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Friday, October 10, 2008

Should Prisoners Be Allowed To Vote?

"Prisoners at Georgia jails are being registered to vote in the Nov. 4 election. About two dozen residents of the Clarke County Jail in Athens signed up in the facility's first voter registration. The sheriff's office helped 376 jail inmates request absentee ballots and registered an additional 441 inmates so they can vote in the upcoming election. If I am not correct Maine and Vermont are the only two states currently that allow prisoners to vote. Should this happen and should it be a states choice?"




  1. I think only inmates that are in Jail for misdemeanors should be allowed to vote. They are only in their for short time, for example - Child Support, Driving under Influence, etc.

  2. i think that only productive members of society should be able to vote. i certainly don't consider prisoners to be productive. i think they get too much as it is now.

  3. They've given up certain inalienable rights by virtue of the felonious conviction.
    ABSOLUTELY NOT! Further they ought NOT to be able to vote after release. Dems are for this cause most prisoners are dumocrats.

  4. if you are convicted of felony no vote

  5. I understand the argument for not allowing incarcerated individuals to vote. They have proven by their actions that, at least for the time they are imprisoned, that they are unable to function in society, so they are taken out of it and denied the rights associated with living out in free society.

    But, what exactly is the logic behind prohibiting American citizens who have completed the required punishment (not paroled)and any probationary period, from voting as any other citizen. I would call that disenfranchisement and a complete slap in the face to democracy and the concept of freedom.

  6. Once convicted a criminal should loose their right to vote. What is happening is there is a push by liberal party members to assure their candidate will get elected.

  7. Well they get everything else; unlimited phone calls, three meals, prepaid attorneys, television, an hour of exercise, among other "rights"--so who's to say anymore except the average man on the street who has to earn all of the above.

  8. HECK NO!!! I mean NO!!!

    Come one, they get education, college education and meals for what breaking the law. All they get MOST of them is smarter about how to break laws.

    Voting, well if they are eligable, then let them vote when they GET OUT! if they miss it, lets cry a river over it, maybe next time they will wait to do the crime after the elections....


  9. ARE YOU KIDDING???? Absolutely NO, they should NOT be allowed to vote!!!!

    Someone needs to redefine "prison"
    Definition: A place where persons are confined, or restrained of personal liberty; hence, a place or state of confinement, restraint, or safe custody.

  10. The inmates that are registering to vote have not yet been convicted, therefore they are still eligible to vote.

  11. If you are in jail, you should NOT have the right to vote.
    They (the prisoners) made a choice that they did not want to be part of the society they were in and chose to be in a different society, with other prisoners.

    FREE people vote! That's the key.

  12. Whoa, 8:53, if unproductive members of society shouldn't vote, that's a lot of people! By that statement, then the unemployed, the people forced to go on welfare because of lack of jobs, and retired people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

    Say it isn't so! I certainly hope that isn't what you meant.

  13. gee, i wonder who they are going to vote for?

  14. Anonymous said...
    gee, i wonder who they are going to vote for?

    12:38 PM

    LMAO... can u say OBAMA!!

  15. Grandummy, 8:53 is Cathy and that is what Cathy meant.Also, I agree with her 100%. Do not go on welfare and be unproductive. There are tons of jobs available, The unproductive A$$wipes choose not to work and go on welfare.

    Sounds like Cathy hit a soft spot ;-)

  16. It should be the choice of the state. The Constitution says so!

    This goes to show who the dumbass states are - places that I don't want to live.

  17. IMO, I don't think prisioners should be allowed to vote (no exceptions) and I further do not believe it should be a state level decision.

    My reasons are b/c I think they get far far more privledges then I feel is necessary for "us the taxpayers" to have to pay for.

    Rehabilitaion is one thing but if they are
    not "bettering/improving" themselves/or others in (some) way then they should not be allowed "privledges" such as TV, weight/workouts, ect...

    IMO, they would only be allowed any "privledge" after attending a class, providing library reading info


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