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Friday, August 15, 2008

Senator, Tell Me Obama's Accomplishments?

This is a MUST SEE Folks!


  1. Can you name McCain's legislative accomplishments?

  2. Yup...Thats a pretty good summation!

  3. Chris Mathews embarrassed an Obama supporter by asking him to name Obama’s legislative accomplishments–something the supporter couldn’t do. Besides the mean-spiritedness of the ambush (Mathews after all new that the average supporter, even–or perhaps especially–a Texas state senator–would not be enough of a wonk to know the details of Obama’s Illinois senate record or his two-year U.S. Senate record); and besides the fact that he didn’t ask Rep. Tubbs, who as a member of Congress is far better equipped to answer, the same question when it comes to Clinton; and besides the fact that Mathews has never spent a single segment on his show outlining the legislative records of anyone, and that people would know a lot more about legislative records if pundits like him weren’t playing an inane gotcha game, with vague allusions to substance as pawns in this game rather than as actual topics of discussion; besides all these things, there is the fallacy that the any random Obama supporter’s abilities to name these accomplishments is somehow evidence that they don’t exist. It’s a fallacy that conveniently fits into the intellectually lazy "Obama Lacks Experience" narrative.

    But the most poignant irony here is Matthews attempt to attribute Obama’s winning to rhetorical flourish rather than political skills honed by experience.

    How many can name McCains accomplishments here?

  4. Talk about desperate. The mere FACT that NONE of you came back here to list some of Obama's accomplishments, NOTHING, clearly shows there are NONE!

    This is a guy some of you want to elect as President? Man, American's sure are STUPID!

  5. Seriously, the only thing it shows is that people are ignorant to his accomplishements.

    And that speaks more about them thean it does about him.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Seriously, the only thing it shows is that people are ignorant to his accomplishements.

    And that speaks more about them thean it does about him.

    2:59 PM

    You Obama supporters are extreme ignorant and will do anything to prove this Muslim is a good candidate for president.

    Again, Please name some of Obama's accomplisments? The bottom line is there are none and this moron is not qualified to even hold the seat of U.S. Senator.

    Is McCain the best choice for U.S. President? No, but he is the lesser of the two evils and you Obama supporters need to wake up and realize that before it is way to late.

    Please vote McCain for president as this is the only choice we have at this point.

  7. OK, here you go:

    Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996, succeeding State Senator Alice Palmer as Senator from the 13th District, which then spanned Chicago South Side neighborhoods from Hyde Park-Kenwood south to South Shore and west to Chicago Lawn. Once elected, Obama gained bipartisan support for legislation reforming ethics and health care laws. He sponsored a law increasing tax credits for low-income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for childcare. In 2001, as co-chairman of the bipartisan Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, Obama supported Republican Governor Ryan's payday loan regulations and predatory mortgage lending regulations aimed at averting home foreclosures, and in 2003, Obama sponsored and led unanimous, bipartisan passage of legislation to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they detained and legislation making Illinois the first state to mandate videotaping of homicide interrogations.

    As a member of the US Senate:
    Obama voted in favor of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and cosponsored the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act. In September 2006, Obama supported a related bill, the Secure Fence Act. Obama introduced two initiatives bearing his name: "Lugar–Obama," which expanded the Nunn–Lugar cooperative threat reduction concept to conventional weapons, and the "Coburn–Obama Transparency Act," which authorized the establishment of www.USAspending.gov, a web search engine. Obama sponsored legislation requiring nuclear plant owners to notify state and local authorities of radioactive leaks. In December 2006, President Bush signed into law the "Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act," marking the first federal legislation to be enacted with Obama as its primary sponsor. In January 2007, Obama co-sponsored the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, which was signed into law in September 2007. He introduced S. 453, a bill to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections. Obama also introduced the Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007. Later in 2007, Obama sponsored an amendment to the Defense Authorization Act adding safeguards for personality disorder military discharges. He sponsored the "Iran Sanctions Enabling Act" supporting divestment of state pension funds from Iran's oil and gas industry, and co-sponsored legislation to reduce risks of nuclear terrorism. Obama also sponsored a Senate amendment to the State Children's Health Insurance Program providing one year of job protection for family members caring for soldiers with combat-related injuries.

