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Friday, October 10, 2008

Local Father Reaches Out For Help, Guidance & Support

Tragic Injustice

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"I'm the father of Cody J Wilson ( 14 years of age )
The child who was killed because of the negligence of the driver of a vehicle who was tested positive of being under the influence of illegal drugs while he crashed and killed my son.This is very hard to write as a objective person , yet I will try to do my best.

On the day of Sunday, April 22 , 2007 , My son , Cody J Wilson was a passinger in a vehicle driven by Gurny York III. While returning to his mother's house, my son , Cody , was thrown from the vehicle after Gurny lost control due to his negligence .
The vehicle left the road way because Gurny was looking away from the road , looking for a C.D. He over corrected to bring the vehicle back onto the road and proceeded to continue across the other lane and then over corrected once again , causing the vehicle to over-turn.

My son,who was a passenger, was ejected from the vehicle as a result of not being restrained in the vehicle. The vehicle flipped over and ended on top of my son. Which caused his death.

The Officer first on the scene noticed that Gurny was not of "his faculties" proceeded to enforce that Gurny take a blood toxicology test. The results of the blood test proved positive for use of illegal drugs. As a result of the blood test Gurny was found positive of illegal drugs in his blood.

As a result of this vehicle crash , Gurny was indited by a Grand Jury for " Negligent Homicide". Which is the charge the Attorney's office said was the offence which was committed.

Since such time, I met with the States Attorney's Office and they informed me that they would not proceed with the case on the grounds that there is no proof of impairment from the illegal drugs present in Gurny's blood at the time of the crash. I was told that there is no set level of impairment for drugs, unlike alcohol, that they would not be able to convict for the charge of Negligent Homicide". As a result , Gurny has been able to continue to drive with two other traffic violations of excess of speed. 60 mph in a 35 mph zone and 90 in a 65 mph zone. Both of which he has failed to appear for.

Now I understand that I am very biased against this person, but what I don't understand is why the state allows this killer to continually drive illegally with out any repercussions.

Now for the dirt, The States Attorney, Davis Ruark, was arrested for "Driven Under The Influence" during the time of my son's death. During this time He refused to allow the Grand Jury to hear the case of my son's killer. I cannot even think of the words to express my sorrow for this injustice to my son.

How is it that our Justice System is so corrupt that a "Jury of our peers" is not allowed to preside over a case that had been all ready Indited by a Grand Jury? Does this man, Davis Ruark, have the power to single handily decide what crimes are to be prosecuted or not?

Either way, A crime was committed to my son, and because he was killed he has been "swept under the rug" And further more I have been treated as less than a citizen as a result of Davis Ruark's personal decision.

Because of the injustice done to my self , I cannot and have not rested easy knowing that my son's killer has been allowed to continually live with out any penance after the crime he has committed. Why do we have laws for any how, when the interpretation of them are decided by a single person who is no better than the person who commits the crime in the first place?

What I propose is a new law that states "any death committed under the influence of a illegal drug" be prosecuted as a crime committed under one's full coherency. And lets stop this miss-justice from being committed.

A person shouldn't be allowed to kill someone just because they are "stoned".
I am not able to write more on this at this time because it's so close to home but please let your hearts lead you and help me to correct this in-justice by endorsing the push for a "CODY LAW" holding those who are under the influence of any mind altering illegal drug be held responsible for any crime they committed.

On behalf of my late son CODY J. WILSON thank-you FERRILL WILSON I hope to be able to write more later. There are so many more facts surrounding this incident.

I thank-you for your time and help in getting the word out."


  1. My deapest sympathies, my son was hit by a drunk driver, and somehow survived, but his quality of life after 1 year in shock tramma is only partial.  There was no judgement, the kid was driving his mother's car, the state's attorney's secretary, the kid left the scene.He was in the middle of the road, my son was walking with a friend.There was no justice, there was no resolution. The justice system in this country sucks.  We mistakenly think we need more laws, we need better Judges, we need enforcement by them of what we have.  the Lawyers and Judges, (look for loopholes) we the citizens, just have to suffer, the law is predjuice, if you have a good lawyer, or money, the victim has no chance of justice.  The police are frustrated, we the agreived are frustrated, beause the Justice system stinks.  

