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Friday, August 15, 2008

Dear Mrs. Comegys II?

you are a pathetic excuse for a human at best. If you were the father of a child who the mother would not let you see your child..WOULD YOU PAY CHILD SUPPORT? HELL NO!! Did you bother to ask Gary what the circumstances were before you post this dumb shit on your worthless..half of the truth blog? HELL NO!! Many men do this so that they will be taken to court in hopes of seeing their child. Also in the mean time the mother tells the child how horrible the father is for not giving her a dime and he does not support them. Well Joe..if you do not know that part of supporting them is helping to raise them and having quality time with them as well in which many times Gary was not afforded that opportunity. Maybe that is why the CHILD was in trouble to start with. Now explain what your daughter/stepdaughter has done to be awarded MOTHER OF THE YEAR asshole! Let us talk about your skeleton bones now..We would all love to hear about that. I heard she was acrack whore! Does she pay you any child support?"

I'll start with this. I am extremely familiar with the troubles of NOT being able to see my own children for the 15 years I paid $2,759.58 a MONTH for my children. That's right, I paid that amount per month for that long. My ex wife NEVER had to wait at the mailbox looking for her monthly check!

So don't go preaching to me about the why's! I don't give a rats a$$ what excuse you want to represent, those children HAD TO EAT EVERY MONTH! You fight your battle in Court and you do NOT make everyone else suffer along the way. That's just my opinion and I believe I handled my child support like an honorable and responsible man/father.

Oh, my ex played the old, your Father is a piece of sh!t for all these years as well but my children grew up and fully 100% respect me while one of them hasn't spoken to their Mother for 2 years now because of it. Oh, I'll add, I encourage my Son to please talk to her each and every time I talk to him. I hold no hatred towards my ex and as they say, "the best revenge is to live a good life." I have done just that and she no longer had access to the checkbook.

I'll say this for the very last time too. I do NOT have a step daughter or a daughter, period. So obviously the information you are receiving has NO CREDIBILITY whatsoever, especially if you can't even get that part right.

I don't care what YOU and or Gary Comegys thinks about this factual information I posted earlier. I am 100% right and ANY Judge would agree with me 100%. You have a child, you are responsible for that child, no matter if the mother allows you to see them or not. One day that child will grow up enough to find the real truth and that is life.

So take your "half of the truth" and shove it. I firmly disagree with you and any of your remarks. The TRUTH is, he failed to be a responsible Father and I'll add, he declared bankruptcy as well, proving he's not a very responsible individual and shame on the Taxpayers for voting him into Office, period.

I'll not even go into your trash mouth other than to say, you must be really close with the Mayor.


  1. Bubba should have thought about the consequence before he put his little pecker in the pig he married. Did he even fight for custody? My suspicions tell me know. Did he want to see the child and how often? I doubt he wanted to or some sort of comprimise could have been worked out in court. The bottom line is Bubba is a piece of shit and a dead beat dad who didn't pay his bills and filed for bankruptcy. The fact that he filed for bankruptcy is enough to prove that he had no intentions of paying child support to his son, if it is even his. My comments are about Bubba and mean no disrespect to his child. Enough said.

  2. Joe, I agree with you 100 percent and I can see why Gary has this woman for a wife, she's just like him. His child did not ask to be born but the responsibility was there and he neglected HIS responsibility big time. He'll have to live with his negligent decision for the rest of his life and since he obviously has no conscience, like everything else he says and does, it won't bother him.

  3. My son has not seen his child in twelve years , but still must pay child support. Child support has nothing at all to do with seeing that child. It is just what it says child support, meaning to support the child, not see the child. One has nothing to do with the other.
    It really makes me mad when I hear men say, I would pay child support, but I never get to see the child. That is just an excuse not to support the child you made. that child did not ask to be born, so man up and write that check.

  4. YOU PAY CHILD SUPPORT FOR YOUR CHILD...and if they belong to you...you have every right to see that child. AND for your information..I am not Mrs. Comegys.

  5. Also let me add that many people who try to run a business go bankrupt. If you have never had a small business then shut your mouth because you have no idea the competition you have...Wal Mart ring a bell to any of you. There are many small business's who go bankrupt.

  6. I don't know each situation, but what I do know is that if a father does not see his children it is because he chooses to not fight to see them or the court had a pretty good reason to not let them see them.

