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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Letter To The Editor

"After voting yesterday, I was able to do a complete news blackout. I did not turn on the TV, or radio, even last night. I did not find out any election results until I got up at 6:30 this morning. The United States of American has survived a lot of wars and disasters in the last 200 plus years. I pray that we will survive this one as well.

Now I am going back to bed........ I'll get back up in four years."


  1. Is this really worthy of posting Joe? Seriously!! "I pray that we will survive this one as well."

    We've been through the worst already! Thankfully McCain won't follow in Bush's footsteps!

  2. Why don't you stay in bed...forever!

  3. anonymous 9:30

    Not everyone voted for Obama. I believe it's worthy of a post and discussion.

  4. I can proudly say I DID NOT vote for Obama. Even though I am one of those hard working folks out there trying to make a living, I guess now under the Obama regime, I can sit back and take some handouts! But then of course I will hear I make too much money and wont qualify.

  5. He didn't win it on my vote. I can't wait to say I told you so.

  6. We all survived 8 years of your man and I do believe you'll survive our man. The rest of the world is happy too.

  7. It's a sad day in the U.S. ,
    at least for me. My freedom is at stake , Ive said it before , I will
    fight to keep my rights.

  8. The nightmare is finally over.

  9. 9:44- Of course the rest of the world is happy. When Obama carries out his promise to down-size our military they'll be chomping at the bit to be the country known for taking the USA down.

  10. I bet them jew bankers take the sell-out money and run all the way to forein markets, it aint even started yet, hold on to your seats.

  11. I did not vote for Obama, but we have to accept and respect our president :( I think God must be fed up with this country and the way people do whatever feels good. Lives are not valued and Gods word is stepped on. It also is NOT a racist thing at all! If anything, its reverse racism. Did you see the t-shirts with Obama and a African flag in the back!? Not an American flag, but African? Hello!? this is the president of the USA!I would have easily voted for a black man if he had any values and morals.God bless the USA.....we need it.

  12. No Joe... You posted it just to get your last 2 cents in.

    Trust me, we've read about your dislikes for MONTHS. Enough is enough... even if you say it's from someone else.

    Just like these comments you approve. 99% side with your thoughts (not like this is any surprise).

    Those screenshots yesterday proved how biased you are when it comes to your posts and accepting comments.

  13. 9:51--The nightmare is only beginning.

  14. It is going to be a rough 4 years. I'm rejoining the NRA today to show my support of the 2nd amendment, because Mr Obama is sure to start wanting to take that away from me and my fellow sportsmen.
    Hopefully Andy Harris will be elected to help work against Mr Obama and his other wants.

  15. You can stick a fork in Andy Harris...he is well done now!

  16. Let freedom reign! It's time to stop the petty, childish bickering and get down to the business of being Americans. Turn the page on history. It's a beautiful day!

  17. I bet them jew bankers take the sell-out money and run all the way to forein markets

    Typical McCain voter.

  18. You know for all you peopl who didn't vote for Senator Obama that was your American right.

    But not to hide, blame, accuse is just wrong. For the last eight years in this country we have been asleep. It is time to wake up.

    If you think this country is now going into the dumps becuase of this election, then I really have to question if you really know what being an American is all about. We all have to work together to make this work.


  20. We actually don't have to survive him too long...he'll be assassinated before the end of his term. Sounds mean to say but it is most likely true.

  21. I am an NRA member and own many weapons including a couple of AR15s. And I still voted for Obama. Firearms will not save an economy or change a wrong political philosophy peacefully. If I have to use my AR15s in anger voting for Democats/Republicans will have long ago become irrelevant.

  22. I feel sorry for the Military most of all. They suffered greatly under Clinton and the people of the Pentagon and WTC paid for it. I hope Obama doesn't follow the path of his party.

  23. How long before the newness and the novelty wear off and you libs begin to see the empty suit you have elected.? I can see a major case of buyers remorse coming here.
    The war on our rights and freedoms begin today. 2nd amendment,1st amendment(fairness doctrine) etc.
    Hide your checkbooks CHANGE is HERE.
    Don't blame me I voted for McCain!

  24. 2nd 9:55. Outstanding. Is there no end to your political genius? Why didn't I ever think that the "Arab terrorist president" and the "hymie" bankers were really painfully in love with each other, and working together in perfect harmony all these years to ultimately drain the Jeff Foxworthy demographic of dozens (and dozens) of their hard-earned dollars. In other news, I would watch your little hate speech there because you never know when a jew banker might be standing close enough (we all know you table your other racist comments when you observe someone near you with certain skin pigmentation) to slap your redneck ass in a rear naked choke until you turn blue as an f'in Smurf! Have a blessed day!!

  25. God help us, because of this election we should be fighting a war on our own soil by next summer. Terrorists or maybe even a civil war.
    It's only the tip of the spear right now, wait til we get the whole shaft.