  2. I am so sorry to hear that the States Attorney has handled this case the way he did - by doing basically nothing! I have started to feel that the criminal has more say than the victim and comes out smelling like a rose at the end. I have a teenage son and can not imagine something like this happening whereas the driver who is "stoned" is at fault and walks away free and clear. Could this happen to be a Good Ol'e boy syndrome going on? My heart goes out to Cody's father.

  3. As a co-worker and close friend of Cody’s stepmother I know first-hand the toll this tragedy has taken on the family. I first met Cody when he was 6 years old. He had so much potential and would have done something wonderful with his life if he had been given the chance. “THE CODY LAW” should be adopted and made a law not only as a tribute to this talented young man but as an insurance that this injustice will not happen again.

  4. Be careful Joe. Shouldn't piss off your protectors Davis Ruark and Mike Lewis.

    Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

  5. Mr. Wilson,
    I understand the injustice, I remember Cody, he played dodgeball with my 4 boys and husband at the Crown every Thursday, he was a great kid and will be missed.
    I understand the injustice, due to the fact that, there was a victim last year, who is still alive, but the person who injured him was put on a stet docket, I believe that because no one was actually found guilty of the crime, justice was not served, although Mr. Ruark had nothing to do with the case, I believe had he been the prosecutor he would of made sure no one went on any docket's until all were tried. Although I loved to watch Cody and my son's play dodgeball and they went through trauma when this happened, I believe Mr. Ruark is right on his decision, due to the fact that, illegal drugs can be in your system for 30 days and at the time that this happened Mr. York may not have taken drugs, it could have been days prior! Cody is missed and will be missed for ever. My prayers go to your family! I also want to add, to everyone that's going to post comments, lets not make this an attack towards Ruark, his case is over.

  6. My sympathies to you...This is an outrage! Davis Ruark should resign. He has been a disgrace. Joe, didn't you call him one of the "three greatest fighters"? Care to retract?

    P.S. drunk driving should be considered and prosecuted like a form of voluntary manslaughter.

  7. I was at your son's funeral and my heart goes out to you. However, wasn't the man driving the truck your in-law or future in-law? Obviously you knew this guy long enough to trust him with your son in the vehicle, I know this has to be a very delicate and sad situation for the house hold. My Child still carries around stuff that says "Cody we will never forget", We all know the guy driving did not purposely do this, it was a horrible accident that could have happened to any of us who has ever taken the eyes off the road for something, on drugs or not, legal or not. You should not put yourself or your family through anymore and just move on. A big question you could ask your self is, would COdy want you to keep going after this guy? Obviously they were some what of friends or he would not have been in the car with him right? My heart goes out to you and your family!

  8. As a father, I understand your outrage at the lack of prosecution of your son's case. It sounds as if the driver of that car is a menace to society. This is a tragedy that must be rectified. Davis Ruark was in the unique position to do something about it. Even if Davis Ruark tried to convict the man and failed to do so, at the very least, this driver would have had to bear the stress of a criminal trial. The "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality of our local State's Attorney must come to an end. There is an election in two years.
    Joe, I know that you admire Davis Ruark. Thanks for keeping it fair and posting this story.

  9. My deepest sympathies as well. Obviously annon 8:32 has no heart much less any class. This isn't the place or time for those type of comments.

  10. Why would you put this on an open blog. You are not going to hear all the answers you want.
    The guy driving the car was a future son-in-law, people are going to say things you are not going to like, everyone was responsible, they were going to the dump helping you guys, Cody should have had his seat belt on, etc. Please dont put yourself through this and ask Joe to remove this before you go through anymore

  11. All I can say is that I am so very sorry for your loss. As a mother and a grandmother, I can only imagine the heartbreak you must be feeling, and just thinking about losing a child or grandchild hurts.

    8:34 is correct; the fact that traces of illegal drugs were found in the driver's blood doesn't mean he was high when when he killed your son. But the driver is guilty of killing your son, that's a fact. He didn't make your son wear a seatbelt, he was obviously prone to speeding, and he was not keeping his eyes on the road. Anyone who says the driver was not guilty of negligent homicide is a fool. And I've always seen Davis Ruark as slime. I have my own reasons for that involving members of my family, but I won't go into that here.