  7. 9:11 agreed. When you pay child support you settle on visitation rights as well. Unless you are the anal of the earth you have every right to see your child. This country is bankrupt so I don't hold it against someone who has without knowing the details.
    There are a lot more reasons why
    Comegy's should not be Mayor!!!!!

  8. Gary was using his personal money to try to keep that business going.
    I know that for a fact...so it didn't work in his favor. Maybe he should have sued the City like Joe did and then he would be fortunate enough to get a fat check, sit on in ass and have the time to take pictures all day and play on his own half sided blog!

  9. anonymous 9:14,

    Comegys works for the SHA.

  10. 9:02
    You do not know Debbie Comegy's period! She would never allow herself to be in your company. She only associates herself with people of integrity.

  11. 9:22 thanks for not letting Joe influence your intelligence like he does his followers! You said you don't think Gary should be mayor and that I commend you for..at least you have a mind that thinks outside of the box instead of attacking Gary and his family. Joe attacks all of the people instead of the issues of the topic. His personal attacks on family members are uncalled for and I would love to hear his ex-wife tell her story....but then again you won't see that on this half truth blog.

  12. If you Gary supporters don't think that he will sink to low personal attacks on his political opponents, you are crazy. As he runs for mayor, you can bet that his campaign will do all the dirty, slimy things that they did to Tim Spies inthe last election. They attacked a man of integritywith complete and utter lies, so I find it hard to feel sorry for Gary when his personal life comes under scrutiny. That being said, men and women who decide not to pay child support as a way of getting back at their exes are awful human beings. You aren't getting proper visitation? GO TO COURT!!! Nothing prevents you from filing a court case asking for visitation to be enforced or reviewd. So I don't buy that b.s saying this is the way to force greater visitation. In fact, failure to pay child support is considered in visitation cases, you dummies.

  13. 9:22 I agree! There was a mutual agreement between the two what the conditions would be. Neither party wanted a court agreement. They both understood that child support along with visitation would be granted. SHE FAILED TO COMPLY WITH THAT AGREEMENT and so did he. End of story.

  14. 9:18...the court never ruled that Gary could not see his child. Gary did not choose not to see his child...his wife chose for Gary not to see his child. Get your facts together...you must be pretty close to Joe Albero.

  15. Child support, when used for the support of the child, is a good thing. When women hide behind it and treat it as a financial supplement, or a financial penalty, to better their own lives it is wrong. The system has issues, most of which are slanted against the man in the situation. I divorced 4 years ago and have two beautiful children from that marriage. I had to spend tens of thousands of dollars to fight for every moment of time I get with my children. I pay over 1200 a month in child support and have 48% overnight custody with my children. My ex, and her attorney were willing to spend another 30 thousand in legal fees to keep me from getting that additional 2 days a month so that she could get MORE in child support. She could afford it because she was fortunate enough to write herself a 70,000 check out of the home equity account when we split. Another bill I had to cover! Meanwhile she quits her job, where she was earning slightly less than I was, which skewed the support that much more in her favor. She cried hardship throughout the entire proceeding until I was faced with either losing the home I intended to raise my children in or settle. All the while she was living with her boyfriend, and my children, in a different state. Her poor, devestated, lying a$$ then married the fool 4 months after the divorce (she was so devestated by our seperation). Now, 4 years later, I drive 100 miles a day to pick up my children and return them for school in the morning. I pay her and her husband 1200 a month so they can vacation, buy a new home, and live in the lap of luxury only to send my kids back to me with holes in their shoes, and clothes that don't fit, knowing full well that I will buy them what they need. 4 years later she still hasnt worked a day but the good old court system is behind her so that I can continue to pay to support them! Not my children. I agree 100% with Joe in that the children will eventually understand, once they grow to the age where they can see through the BS they are fed from their mother and evaluate the situation on their own. People often tell me how I can always go back to court and get things changed, especially since my children often express that they want to get things changed. The problem with that is the whole experience the first time took its toll, especially on the kids and I fear putting them through that again. As it is now I am with them 48% of the time on "paper" with extra days all the time when she is off vacationing with her husband. Knowing her as I do, she would fight forever to preserve her "child" support and throw my children under the bus to preserve it and she also knows I will back off before letting her do that again. For this peace I pay the ransom, and I pay for my childrens needs above that. They are at the point where they feel bad telling me they need new shoes, and often try to hide it from me because they know how much I do already, and they refuse to ask her for anything anymore as the answer is always the same. What it all boils down to is that you have to put the children first and if that means becoming a victim of the system because the ex is taking advantage of it then so be it. It is unfair at times and their should be some sort of accountability for the money given to the support recipient to ensure it goes for what it is intended. As my situation stands now I support the children when they are under my care, and I financially support them when they are under her care. To me this is unfair as she was always capable of earning a substantial living yet refuses to do so. I agree that it is the fathers responsibility to share in the provision of care for the children but why is it that the mother, in many cases, is expempt from financial contribution? I would gladly take the majority of physical custody and supply 100% of the financial support of my children. What I can't get my head around is supplying financial support to my Ex and her husband. To head off any confusion, ALL my funds are in the form of child support. Never have I had to pay alimony. When I sought shared physical custody I was advised by my attorney that the first thing the court would look at was the ability of the two parents to communicate and get along. My Ex refused to do either until I agreed to pay her the inflated fee. Once that was established she is more than happy to get along with me and work together. The moment I mention adjusting the support, or her getting a job, I am threatened with a court battle or limited communication with my children when with her. Just as a father is dutily bound to support his children, a mother should be held to the same standards and that is often not the case!

