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Friday, October 10, 2008

Socialist-Marxist-Communist, Say Hello to Michelle Obama


  1. Oh come one! Surely you can do better than this?

  2. That woman is more frightening than Hillary.

  3. Whew! Having only dial-up available to me, it was painful waiting for this thing to load. (Although Comcast has the exclusive cable franchise in Wicomico County, and I've been paying my property taxes for 28 years, they stopped a mile and a half down the road from me and refuse to come any further, but that's a subject for another discussion.)

    Okay, so there's enough success and money for everyone, right? All you have to do is get a job and save up for college...oh, wait, what's the unemployment rate? How many illegal immigrants are working under the table and taking jobs away from citizens?

    So let's say you get that job, which for many will be minimum wage. How are you going to save up for college when tuition, books and other fees are so expensive. Oh, yeah...you work two or three jobs, and then not have time for classes or your family. This commentator is so out of touch with reality it's ridiculous. Success and money may not be finite, but it's out of reach unless you're born wealthy, especially these days."Go get it," indeed.

    One third of education money is wasted? Then let's have some answers on how to solve that rather than demanding one's pie. Teachers are notoriously underpaid, and you know what? You get what you pay for.

    This does not mean I'm a Socialist, so don't start calling me names and attacking me. I know it's hard for the less mature readers here to refrain from slamming, attacking and name-calling, but try a little harder to be civil, would you?


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