    You're welcome.

    How about another politician from Illinois who served 1 term in the House, did not win re-election, left politics for 6 years, re-entered state politics for 6 years then became President? Namely Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's legislative accomplishments before becoming President? Can you name any off the top of your head? Accomplishments after becoming President? Abolishing slavery, saving the Union and becoming one of our greatest leaders ever! Obama's greatest accomplishments are yet to come starting with becoming the first black President.

  8. You can go here to look up every senators records.


  9. Okay here is one I got from www.dailykos.com.

    Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006
    This act of Congress, introduced by Senators Obama and Coburn, required the full disclosure of all entities or organizations receiving federal funds in FY2007.
    Despite a "secret hold" on this bill by Senators Ted Stevens and Robert Byrd, the act passed into law and was signed by President Bush. The act had 43 cosponsors, including John McCain.

    What I find "ignorant" is some people (ANON 3:23) still calling him a Muslim.

  10. two cents said:
    Obama's greatest accomplishments are yet to come starting with becoming the first black President.

    How bout the first white president who is half black?

  11. Excuse Me 3:41
    Bill Clinton was the first black president according him.
    When it is all said and done at the end of the day Obama is just not presidential material, get over it.

  12. No 6:59 you get over it. Mr. Obama is presendential material. The fact that he is ths apparent nominee for his party proves that.

    This in spite of the lies told about him.


    I don't have a problem at all voting for a woman, a man of color or a woman of color for that matter. If Colin Powell were running I doubt there would be a tight race assuming everyone votes for who they "Say" they are voting for.

    The black man has all but gotten the nomination, just a formality at the convention it may be, however he is a choice and even if he doesn't win it shows we have come a ways, perfect, no, but he does have that opportunity and now he must use accomplishments to move forward.

    Talk is all talk from whomever is throwing their pitch to us, it's the "What have you done for me lately?" that will be his demise.

    Don't get me wrong, I can't stand McCain and am hopng for a third party candidate, as last resort I can always get an absentee ballot and write Barry Tighlman in as my choice.

    She is capable of moving forward with the Bush plan and continue to be a nut job, move up to further destroying a nation, that is something she is good at. Just stick a fork in this country like we have in this city. I'm sure they have Jack Black in Washington, lot cheaper than the county stores also.

  14. McCain-Feingold Bill? Senior member of congress and on a few committees? Obama has never written one piece of legislation and is a rookie senator. Face it, he has been running for president since he was elected to his first term as a senator.

    I think what Mathews was asking is fair, consider it filling a position at work, you need to list experiences and accomplishments on your resume, of which he has not one. Do we want to hire a president that has no resume?

  15. What about his record on gun control, trying his damnest to take weapons from honest people and less punishment for criminals / gangs, when he was a State Senator. What has he done to eliminate reverse discrimination since he claims to be a reformer, nothing. OOPS !!!! A memory lapse or did you not research completely? OOPS !!!! I forgot. I can only use what is benefical to an incompetent, inexperience person who believes in Socialism and I will receive more Government subsidy and let an honest person go bankrupt supporting my lazy a$$.

  16. 6:59 Wrong again, you don't seem to be up to speed on politics, the mere fact that your man was picked as the candidate does not prove he is presidential material at all. History shows that, look at all the candidates over time that were not ELECTED ! GET IT?

  17. when i don't see hill's name on the ballot, for vp or pres, then i'll believe it. he's not the nominee, yet. he's the presumptive nominee.
    there's a difference.

  18. Obama has no showed and not voted the vast majority of time because he did not want to show his socialist agenda hand knowing he was being groomed for the presidency (can you say Manchurian/Muslim candidate?) He did vote down a ban on one of the most heinous and bararic practices in our culture--partial birth abortion. Most of his legislative "accomplishments" have been to booster the black welfare state and other socialist agendas which create apathy and laziness and dependency (another form of slavery). Two Cents: He was a Muslim the entire time he lived with his mother who married two Muslims, signed him up for school as a Muslim (even while attending a private Catholic run school), his sister said they were all raised Muslim and all his siblings from both father and step father (same mother) were Muslims. In one photo taken inside a home, his mother is wearing a Chadora and he is on her lap. How clueless can you be not to see what is going on here?? His so called Christianity is nothing more than a tax free shelter radical "church" that preaches about hate and politics, not about love and Christ. Just another facade for the M Candidate.