  16. the divorce probably hurts the son more than the money.

    bubba,(you shadow the illusion of integrity).

  17. 10:04, you are a real man. Understanding that the kids come first even when the system is unfair speaks volumes. You and your kids, for all the distress, will have loving relationship now and in the future. Kudos to you.

  18. 10:04..I agree with you 100%. I am a female and have a child from a previous marriage. I am just as responsible as my ex-husband! I pay as much as he does if not more. I make more money and have health insurance at work to cover those expenses. I am sorry your ex thinks she has won the lottery each time she gets her check in the mail, however hold your head high as Joe is right about one thing..those kids will grow up and make their own observations in time. It does make men want to revert to what Gary did though as sometimes their skin is not as thick as yours.

  19. My 2 cents here......

    1) Child support is what the court says you must pay to support your child based on a State formula. You MUST pay it or you ARE a dead beat dad. Period!

    2) Any lawyer will let you know you have NO say in how your ex-wife decides what to do with that money. If you think she's not beign a good mother, take HER to court.

    3) If you're not getting visitation, it is because YOU choose to do nothing about it. That may be because the court says you're not fit for it. It may be because your ex-wife feels you are a risk. Either way, if YOU want to visit with your child, YOU have to fight for it. BUT they are still your child and YOU still have to pay child support for that child. It's not visitation support, or love me support. Thoses are things you have to deal with IF you want them.

    I don't know any of the Comegy's situation, but if he's not paying support, he should be in front of a judge and not making legal decisions for the rest of the public.

  20. 10:04,

    You need a new lawyer. There are plenty of cases where non-custodial parents get screwed by the system, no question. There are also plenty of cases where the non-custodial parent totally screws over the kids and the ex. Here's the issue everyone should focus on: Gary Comegys holds himself up as this bastion of moral virtue, yet uses underhanded, slimy tactics to go after Tim Spies in teh last election--that is unforgivable. He will stoop to whatever depths he can to get elected again, and I promise you will level personal attacks on his opponents. So Gary, and his supporters (since you are obviously reading this) just understand one thing: I pledge to keep the election clean to the best of my abilities (not a candidate, but I'm supporting one), as long as you do so as well. The minute you or your supporters take the low road, you will see your indiscretions all over the place. So why not ssimply debate the issues and keep it clean? What you did to Tim Spies was disgraceful.

  21. The Courts? OMG...they are as good about custody and child support as they are with criminals who break the law 100 times. I don't blame Gary at all.

  22. I just wanted to clarify this-if I am right,bankruptcy does NOT discharge child support arrearage debts.
    That said,visitation issues are a poor excuse for nonsupport.First of all,if Comegys works for SHA,he is making big bucks and can afford a lawyer to fight for his parental rights.
    Anon 10:04,I sympathize with you totally.My husband pays child support to a leech who uses her kid to survive.She can't work because she has "psych issues" so she gets a big fat check for sitting home AND her child support,then she has the nerve to ask us for extra money.....my response to her is that if she actually gets a job and gets off her butt we would give her extra above and beyond what we are required to.She will not let the child see us unless she comes along too(he is 13,time to pop the tit out) and we cannot afford to fight her in court because we have to pay for a lawyer whereas the State will give her one for free.Fathers who try get no respect and have no rights.Comegys can obviously afford a lawyer,so whats the prob?
    Note: Bankruptcy happens to alot of people and I would not hold it against Bubba but it does disqualify him to run a city in my opinion.

