is going to be trouble. Mark my words.

  7. That's because you're a KOOL AID drinker.

  8. To "Rule" is to be a "Dictator".
    All dictatorship governments
    have been over-thrown. Time will tell , very shortly!

  9. To 10:25 am

    You are simply called a follower ,
    you have no ambition. A nonproductive member of society.
    You will be scrubbing the feet
    of the rulers.

  10. Obama will never "Rule"

  11. I don't either. I felt any president of the United States that I have been apart of "ruled"

  12. cool. In 52% of Americans minds, he already does "rule". And now he's got a 70% approval rating.

    Have fun in the wilderness, Republicans!

  13. One person and not even Obama says one word and you guys fall all over yourselves.

    And of course it's Obama's fault.

    Didn't work before, what makes you think it will work now?

  14. What a difference a word makes! Ms. Jarrett could have used a more suitable word, such as "govern" (as Joe did), but when one appears on a show such as "Meet the Press," he or she doesn't have the leisure of thinking ahead. Mr. Obama, indeed, better to ready to "rule" or "govern" or whatever choice of word one wants.

  15. Obama will bail-out everyone, slash the military, raise taxes and then move to the center. In the meantime the Middle Class will suffer.

  16. Obama proved he has no respect for the Office of POTUS.

    Immediately after his private meeting with the one and only President of the U S. He leaked notes of the meeting. This makes it certain that no foreign or domestic dignatary will ever have a private meeting with Obama and assume anything will be kept private.

    Thus Obama will be the most ineffective President ever. How can he be effective if he is universally untrustworthy?

  17. Anon 11:20- Tell us what President Elect Obama told what came out of the meeting with President Bush. I interested to know.

  18. Private details like the disinfectant lotion offered.

    But also details Bush asked to be kept private like the negotiation over the auto maker bail out. Bush wanted to proceed more carefully on it.

    Heard about it on Rush.

    He evidently gave Andrea Mitchell a blow by blow account.

  19. Don't get your shorts in a bind !!! Just quit listening to all these idiots that think they know everything about everthing.How in the world can we judge somebodys work before we even see a sample???

  20. And George Bush said, "This would be a whole lot easier if this were a dictatorship, especially if I were the dictator." He was joking, of course, but signed executive orders to do just that.

    You folks are really working yourselves up into a frenzy. A spokesperson for Obama used a poor choice of words. Ok. I know none of you ever do that. How about Phil Gramm saying the economic problems are all in our heads as a nation of whiners? I didn't hear you ragging on Gramm and McCain.

    So, are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?

    You spend so much time gnawing on every word like this. The time would have been better spent on something for the community.

    Rush Limbaugh...oh, yeah. That's the ticket.

  21. "Heard about it on Rush."

    Well there you go.

  22. Contrary to what the MSM reports, Andrea Mitchel included. Rush is held to an extremely high standard. Unlike the Daily KOS conservative boards do not kick out members for criticizing their own. You had better believe that when Rush errors he hears about it. We are never shy about giving him an earful. Tell the truth or you listeners (thus money) evaporate and we give you hell on line.

    Andrea Mitchel said this I guarantee you. Her words were read and her voice will be played when it is released. Why say things about Obama or Mitchell when you can simply play them in their own words? That is what the Right does.

    Only the MSM engages in gossip. Like the fake Sarah Palin reports quoted from a made up source that does not even exist.

    Listen to Always Bout Clinton (xxxx that Obama) tonight and Andrea will tell you all about it.

  23. For you on the Left who know nothing about Rush.


    Is the AP also something we can NOT trust?

    Here it is straight from the AP. It is also in the New York Times. Course they do not give the context that this is simply not done and causes extreme damage to Baracks chances of having the integrity to meet with foreign leaders and receive private information.

  24. Black or white, Ruler or dictator, Obama can only do what the House & Senate authorize or go along with. Obama isn’t going to come in and rule anyone unless the two houses go along with it.

  25. Let's just get over it. Ok, Obama won. Give him a chance to see what he can do. By the way, I read on a blog on Yahoo that The President Elect and the First Lady's first business is to replace the Statue of Liberty with a Statue of Aunt Jamama holding a chicken leg!
    I personally don't care. He was voted in and let the games begin!

  26. Now Obama wants to "help out" the American automakers.I say no way!He is just kissing up to the unions,who want to keep making $60 an hour for assembly line work.
    Heres a challenge-force them to "work" for their bailout.In order to qualify for the bailout money they must make sure EVERY last vehicle they produce is not only 30 MPG rated or higher,but remains affordable to the average American worker,who does not have the luxury of making the money carmakers are paying employees.

  27. Joe... do you just post anything on any given day? One day you bash... then the next your praise. Do you do this so that you can say "see, I told you so!"????

  28. I agree.

    We should let GM, Ford and Chrysler fail.

    They will be bought up by Toyota or Hundai or someone who will build better cars unencumbered by old union contracts.

  29. I don't care if he's Black , White, Blind, Crippled or Crazy.He's got to do better than Bush,Cheney and all the other crooks in Bush's Admin.! Maybe we should ask Cheney to loan the country some money from the profits from his Haliburton scams !!

  30. For those of you who fear the word "rule", it is defined as a "principle or regulation governing conduct". Whatis there to fear?

  31. steve,

    That AP article doesn't support anything you're talking about with Rush.

    And, yes, the AP is suspect because their political director lobbied for a job with the McCain campaign earlier this year. Everything out of the AP has been suspect. Especially with pro-radical-right-wing writers like Liz Sidoti.

    Either way, if you believe Rush Limbaugh on ANYTHING, then you deserve to be lied to.

  32. I have NEVER seen so many Republicans scared of a black man. That's really all it boils down to

  33. anon 1:50 pm. Sorry Bud but Obama is not BLACK!


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