    As a parent and grandparent, I feel your pain, your anger, and your frustration. I wish you well in your mission.

  12. Joe,
    Why do you post shit like this, i know Cody's mom and she dont need to be reading this and reliving all the pain she had to live. Like some of the comments say Please delete this, its only causing hurt and pain. She has moved on and i think its time for him to move on. It is what it is.

  13. 8:56--The girl Gurney married was Cody's half-sister. Ferrill is not her father so no Gurney is not his in-law

  14. There are DUI laws that you will be arrested for driving under the influence of either alcohol or illicit drugs already in place. Ask anyone that has every been stopped, ask a cop, they'll tell you this is so. Who knows, really knows if this boy was smoking pot the day of the accident? He is the only one that really knows. Will he admit to it? Probably not, at least not at this time, maybe later in life when his conscience gets to him. If the reasons stated in the post are the real reasons why this was never taken to trial then I don't blame the father one bit for seeking justice. Even if that justice is in the form of Cody's law. If it were me, there would be no rest for anyone until I felt vindicated for the death of my child.

    Good luck to you Mr. Wilson, I hope you soon find peace.

  15. First of all, the Mother lives in Florida. Secondly, the Father has every right to express his thoughts and emotions.

    Agree or disagree, I think it's awfully SMALL of you to attack this man.

    It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Believe me when I tell you this as well, if you don't like the content provided here, there's an "X" at the top right corner of your screen and go away.

  16. Ferrill,

    We all know that Gurney didn't mean for the accident to happen. Cody chose not to wear the seatbelt and I know that it sounds harsh, but it is true. The year prior to Cody's death, you had nothing to do with him and now not only have you tried to collect part of his life insurance, you are publically going after Gurney. Gurney had "traces" of marijuana in his system and he admitted that he had smoked it the day before. He was not under the influence that day and you know that. Let it go and try to move on. The States Attorney's Office did their job! Everyone knows that you are out to get Gurney and so do the police. LET IT GO!!!!

  17. I'm sincerely sorry that your son was killed in a car accident.
    But I have a 14-year-old son, and he ALWAYS wears his seatbelt and has shown pretty good judgment about who he'll get in a car with. He once refused to ride with his own father because he saw his father drink a beer while waiting to pick him up! You cannot continue to dwell on this accident or to become bitter. Please think of a way to honor Cody without ruining the life of the man who was driving.

  18. One of my children, 16 at the time, was the at-fault driver in an accident which killed a person.
    There were no alcohol or drugs involved; it was a driving mistake which caused the accident. I can't begin to express the pain and emotional distress that OUR family experienced afterwards. We'll ALL carry that with us forever.
    Please try to get past it, Mr. Wilson. You're doing what you need to do to be able to close the book on the accident, so that, once you've examined the legalities you can begin, hopefully, to focus on your son and his life, not his death.
    Speaking as someone on the "other side" of a similar situation, we're still trying also to get past it. It's not easy. But it is possible.

  19. 9:39, how dare you tell a grieving father to "let it go." Shame on you.

  20. Grannydragon,

    With all due respect, you do not know the whole story...if you did, you would tell him the same thing.

    Anon 9:39AM

  21. 1:43

    Regardless of "the whole story", you obviously have never had to deal with the pain of losing one of your children, especially at such a young age...you can't just "let it go" no matter which side of the fence you are on!! That was a heartless statement!

  22. If that person is telling the father to let go of hate it is not heartless. The hate needs to be let go and the healing needs to begin. Hate is like a cancer, it will eat you alive.

  23. Okay, to all of you who DON'T KNOW THE WHOLE STORY.... if you want to pass judgement, read the story.... there is a LOT more to this than you know or will ever understand.

    First of all, No, Cody wasn't wearing a seatbelt, WHY? Because he was taught by his father not to because his father was 'saved' in an accident because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. So for Cody's entire life *past the age of being in a car seat*, he CHOSE NOT TO wear a seatbelt. He didn't wear it with his parent's (FATHER INCLUDED!!), his grandparents, his friends, his friends's friends, his cousins, his sister, his MOM. HE NEVER WORE A SEATBELT AND IT WAS BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT HIS FATHER TAUGHT HIM NOT TO!!!