  23. The Sheriff is regarded as the highest police position within the state, county and city jurisdiction. I hope that we can find a person to run our city with the same qualities as Sheriff Lewis. Folks, this is big business.
    We desperately need a leader from the business community just as we
    elected a qualified State Trooper for Sheriff...

  24. To 10:04 A.M. - Who cares about all that rambling you wrote?
    They are your children - support them.

  25. 10:36 you are quite the expert! Let's get your details. Have you and your husband ever been behind on child support? Really? That is not what I heard.

  26. 10:36..how do you know what Comegy's can afford? Were you the one he was seeing while he was married? You seem to know alot about his finances.

  27. 10:00am if the court allowed him to see his kids and his wife choose to not let him see them, then she was in contempt of a court order and he should have filed charges against her to get to see his children. This is what I mean by not fighting for your children.

  28. "How Not to Be a Deadbeat Dad"

    Joe, you may post this if you wish.

    1. At the time of the divorce, be sure the child support is part of the decree, not an "agreement" between you and your ex. Otherwise, it is not child support, it is a gift you are giving her and/or the child(ren).
    2. Be sure visitation is spelled out in the decree also. If you don't have equal shared custody, be sure to have a lawyer who gets you fair visitation, unless you have done something bad enough for the court to consider you a risk to the child(ren). Then be sure to get supervised visitation.
    3. If the ex violates the visitation, DO NOT WITHHOLD CHILD SUPPORT. The court will see you as in contempt. Just because she does wrong doesn't mean you should also. Two wrongs don't make a right, especially in the eyes of a judge.
    4. If the ex DOES deny you your visitation rights, take her to court. As part of your request, be sure she has to cover all the court costs and your legal fees. This may be enough to get her to comply, but if it doesn't you have covered your expenses.
    5. As long as you are paying your child support timely and trying to comply with visitation as spelled out, report her to the courts every time SHE messes up. Eventually, judges get tired of seeing the same names pop up and throw the book at the offender.
    6. As for her bad-mouthing you, be sure you are not also saying things about her when you do see the child(ren). Then, if you have to go back to court on visitation, request a restraining order that prevents her from saying things about you (not all judges will issue this type of gag order). It's about all you can do. Then, if someone overhears her bad-mouthing, she is in contempt again. Otherwise, try to get adults the child(ren) respect to tell them you are a good guy, and mommy's just mad over the divorce. And then try to wait until age 18 to set the record straight on your own.
    I'm a former aide to a family court judge. And I've been there and done that. I'm also a former MBA who has retired and lives a peaceful life with a child who respects me.

  29. 10:34...you're right on the mark. I've been fighting the ex for well over a year. We've filed numerous contempt & discovery motions, but the court fell down on the job there enforcement-or-consequence-wise.

    Word to the wise - if you have to go to family court in Wicomico County, insist on a real judge instead of a master.

    Linda: Requesting court costs and fees is not a guarantee. I was granted about $4k in costs, on a $25k bill - which was so high because he refused to comply with discovery requests. Your advice is good as long as the ex is not a SCHMUCK.

  30. To 10:04 and others like him--First, thank you for doing what is best for your children. Second, in some states, and I don't know if Maryland is one of them, you can go to court and request that your child support be paid to the court, not your ex directly, and that the court oversee the use of said money. This is what was done by a friend of mine when his ex was using the child support to buy steaks for herself and clothes for herself while the kids ate cereal for dinner and wore rags. She had to provide receipts for where the money went, and once a month was visited by an advocate who also talked to the kids about how things were going. It didn't win my friend any brownie points, but at least the kids were cared for better without it killing him financially.

  31. I can assure you, the Bureau of Support Enforcement does not care at all whether or not you get to see your child.

  32. Any person, man or woman, withholds child support because they believe there is a relationship between their contact with his or her child and their RESPONSIBILITY to support that child has no right to be in free society, much less a position of civic leadership! If a parent never, ever sees his or her child, that person is still responsible for the child being on this earth and absolutely responsible for supporting that child till 18 years of age!

  33. There you have it folks as Joe would call you.....THIS IS WHY GARY COMEGY"S did not pay the support. IT WASN"T GOING TO THE CHILD AND HE WAS NOT GRANTED THE PERMISSION FROM THE EX HOG TO SEE HIS CHILD!

