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Friday, August 15, 2008

Is Lore' Chambers Saying Something here?

Perhaps it was a LONG night for someone and Lore' was poking fun at it? NO COMMENT!


  1. did the fbi finally arrest her?

  2. Is Barrie in handcuffs? *lol*

  3. When I first looked at this picture I thought they were leading her away in handcuffs lol

  4. Oh won't that be a day to PUT OUT THE FLAGS. Lore looks fab in her jeans and chambray shirt with designer heels. Pick looks like he might be next on the docket.

    Barrie looks pissed. What have you done to her this time Joe? Did you piss in her Jack n Coke?

  5. We'd never be THAT lucky to see the Mare being lead off in handcuffs!!!

  6. Here's a clue for you Barrie: go get a make-over. You are an emergency case that needs hair, makeup and clothing re-do. You are a mess.....

  7. If you click on the picture, it looks like Lore' is acting drunk.

  8. Looks to me like the sheep are following their Ram to do some dirty work on the tax payers.

    A. Goetz

  9. OMG, at first glance I thought it was a dream come true. It looks like the Mare is leaving the GOB in Handcuffs. I almost sh!t myself when I saw this picture.

    Damn, we can only hope this will happen soon.

  10. Have you noticed that John Pick is picking up the rear? That speaks volumes for his position in the city.

  11. With Lore's lips pressed together like that, maybe she's just trying not to yell obscenities at the guy taking the picture! And maybe she hasn't learned how to walk on the high heels so she just looks drunk! As for the mare, maybe her hands are behind her back so she won't hit the photographer and go to jail for assault?! LOL! Pick, aw, he's just a wuss!

  12. Who is the black dude with the jeans on? Those shoes of his sure looks gay.

  13. Joe can please post something on this. I really can't see why the mare has to stick her nose in something that isn't her business. I truely hope that the law enforcement brothers help each other out and put a stop to this mare. I am sure there is enough intelligence out there to bust her. Heck, at least keep an eye out for her when she has been drinking and pull her over for speeding and DWI.

    From the Daily Rag:
    DRILL probe still unresolved
    Tilghman asks FBI, senators to speed process
    By Greg Latshaw • Staff Writer • August 14, 2008

  14. that is some look on her face, she must have a flare up of them roids

  15. Anonymous said...
    Who is the black dude with the jeans on? Those shoes of his sure looks gay.

    4:04 PM

    LMAO.... that is one FUGLY woman!


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