    Next, while you don't have photos of the scene, let me tell you this much.... the SIDE SHOULDER OF THE ROAD HAD A 3" DROP-OFF. Don't know what that means? It means that when your tires drift off the shoulder (as many, many times they DO because of being distracted for a moment in time)... the tires WILL BOUNCE when you do exactly what the STATE TROOPERS SAID so many people do in this situation... you OVER-CORRECT and turn the wheel too much, back onto the roadway... and the TIRES BOUNCE back onto the roadway, and you automatically lose control. In a panicked response, the driver had to turn once again to avoid running into the ditch on the left side of the road.....

    AND because the vehicle was a 'high profile SUV' (a FORD EXPLORER which has been PROVEN to have a 'ROLLOVER' FACTOR IN FEDERAL COURT WITH CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS!!!)... the vehicle ROLLED.This is NOT something new or unique to this accident, this has happened literally THOUSANDS OF TIMES to thousands of people which is WHY there was a class action lawsuit against Ford.

    And NO, the driver was NOT speeding... the accident was re-inacted THREE times to try to PROVE OR DISPROVE this... they DISPROVED IT... he was travelling BELOW the speed limit... read the damn reports.

    Next, NO, the driver was NOT under the influence of drugs or alcohol. As a matter of fact, the reports clearly show that he showed NO SIGNS of being intoxicated at the scene... read the reports!! The ONLY reason he was taken for blood testing is because it is a LAW when there is a death. There was a 0 (that's ZERO) alcohol level, and the level for marijuana was CLEARLY shown to be of the 'metabolized' form... meaning?? It was CLEARLY from 'previous use'... already metabolized by the body and NOT IN EFFECT OF THAT DAY IN ANY WAY.

    So why did the state's attorney's office get an indictment in the first place?? Because the father was harassing their office. They admittedly only pursued charges to 'pacify' the father. They used an incomplete and misleading lab report to present to the grand jury to gain the indictment. But when the TRUTH came out... and the reports were made public, they had NO CHOICE but to DROP THE CHARGES because they HAD NO BASIS for them!!

    THAT is why this case never made it to court. It is NOT because of a lack of evidence, or trying, or because the driver was allowed to 'walk away', which by the way, he 'walked away' because he WAS wearing a seatbelt!! The state trooper in charge of the investigation was AGAINST charges being brought against the driver, don't believe me? Ask him, his name is Trooper Porta.

    Now, get the story straight before you pass judgement. Yes, we all feel bad for this family, but don't EVER make accusations against someone when you DON'T have the facts straight.

  24. Did any of you know that Mr. Wilson has been convicted of no less than EIGHT DUI's?? Yes, I said EIGHT (at least)!! License had been pulled for a minimum of 10 yrs. Don't know HOW or WHY HE was ever allowed to drive again!!


    Since it was stated the father had nothing to do with the boy for the past year I'll assume he has lived most of his life with his mother. Are you telling me his mother had no authority over this child? The mother never made him wear a seat belt? There is plenty of blame to go around if you want to place blame. The law says the driver of a vehicle is responsible for the passengers therefore the driver could have and should have made him wear a seat belt or let him not ride in his vehicle.

    While everyone is throwing around blame I can assure you it will not bring your son, brother, grandson back. If that were the case, my sister would have been back decades ago. Let go of the hate and allow yourselves to grieve this child.

  26. what the heck!i dont believe this,he and nothing to do with his son 1 year or so before the accident and now????and to point fingers and blame when he is has a bad track record!!!And the person who was driving is going to live with this the rest of his life!thats punishment enough!!!!Hey i lost a son a year a go and i would do anything to get him back,but this is crazy to have a blog bashing each other.cody im sure is not pleased with none of this!im sooo very sorry for your loss,i truly am,but this is a time to comfort each other,god bless.