  34. "10:36 you are quite the expert! Let's get your details. Have you and your husband ever been behind on child support? Really? That is not what I heard"
    Really?What have you heard?HE(WE do not pay support,he does) IS current on his child support,and provides health insurance as well for his child.

    "10:36..how do you know what Comegy's can afford? Were you the one he was seeing while he was married? You seem to know alot about his finances"

    Give me some credit-I have much better taste in men.You cannot tell me with a straight face that a guy whos been with the STATE for all those years doesnt make some decent change.

  35. Should I refer to you as Debbie Comegys or her sister? Pathetic is being kind when speaking of Gary Comegys. In 2005 how old was his son, shall I name him outright? I believe he was 16 or 17 at the time. The age of driving, legally. IF the boy WANTED to see Gary he could have and would have. The key word there is WANTED. IF Gary WANTED to see the boy he would have and legally could have. Key word once again, WANTED. The law in Maryland states that the custodial parent CAN NOT withhold visitation due to lack of support from the non custodial parent. SOOOOOO IF, Mr, I want to be the next asshole to drive this city to the brink of destruction Comegys, truly wanted to see his child he would have and could have.

    He talks to Paul Wilber casually about stealing the property on the North Prong, why wouldn't he speak with him about the laws pertaining to visitation, casually? Why doesn't Mr. MML know this law pertaining to visitation and child support? It's not like he just started supporting the boy in 2005.

    The truth of the matter is the boy can't stand Gary Comegys for the redneck and blubbering idiot he is. The boy, who I will not name at this time, is basically a nice kid. He, like every kid out there has his ups and downs but it doesn't help when your father is constantly in the forefront of scandals designed to destroy a city. I'd deny him as a father too if I had to hear my friends talk about what a doofus my dad is. How would you like to go to class only to hear from your peers how your father fanagled an election? Yep, that's something to be proud of right there.

    Don't blame the boy for his fathers shortcomings, the kid has nothing to do with that. Is it also the boys fault that Gary committed adultery? Is it the boys fault Gary filed bankruptcy? Is it the boys fault his father is a lying, conniving, worthless piece of human flesh? Answer to these questions is NO, NO, NO.

    There is the possibility the boy doesn't want to go to visit Gary because he can't stand his present wife. Has this ever been a consideration?

    On a side note, for your future reference, there have never been any female children born to Joe Albero or his wife. Get your facts straight sweetie.

    Now go click your pen.

  36. Anon 928 said...You do not know Debbie Comegy's period! She would never allow herself to be in your company. She only associates herself with people of integrity.

    You mean people like Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Louise Smith, those people?

  37. You all keep talking about this child as if he were a young child. In 2005 his boy was 16 or 17 years old. Old enough to decide for himself if he wanted to spend time with Gary, obviously the boy decided he didn't want to. Get over it, the kid can't stand Gary, just ask him and he'll tell you himself.

    I don't give a rats ass if Gary Comegys owned his own business and it failed, that's his problem. While he owned this business he worked for the State Highway Administration and drew a salary. If he was stupid enough to sink all he had into a failing business, that is HIS stupidity. Just because he can't make a solid business decision does not mean he doesn't have to pay child support. It shows where his priorities are, that's for sure. Failing business is more important than supporting his son. What a very large piece of shit he is.

    He uses the same business sense on the city council as he did in his own business. He failed at business, he failed at being a husband, he failed at being a father, and he has failed at being an honest representative of the people, on the city council. Do he and his deluded wife honestly believe the citizens of Salisbury want ANOTHER FAILURE for mayor?

  38. I think some of the comments to 10:36 (who is TotMom) were meant for 10:34.

    Anyway, the courts can be unfair to men, as can ex-wives. But there are a helluva lot of ex-wives who are STILL waiting for the first dime of child support from the deadbeat dads. This is why Maryland toughened up its laws, but it's still a huge issue in the state. No offense intended to the good dads out there and boo on the women who use child support for themselves.

    As for Comegys, I really don't care what the excuses are. If he's in contempt of court for child support, then he's a deadbeat dad. And he took an oath of office to uphold the law. Were his fingers crossed behind his back?

  39. 10:40 a.m., who did you have in mind as the "business leader" we need?

    In this community, it would depend on which "business leader." There are a lot of such types here I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole because of the opportunity for more business cronyism.

  40. Or maybe some of the comments were meant for 12:36? Love the ALL CAPS.

  41. 12:50
    I sure hope Gary's son does not read Sby News. You really said some pretty bad things about his father and even though he may not be happy with the choices his dad made in the past, he is still his son and a part of him. I would think after your comments the boy feels pretty bad about himself. Let's try to keep the children out of it. Divorce is hard enough.

