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Friday, October 10, 2008

An Observation From A Reader

"If I have this figured out Joe Albero is potentially the luckiest and richest man in the world here's why:

-I received and email that said if I forwarded it to 5 friends I would have great luck in less than 6 months

-Another email notified me that if I forward it to 10 of my friends I would get a free iPod and be entered in a contest where I would receive free down loads for life and $1,000.00 a month for life. Wow how cool.

-A separate email states after forwarding to 15 or more friends I would have massive luck with women, a potential for a lifetime income of several million dollars and a healthier head of hair Wow Uber Cool.

So after reviewing this and noticing several other people have "already won" (it's true I read it on the internet) If Joe would post these emails to the literally thousands who read his blog he would have sent out so many winning emails that other than the money he would have a truck load of iPods with more download than he could handle.

If you haven't gotten these notices I would be very happy to share them if you need to. It has brought up two questions in my mind though #1 could I have one of your overstock of iPods and #2 why do some of these emails think I want to "Grow" bigger boobs?

Hope this finds you well so get back to work

Ben in Salisbury"


1 comment:

  1. that's a good way for spammers to get your e-mail address for more junk mail


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