  27. Let the WHOLE TRUTH BE TOLD! Don't fall for an attempt to hide the truth. Cody is dead for one reason and one reason only. Ferrill Wilson raised him to NEVER WEAR A SEATBELT. Gurn (the driver) is alive today for one reason only. He was WEARING A SEATBELT. I am sure that the guilt Ferrill feels must be so horrendous that he can't do anything but try to point the finger of blame at everyone but himself. Before you fall for the pleas of sympathy, find out ALL THE DETAILS. There is always MORE to the story. His own dui/drug/arrest history is long and involved and he would love to keep that secret. He would love to keep the fact that he raised Cody to NEVER WEAR A SEATBELT in spite of the law. The accident might not be Ferrill's fault, but Cody's death IS. It's time that the blame game end where it needs to end...right in Ferrill's lap. If you're really interested in helping, find out the REAL truth of the accident, then see how you feel. Right now, all he wants is MONEY. That's all this is about. His incredible, overwhelming (so overwhelming that he can't even acknowledge it) guilt and desire for MONEY. He had absolutely NO CONTACT with Cody for the last year of his life. He wasn't really much of a father all along. Lots of broken promises and hurt. It's too late now and he can't live with the guilt of everything he has done. He's handling his guilt in the only way he knows how. Finding the easiest scapegoat he can get. But the reality is, if Cody had been wearing a seatbelt, he would more than likely have walked away with barely a scratch...just like Gurney did. There's only ONE reason Cody wasn't wearing a seatbelt and now YOU know why he wasn't wearing one. Somehow, Ferrill will eventually have to accept his own responsibility for his son's death or continue to waste his own life running away from his own guilt.
    The truth can be a b*tch sometimes.

  28. I had typed a long response, but for some reason, it got lost. Maybe it is for the best because it told the TRUTHS that Ferrill doesn't want you to know and doesn't want to admit. The one and only reason Cody is dead is because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. His FATHER (who is now begging for your sympathy) is the reason for that. He raised him to NEVER WEAR A SEATBELT. The sad fact is that the guilt Ferrill feels must be so overwhelming that he can't even acknowledge it and all he can do is try to find as many other "reasons" for Cody's death other than the TRUTH. Gurney is ALIVE TODAY BECAUSE HE WAS WEARING A SEATBELT. He basically walked away with barely a scratch. Cody is DEAD TODAY BECAUSE HE WASN'T WEARING ONE. Kind of changes things, doesn't it?

    As for the "drugs," they were METABOLIZED. Look it up if you really want to know. His mother was with the driver (Gurney) all day and NEVER would have let him drive Cody around in her car if he had been high. Nice try Ferrill, but that argument doesn't hold water. The truth is, Cody is dead because YOU TOLD HIM TO NEVER WEAR A SEATBELT.

    Folks, before you make any decisions about something, make sure you get the facts first. Ferrill is only doing this for the MONEY. He is trying desperately to get a civil case going and he is grasping at straws. He had NO CONTACT with Cody for the last year of his life. He wasn't much of a father before that. His parents were never married, so he has lived with his mother since he was born. This plea for sympathy is all about MONEY, folks. If Cody were here, he'd be unbelievably embarrassed by his "father's" actions over the last year and a half. How stable is someone who shows up with shotgun shells at the funeral? Once you know his own drug abuse/arrest/mental health history, then you'd know the whole story. The reality is, Cody is dead because his "FATHER" told him to NEVER WEAR A SEATBELT. If he had been wearing one, Cody would be alive today, accident or not. THAT is the truth.

  29. Yes, the driver is at fault for not paying attention to the road. That was his fault, and something he will have to live with for the rest of his life. However, your son wasn't wearing his seatbelt. HIS fault. He may be alive today if he had been cautious and followed the law himself.
    Obviously you want to blame someone for your loss, but the blame is 50/50.

  30. Maybe it is morbid to ask,but WHO exactly puts a life insurance policy on their child?I would rather spend that $$$ on a policy on me and my spouse so if we are killed my child is financially cared for.Aside from that,I am so sorry for Mr.Wilsons loss.He may be all of the things he is accused of,I do not know-but nonetheless he lost a child.

  31. To answer your question, Mr. Wilson is suing for $1,020,000.00, right now it is in the hands of the car insurance company (you know, the insurance you are required by law to have). And yes, you should all have life insurance of your own, and many policies have riders to include your children automatically. Cody's mother had car insurance, obviously, and he is suing them first, then he will attempt to sue the individuals.