  42. Most of these woes wouldn't exist if people would spend a little more time and effort in choosing their childrens other parent. The "ex" who's an a$$hole now was always one, just not to you.
    Pay close attention to what you see and hear out of a prospective partner. AND, remember that either a person has integrity or they don't. A deadbeat parent, who also happens to have gone bankrupt to avoid paying their debts, doesn't just turn into this...they've always been a loser. You just were too dazzled by hormones to see it clearly.

  43. Perhaps Gary would like to clear this up for all of us. Better yet, maybe his ex-wife would like to share her thoughts on this blog.

  44. Anon 2:08
    ARE YOU KIDDING? Those people LIVE on this blog, they just don't identify themselves....you can always tell, because they try to defend the indefensible, or make a creep sound better. Those positive....no, non-negative comments are always either Gary or his wife...we can probably assume that some of the negative ones are from people who know him personally as well, may be his ex.
    She sure picked a winner.

  45. Anon 10:41 reacts like one of the money sucking lazy moms..hang in there 10:04! If "she" read your post she would have clearly seen that you DO support your children and that you were merely pointing out (like many others have pointed out) that the mother should have a responsibility to do more than babysit them at your expense! I applaud you 10:04

  46. Anon 132 said...Let's try to keep the children out of it. Divorce is hard enough.

    You moron, this is not a child, his son is at the least 20 years old today and KNOWS better than you and I what a waste his father is. You can pick your friends but, you can't pick your family. Nothing has been said on this blog that the young man hasn't said or thought himself.

    Get over yourself and your "keep the children out of it" crap. He is no child. He's old enough to vote and he's old enough to enlist in the armed forces, therefore he is old enough to form an opinion and make decisions concerning his father. He is no child.

  47. Wanna bet that Bubba leaves SHA as soon as his state retirement is available and goes to work for Gordy?

  48. Anonymous said...
    Also let me add that many people who try to run a business go bankrupt. If you have never had a small business then shut your mouth because you have no idea the competition you have...Wal Mart ring a bell to any of you. There are many small business's who go bankrupt.

    9:14 AM

    WTF was this moronic statement? Who said Walmart put Bubba in bankruptcy?

    Pay your bills A$$hole.

  49. Anonymous said...
    You do not know Debbie Comegy's period! She would never allow herself to be in your company. She only associates herself with people of integrity.

    9:28 AM

    And WTF did she marry??


  50. I remember when Debbie was a manny ,moe and jack manager. Back in the day at pep boys. What a start to a great career.

  51. A deadbeat dad is just what it says it is DEADBEAT. I have no sympathy for none of them.My daughter has been getting bits and peices since her three daughters were 1, 3 & 5. As grandparents we help support them their whole lives (Santa Claus, school and all). (Arrearage about $60,000 dollars now. He is a useless peice of crap!! Everytime anyone gets close to getting any support he quits his job and gets paid under the table. She also worked a full time job but it was not enough. As far as Child Support Enforcement goes they are useless to say the least. The men they have working there are protecting the dad that owes all the money.

  52. 2:55 How sad that you are so angery. It does not matter if you are 10 or 40. Children are children and they all want things to be right with there parents and always hope for that. Divorce is an emotional scar that is left in the hearts of many especially when it is an ugly one. Good luck to you, I hope you can find some happiness.

  53. Anonymous said...
    2:55 How sad that you are so angery. It does not matter if you are 10 or 40. Children are children and they all want things to be right with there parents and always hope for that. Divorce is an emotional scar that is left in the hearts of many especially when it is an ugly one. Good luck to you, I hope you can find some happiness.

    4:29 PM

    Wah wah, cry me a river...

  54. Anon 429 said...2:55 How sad that you are so angery. It does not matter if you are 10 or 40. Children are children and they all want things to be right with there parents and always hope for that. Divorce is an emotional scar that is left in the hearts of many especially when it is an ugly one. Good luck to you, I hope you can find some happiness.

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA take your anger management and shove it where the sun don't shine. Why on Gods green earth would I be angry because Gary is a Deadbeat? It's no skin off my back if he's a worthless bum. Nothing he says or does has any affect on my life, whatsoever. Why would you think I'm angry? Because what I said is the truth? Ever heard "the truth shall set you free"?

    Get a grip, better yet, get a life.


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