  19. (can you say Manchurian/Muslim candidate?)

    You are a delusional fool. I won't even dignify that nonsense with any more of a response.

  20. to anon 3:41
    The only thing you said was He supported and he sponsored and he voted. He still never accomplished anything. I can sponsor and support
    a lot of things but that doesn't get it done. The only thing you say he supported that passed was a racial profiling legislation. This racial profiling is a given it is probably on the books of every state by now. Big deal he sponsored one piece of legislation that passed. Man that really qualifies someone for President. I don't think so. I agree McCain may not be the best, but he is the lesser of two evils. The video is correct he has accomplished nothing. Anyone including myself can get up there and PROMISE change and say all the good things you want to hear, but how about when it is over and none of those promises are kept and nothing gets done. He has his own agenda and it is not what is best for this country. He does not even think of himself as a loyal citizen of this country but more a citizen of the world. So you better watch out. Another of the One Worlders spoken about in the bible. Yes he could be the beginning of the end for this country. Think about it you red blooded Americans out there . A muslim One Worlder or an All American War Hero.

  21. to anon 3:41
    The only thing you said was He supported and he sponsored and he voted. He still never accomplished anything. I can sponsor and support
    a lot of things but that doesn't get it done. The only thing you say he supported that passed was a racial profiling legislation. This racial profiling is a given it is probably on the books of every state by now. Big deal he sponsored one piece of legislation that passed. Man that really qualifies someone for President. I don't think so. I agree McCain may not be the best, but he is the lesser of two evils. The video is correct he has accomplished nothing. Anyone including myself can get up there and PROMISE change and say all the good things you want to hear, but how about when it is over and none of those promises are kept and nothing gets done. He has his own agenda and it is not what is best for this country. He does not even think of himself as a loyal citizen of this country but more a citizen of the world. So you better watch out. Another of the One Worlders spoken about in the bible. Yes he could be the beginning of the end for this country. Think about it you red blooded Americans out there . A muslim One Worlder or an All American War Hero.

  22. I just have to reiterate that Abraham Lincoln only served ONE term in the U.S. House(with no legislative accomplishments) left Washington for 12 years(6 of them out of politics completely) and then becam President. I dont think anyone would look back on him and say he should have had more experience or accomplishments in the Senate.

    As far as him being a Muslim or not(which i dont believe he is but it doesnt matter anyway), maybe you all forgot about this but, here in America everyone has the freedom to worship as they choose. Do you all honestly think that once he gets elected he is going to call up Bin Laden and invite him over for brunch or something?

    As far as his "Secrest Agenda" that one commenter mentioned...ok so what is it?

    I guess everyone is so scared that he will mess up our country even more because Bush has proven that a President can break the law, start wars, lie to the American people, bankrupt our country and get away with doing what ever he wants to without listening to the other branches of government. Thanks Republicans!

  23. csomeone asked what his secret agenda would be. Here's a start:
    Muslim official holidays, bombing Israel or doing nothing when the Muzzies do it themselves, establishing a full socialist state where no thinking businessperson would want to stay in this country and hire people because of his "redistribution of the wealth" agenda (aka punishment for the hard-working folks), abortion of any kind up to the 9th month, full appeasement to Iran no matter what they do, etc

  24. A lot of post on this blog just pull "information" out of thier rear ends.

    Absolutely nothing has been given to prove he is a Muslim - except his name. I suppose we should be weary of all McVieghs and Mansons.

    If you don't want to vote for the man DON'T. But please stop insulting everyone's intelligence and stop the BS.

  25. they are not trying to insult everyone's intelligence, they are actually just that stupid.

  26. people don't seem to understand. Your water cooler babble about Obama being a muslim has been proven wrong time and time again. It does not matter if he is or isn't. People seem to confuse a muslim with muslim extremists. Similiar to Christians and the KKK. There are differences. Educate yourself.


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