  32. my child was wearing a seat belt when he died!he was only going 40 and he crossed the center line...so we dont know if cody would have survived it or not.

  33. Have any of you all considered the fact that God allows things to happen for a reason? Maybe this local father should reach out to Him for help, guidance and support. Shame on all of you. Stop carrying on about this - let this dear soul rest in peace and let his beloved family rest too.

  34. Thank you Joe for finally posting my blog. It seems I have had some stones thrown at me for doing this.Most of all have been lies.
    First , I always made Cody to wear his seat belt.And for anyone who knew Cody and knew the life he had ,they know Cody was taken from his father.
    The statements made against my self are not true.These are just to distract people from the truth.
    I have moved past the anger towards Gurny and feel more disgust at our leagal system over the way this crime has been covered up.As for the officer Porta ,He never ordered the blood test.1st Sargent Darby did.He has been trained in detecting illegal substance use.But because he was not the Officer that was assigned to the case he was " not acting with in his scope of employment " or so I was told.As for officer Porta,I my self had prior involvment with him.I was hit by a driver while i was making a left hand turn,after coming to a full stop and turn signal on.The driver then kept going.My van , was still running and my self and my employee took off after the driver.I called 911 on my cell while I chased this guy .Telling the entire event to the police on the phone while i chased him around three turns and finally blocking him in behind a shore stop.Officer porta responded.He asked where the front of my van was .Then he drove back the 3 miles and picked it up in the back trunk of his cruser.(which was a laugh to see )When he came back, he said "here's your front"and I placed it in my van.He said we both had insurance and there was no body hurt so to just exchange info and go about our business.I asked what was the guy who illegally crossed a double yellow line or left the scene of a accident was going to be ticketed for (because i know my insurance co. would need the proof)and officer Porta said if there were any questions from the insurance co.he would tell them that there was no doubt the other guy's fault.And that there was no need to write a traffic citation.Well long story short, till later,I had to pay a 500.00 dollar deductable on my business insurance policy and now you may understand my objection to officer Porta's finding when it comes to my son's death.Besides in Gurny's own words he admitts to " going 43 or faster probaly" and the posted speed is 35.As for those of you who think you know the truth,I do have copy's of the reports,just ask and you will be permitted to see.Any way this back and forth is B.S. many comments are right with that point.And just like O.J.Simpson, one day Gurny will have to attone for his crimes,I just think it curious how people are influenced by others with out seeking the truth for them selves.I talked with the person on duty at the land fill that day,as well as the paramedic on the scene.There is no doubt of the facts no matter how much they are disputed.But one fact not talked about is that Cody's mother bailed Gurny out of jail and hired a ex-states attorny to defend him ??? The person who killed her child and "de-flowered"her other child at the age of 14.It is also fact that The State Attorney attends the same church as her.??? Which leads myself to beleive partialtism was the motive in the refusal to allow a Grand Jury to try the crimes committed.I am very thankful for those of you who feel my lose,I don't want to make others sad .I just want justice for my son's death.Again if my name was Ruark or I was in Law Inforcement I truly beleive the out turn would of been different and this isn't right.It is just my opinion and thats all.But after all of this that has taken place I feel I have not allowed myself to be overly poisoned with hatred . This won't bring my son back. I want all to know I realize this.More than most could know.But before you judge me please remember it wan't your son it was mine.And I didn't kill him , Gurny did.My part I will always feel responsible for is in the "not rocking the boat" when it came to his mother.I felt it would of harmed Cody emotionally if I would of went against his mother....ever.And it may well have but at least Cody may still be alive.And i would not of had to eat so many "poop sandwhiches". It is a system that seems to protect women even if they are at fault.What I want to convey is that any of you men out there who realize your son's mother is not properly protecting your child , don't refuse to confront her even if it means getting custody and protecting them yourself.And that is my cross to bear.I realize this is my part in his death,and for that I will never forgive myself.I just hope God blesses us all real good and there be justice for all.Especially for Gurny.

