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Friday, September 26, 2008

Is the PAC-14 Fiasco Coming to An End?

Today's meeting with two of the three "partners" in PAC-14 was fairly interesting.  While nothing was definitively settled, we did learn that the SU Provost has decreed that SU will not longer be a "partner".

See a copy of Dr. Jones' letter to Wicomico County

We'll have more details later.


  1. FINALLY, SU has come to its senses and dumped this dog. Let the County and City Councils (and their conspiracy-seeing "leaders") figure out what to do.

  2. I agree with 6:30 PM, Salisbury University tried to be a good partner, but again the City and County leaders screwed it up. Let them run Pac-14 by themselves and they can find their own space to televise the program, no more free rides on the back of SU. What a bunch of losers.

  3. Appears to me that they didn't get to have things the way they wanted them, so their going to take theirs toys and go home.

  4. Read the letter from Dr. Jones. SU is in no way taking their toys and going home. The leadership for both academic and the foundation are willing to house PAC14 under an annual MOU. This in kind service is exactly what SU has been providing since the PEG was established. What changes is that now the county/city and the appointed board for good or bad must handle payroll and expenses directly.


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