  26. How ironic; Obama is elected President and no one is being productive at work today. huh?

  27. I can wake up after eight years

  28. On Obama, Give the man a chance to do something. I didn't vote for him but 60+ million did. I am blessed to be alive in the greatest country on the earth and I have a job, children, comfort of my friends. If in 4 years, this is not how I feel or where I am, then I'll vote for someone else.
    For all the Bush bashers out there, yes you have been asleep for 8 years, but now you must wake, "because Obama will be tested and we will probably not like the result."-Joe Biden
    George Bush made it possible for you to elect Obama and he made it possible to say all the bad things you said about him. Thank Bush for the freedoms you still have. Obama promises CHANGE, it might not be exactly what you wanted.

  29. IF Obama can make it to the white house anyone can right? Now when can we get rid of affirmative action?

  30. "How long before the newness and novelty wear off and you {insert nasty term here} begin to see the empty suit you have elected." That is funny...genuinely funny..If you would have said it 8 years ago you would now be eligible for a "Ms. Cleo Award."

  31. I, too, voted for change. That is why I voted McCain.

    I (according to the POTUS-elect) and no longer middle class, but wealthy.

    I am tired of paying for Shaniqua to have oodles of children that I must feed, clothe, educate, and eventually incarcerate.

    Social Services will even pay her utilities!

    I have never asked for or been given any kind of handout - I WORKED for what I have.

    The above statement may sound racist, but it is not meant to be that way. I am just tired of the entitlement attitude, and it looks like it's going to get worse!!!

  32. Oh no U didn't!! Audit the welfare rolls around here and see how many street addresses are within trailer parks.

  33. Shaniqua -

    I totally agree! Trash is trash, regardless of race.

    Anon 1:00

  34. Anon 1:22 (and 1:00)
    Don't try to pretend that your first post wasn't racist just because you say it wasn't! You deliberately used a name for a reason, and you cannot hide behind that now. I though maybe the hate would take a brief vacation today, but apparently not. Joe has the balls to be gracious about Obama's election, and to recognize its historical importance. What the heck is wrong with the rest of you?

  35. 10:45--Oh he's already promised to do just that. Again our military will be down-sized and again we will be sitting ducks for the next WTC/Pentagon-like attack. I wouldn't be surprised if that windfall of campaign contributions came straight from Bin Laden himself. Did he not warn that he would destroy us from within?

  36. What is wrong with me???


    People no longer understand working for what they want. They expect everything instantaneously - big house, fancy car, etc. Owning a home was the "American Dream' - NOT a right.

    You want kids? Get a job and support them. Don't ask for society to do it.

    Want to go to college (which is a privilege - NOT a right)? Earn the grades and pay your way. I did, and it didn't hurt me to have to do it!

    If people spent the time working that they make excuses for not being able to, we would be much better off.

  37. 1:41. I seriously insist we must practice what we preach. If that person made an honest mistake and genuinely corrected themselves in a subsequent post, we must accept that as collective progress and ultimately come together as countrymen. Hang out with a person of color (or a jew banker/lawyer for that matter) over a beer or two: you might be surprised that we all share the same strengths, faults, weaknesses, hopes and fears. you may make a wonderful new friend. You just have to want to try.

  38. Shaniqua -

    I have planty of Black friends. They don't believe in the entitlement mentality, either.


  39. Does anyone find it strange that the only person who could testify to the fact that Obama was not born in the USA has all of a sudden died!! Hmm. Sounds fishy to me. We will have a few good years with him and then we will have a few bad and then the world will end as we know it. He is the anti christ. If he gets a head injury or has had one then we really know it to be true. I agree with most of you, God help us all. This is the end as we know it. I bet if he was white he would have never won!!!!

  40. A friend of mine worked the poles ysterday and she said they were bringing in mentally disabled people in wheel chairs by the bus full and had people "helping" them vote. This is so wrong! I can only imagine who these people pushed for these mentally disabled.

  41. 2:37,
    You are a lunatic

    They weren't mentally disabled, they were physically disabled. There is a difference. I worked hte polls yesterday, too, and what I saw made me so proud. We had a 96 year old woman voting for the first time ever. I don't know who she voted for, but it was awesome.

  42. 2:38. They probably actually worked at the "polls", and last time I checked our Constitution it was rather uncool to be such a dillweed towards the handicapped (I am paraphrasing). Just because they are in a wheelchair doesn't mean they are mentally disabled-your type of commenting however, well.....BTW did the short bus stop for YOU or were you unfairly disenfranchised yesterday?

  43. palin in 2012. the white house is now the black house. black obama will never be called president by me. meals at the white house will now be watermellon, fried chicken, collared greens and he will be smokin newports in the rose garden. the motorcade will be rolling on 22in rims

  44. Anon 2:38 you are spot on! A friend of mine....that lives in a box....under my bed....told me she saw a space ship land at her polling place.....and yep, you guessed it.....little green guys got our and voted....I can only guess for whom.