  35. joe anyone who knows me also knows that the comments Cody's mother has written and you have posted here are lies.What concerns me is the people who haven't known me.Cody's mother is a very sick and troubled soul and I will try my best not to slander her and in return i ask that you not allow her to do the same to me.Opinion of myself when it comes to Cody's mother is one. She is scorned. Need I say more ? I have dodged her repeated attempts of manipulation for a long time and with every miss she has gotten more bitter.To the extent of just shoveling out straight lies.I would ask that she be included in everyone's prayers as she had been in mine.

  36. This says alot, when a mother knowingly puts her child in the care of the person she admits to knowing had a drink in this very morning,along with his drug use PRIOR to this accident. We have also just took in the site she prepare herself,upon reading THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE she admitted to knowing there was a problem with the tire on this vehicle,and the kids had asked her many times to fix it,and she didn't.Do not tell me you didn't have enough money. Also, if you need a winecooler in the morning then you have a problem, and if you let you child get in a car with a person you know had to have a morning drink, that is child endangerment.
    Seems this young man's life is gone because of stupidity.This is not only my opion but this mothers own writting of blogs. Sad to say that the father was not part of this picture for the last year of his life. One parent sounds as poor in judgement as the other. We at our home are so sorry for the loss,and pray that peace will soon find both parents.



  38. My sister, Cody's mother, has asked me to post a final comment from our family. We appreciate the support of others and we trust that the truth WILL come out, whether in this life or the next, as all of us are responsible for our own actions and choices. Time spent arguing here is wasted and you can't get that time back. Go do something productive. Make the world better for someone else rather than wasting time and energy here. Do something to honor Cody's memory rather than destroy it.

    Go home, hug your kids, tell your family and friends that you love them. It may be the last chance you get...

  39. Thank god,
    I have had enough. you moved so be gone. See ya, wish you well. Hope your new son and your family have a great life.But that's right people around you have a way of dying right, what's with that? Then again who cares but you my dear, no one else gives a hoot in your defence. you can live with yourself becase no one else wants to be with a person like you. YOUR A COWard. You ran before and came back now here you run away again. BE GONE. STAY GONE. Leave the rest of us alone. You can pray until the COWS come home, that certainly will not be a bad thing. As for the memory of you POOF your gone and soon to be forgotten, like a bad memory share yourself in Columbus Georgia they don't know you yet. Just a matter of time.

  40. It seems that there are alot of mistaken people that only knew what lies Cody's mother have fed them, veiwing the world on a flat one sided coin. Well the world has been proven to have more than one side and so is there to the untruth's you heartless souls are commenting about. But lets just focus on what has happened.No matter how sorted my past may have been or not, I never killed anyone ! We all have skeltons in our closets .But why attempt to divert the issue here. The simple cold fact is that Cody's mother made a power play over myself and now has to pay for her play.Nothing is free in this world even if you didn't know the price that was to be collected from our actions.Are you people who have been hurting me with your assumptions so hurt your selves, that instead of seeing what really happened , you've closed your minds to block the pain of all our loss.Why are you so inclined to place your selves in Gurny's shoes ? Given your self a pass , as if it were you instead of Gurny.If Gurny has hurt you so much that you have decided to allow this man the oppertunity to kill again then I truely feel sorrow for you. But I'm not clouded with emotions.I won't let my self be .Stop reading into what Gurny has done by out side influences.Example,when you your selves were 14 , did you go around with a 21 yr old talking of excepting jesus as the king of your heart thrown ? This is the crap that has been fabricated to soften the act of what was committed.The point is Cody never would of known Gurny if his mother didn't force him to accept him at a very early age when she moved this 18 yr old into her home to santify him and her 14 yr old daughter's relationship.Cody wasn't given the choice.He was only doing that that he had been taught. And that was to defend and love his mother.No matter what or how she did. It really dosen't matter how blind you choose to be unless Gurny happens to have a accident with another that you care about as much as it would seem you cared about Cody.And this IS what my concern is.You can have your own opinions thats your right.But Cody also had the right to live.For my son's sake I never had a confrontation with his mother but as we all know ,Cody is dead and I no longer need to continue taking her poor attempts at manipulating the truth.If for one moment everyone could clear their minds and openly and honestly view what has happened then there wouldn't be so much stink.Gurny having to live with the death of my son on his concience is not enough accountibility for what he has done.It may be for Cody's mother but Gurny was the deciding factor that ended Cody's life.Why are those of you so deranged in your thinking ? I suppose it is ok to elect a man president that has been found to have been involved with known terrorist also ? Wake up and lets at least make it inpossible for this "car crash"to occur again with out some sort of responsibility to be accounted for,OK ? Or do we just go on walking on the carpet that this and many like it have been swept under.Is this the society we have become ? Lord years from now I or maybe many of you may have that awakening to see things in a different light but Cody will still be dead and un-accounted for.And for all, it is my wish that if by some tragic occurance I get killed ,please don't allow the man that kills me to be defended by my mother or sleep with my half- sister . I just know I could never rest peacefully that way. Could you ? Thats the true difference between me and all you heartless people who refuse to see the truth for what it is and not what you would like it to be.God Bless you and I may fogive but I will always seek accountibility from Gurny and Cody's mother for what has occured due to their lack of responsibility. I don't beleive Cody was killed intentionally ,for that I would seek the death penalty but unintentional death is a crime .Especially when it could of been prevented.I have shared alot of my inner most veiw points with you all and i'm sure you just can't wait to lash out at me again for Gurny causing my son's death.Fire away and I'll still pray that God opens your closed eyes one day.

