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Friday, August 15, 2008

Lead Based Paint Goes Directly Into The Wicomico River?


I was driving down Rt.13 north last night right at dusk. Between College Avenue and Carroll Street the paint had been removed from all the fire hydrants. I’m assuming they’re about to be re-painted. No big deal right? Wrong! The paint was stripped off and all the chips were left in the gutter. I have two questions. Do the gutters and storm drains lead to the Wicomico River? Secondly… Is the paint used on the fire hydrants non-toxic? I can’t imagine all the paint chips that will end up in the river will be beneficial to the life in the water that’s already struggling to survive in human waste. I only regret that I my cell phone was dead and I couldn’t take a picture. By the time I went home and got my camera it was raining. Keep your eyes open as I’m sure this is an on-going project and they’ll do it again.


  1. This is just some more of the city workers not doing there job.
    Think thats something, a city employee actually told me today that,listen to this. That the operators at the waste water plant ,when a problem on the new computer system comes up,dont know what to do ! That they physically walk to where the computer is saying there is a problem and trying to correct the problem. He said it could be corrected at the computer most of the time but they didnt know how to do it.
    Watch the new dragon dryer down there could cause one hell of an explosion,with those idiots who did not no what they where doing before the upgrade. I dont go within a mile of the place..


  3. HOMER SIMPSON Must be running the WWTP but where is Mayor Burns?

  4. Just why in hell did not the city employees clean up right after the work on each hydrant? That's lousy maintenance in my book. Whether its toxic waste or not it needed to be cleaned up right after the chipping job!

    A. Goezt


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