  45. 2:56,
    You are a racist pig. In 2012, Palin will be an obscure blip in US history. I hope I am wrong and I hope she runs for president--how hilarious would that be?

  46. Anon 2:56 Pm

    You do realize that your racism, stupidity and ignorance is why this country has lost it's way.

    Still I will pray for you.

  47. move over please, I'm going to sleep for the next 4 yrs too.

    I pray, I pray.

  48. 3:52. That would be about as knee-slappin' hilarious as a three-legged dog trying to bury a bone on a frozen pond....Why doesn't the GOP take advantage of your Romneys, Giulianis, Doles/McCains (prior to their expiration dates)? Although you may choose not to believe me, I am not a "Democrat"-I prefer to think of myself as your kids Little League umpire who may blow a ball/strike call once and awhile, but gives his volunteer time to assure the integrity of the game. I never picked up on the subtlety of Palin being a "natural causes"-heartbeat-away replacement until either Fey/Stewart/Colbert/Maher showed a picture of Palin and Peggy Hill side-by-side...quite scary if you catch the joke (and I am a heckuva King Of The Hill fan-heaven rest its cancelled soul-will this mean a second tour of duty for Beavis and Butthead?)

  49. Please put away these infantile
    actions, & grow up people. Is this
    the kind of people you draw to the
    blog? If so , you're not going
    to be very respected after a
    while if this keeps on. Realize
    this country is in one Hell of a
    Big Mess & it is going to take more
    than just a few yrs to get it right. Give of your respect & most
    importantly---give this man a
    chance to see what he will do. If
    it's not any better than you've
    had for the past 8 yrs., then you
    have good enough reason to gripe.
    I'm sick of hearing all the negative commpents . Grow Up!!!!

  50. It has been about race all along...And it will never end..Why? Because Blacks still bring up slavery! Get over it! IT HAS BEEN OVER FOR YEARS BOO HOO. Maybe blacks should take the time and think about this. Thats why I believe the african white muslim won..whatever race he claims to be he is. If you don't like what I say. Go back where you came from. Or we all can try and get along the way it is supposed to be..?

  51. Sniviling Trash

    For 8 years every "middle class" american has been discriminated against. The money and the spoils of war have gone to GWB friends.

    Each of us has been treated like beasts of burden by the admiistration and their cronies, Obama has vindicated all of us.

    The people who call him names, who cannot read, who cannot form an opinion of their own based upon facts, prefer to use your column to exercise verbal abuse, and act like low clas trash. The comments are disgusting and vile. Amd people seem to like that on your Blog. good luck. These folks cannot succeed at wiping their butts, or their mouths, same function of both body parts. Disgusting.

  52. We need serious welfare reform and it will never happen with a Democrat in office,whether he or she be white,black or mixed!However,one does not have to be nasty and racist to get their points across-because no one will ever take you seriously.I,too,have a problem with the current system.When an unwed mother with 6 kids pays LESS than I do for ONE child for daycare,theres a serious problem that needs to be addressed.Democrats like to rewward people for making poor life choices and vilify the working class to justify taking THEIR money to supplement the "work just enough" class.Thats why I vote Libertarian,the Party who believes charity should be up to the churches and the communities and totally out of the governments hands.If I do not have enough money to buy a tank of oil-guess what?Nobody bails me out-I just have to work more hours or turn the thermostat down!We have got to turn this country around and neither major party will ever get it done.Republicans give out corporate welfare and Dems give it out to the lazy people and as a result the working class is screwed either way!

  53. Obama asked for an end to the "immaturity."

    I see it is alive and well in these comments. As is bigotry, ignorance, narrow-mindedness and anti-Semitism.

    Must make you all feel real proud.

    BTW, for all those putting Obama down about the military, his votes have been consistently FOR getting our troops what they need, especially after they come home. There was one vote for funding he was nay on, but so was McCain. Both were for funding, but each opposed something different connected to the bill.

    While Joe may have posted a lot of clips of service people saying McCain, not Obama, supported our troops, I can tell you that most of my friends who served in Iraq supported Barack.

    We have stressed our troops to the max, spreading them thing, working them multiple tours of duty. If you can't see the stupidity and threat to our national security in that, the God help you.

    Move forward with the majority of America and a world that is HAPPY for America (what's wrong with having happy allies and even people in "enemy countries" not hate us.)

    Or by all means, go to sleep for four years while the rest of us join together -- as John McCain asked be done -- and support healing and moving our country forward. Then I want you to send me back MY tax money that supported YOU during your rest.

    Sign me,
    Friend of service men and women, Shaniquas and Jew bankers and lawyers

  54. I post this knowing not all will agree with me but...I did the same thing and could not sleep very well. I awoke this morning very ill and afraid to turn on the TV and when I did turn on the TV I felt even more ill. I truely hope all will be okay but I have a bad feeling. Today I have been contemplating removing my money from the stock market (had hopes it would rebound) and stock piling ammunition for a possible war on american soil.


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