  41. Getting that recluse off the road is constructive and if you don't realize what really happened thats your ignorance but you know your real sister like I know your real sister so lets not kid our selves huh ? Or she may take that grooming brush to you like she did that little dog that day while it was strapped down on the grooming table and couln't have bite her if it tried,it was muzzled.And that was the day I seen the hatred that she carry's inside of her for all men.SCORNED by her own self imposed b.s. When will the cycle end.

  42. First I want to appoligize if my comments offend others.I have not had the chance to share my side of what happened to Cody while the entire time his mother repeatedly slandered me.This is something I need to do so that I can have a way to except the injustice of my son's death.Thank you for you patience with me, as I have been with his mother.My goal is not to sling dirt around but to hopefully make it right that if a person who has illegal drugs in their blood, at the same time they cause a car wreck involving the death of anyone,be held responsible for their actions or lack of.And it must be a luxury to feel a person is not high when the illegal drug shows up in a blood test rather than to think them high.Momma said if it looks odd, more likly it is than not.If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it ,Did it make a sound ? If a person smokes dope and no one seen him do it,did they get high ? I hope you all realize this is not a vendetta out for Gurny but is a plea to See that this tragidy dosen't happen again with out the one responsible to not be held accountible for what they did.Why oppose the request for a" Cody Law" ? Would it cause those who know they have illegal drugs in their blood to be more cautious doing what their doing while illegal drugs may be present ? Is this a bad thing ? This is not just another law to have to obey but would promote less careless acts to be committed by those who insist on using illegal drugs.By causing those who use illegal drugs this extra concern , maybe all the extra worry would deter a person from the use of illegal drugs in the first place. At least then it would remove the doubt of weather the person was impaired or just pure and simply a person who wasn't paying attention to what they were doing.In either case , when a death occurs due to someone's lack of responsibilty , that person should be held accountible for their actions. A accidental death defined by myself is if a plane falls from the sky and kills you ,Thats a accident.But if some one is neglectfull and causes a death then it is their responsibility. And they should be held accountible for their actions.I feel this should be true if a person is impaired or even if they are not.I don't understand how some one can be negligent and kill a person and not be found guilty of negligent homicide.Not negligent murder ? Dah. Homicide is the death of someone with out intent.Isn't this what those of you admitt Gurny committed.He didn't set out to kill Cody,we all agree on that. But because you may know him dosn't mean he didn't cause the death of my son.And shame on all who have sided for the person who was responsible for a death.It isn't that complicated to understand . What if it were your child ? Would you just say "oh well,my child is gone " NO I DON'T THINK SO . Or at the very least I would hope not.Because if this is the case , You don't deserve the child you have.So please explain to me why we shouldn't enact a Law to stop these careless crimes against others.I really do want to know ?


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