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Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Webster v Albero Saga Ends

As noted on Salisbury News, the lawsuit brought by Salisbury Police Chief Allan Webster against Salisbury News publisher Joe Albero has been settled hours before the trial was due to begin in Snow Hill. Albero could not comment other than to refer me to the lead of his post:

"The Parties have resolved their disagreement on non-monetary terms."
Given that the settlement is on non-monetary terms and there was no mea culpa from Albero, it is a safe conclusion that he did not initiate the agreement. We can only speculate as to why Webster would settle this late in the game.

I guess that only Albero and his ever growing army of Joeys are happy over this one.

Perhaps Webster had assumed (or been promised) that the Salisbury taxpayer would pick up his legal fees. Miles & Stockbridge doesn't come cheap.

Given the current political climate in Salisbury -
  • Tax increases
  • Water & Sewer rate increases
  • A Mayor on her last legs
  • A Councilman who is a mayoral wanna-be
it's a pretty safe bet that the taxpayers of Salisbury will be saved from this bill.

What has Webster gained? NOTHING. Albero doesn't call people "Idiot!" as much, but Albero, and tangentially, I are more responsible for that than the Webster suit.

What has Webster (and Barrie Tilghman) lost? A fair amount. This is one of the few times that someone has stood up to the bullying ways of the Tilghman administration. Albero walked away intact - minus some legal fees.

Now Tilghman and her cronies are minus on of their most important tools - INTIMIDATION. What will happen when people realize that there really isn't much that she can do to harm them?

Can we expect more outspoken opposition? I can only hope!

We need to remember that Barrie Tilghman's lawsuit is still out there. Unfortunately for the fascist ruler of Barrieland, her suit was weaker than Webster's. It will be interesting if she continues her jihad against one of those "Dirty, Rotten Bloggers". She may be in for a few surprises.

P.S. -
Can we expect an apology from Bill Duvall and the rest of the anti-Joeys? Don't hold your breath. Expect these purveyors of non-fact to continue beating the drum for Tilghman and then the real trial.

When it all goes away, you won't hear a peep from these folks. No one ever said that they were gracious.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


  1. Now that Jack n Coke is out of the game the last to leave on the floor (in a sober state) is Barrie Tilghman. Then we can all sing loudly DING DONG THE BITCH IS DEAD, THE WICKED BITCH IS DEAD.

  2. I'm glad it's over for Joe.

    Hooray for free speech!

  3. "Albero and his ever growing army of Joeys" haha... nice!

    Joe - can you just run for fire chief and mayor etc etc

  4. Inquiring Minds Want to Know:

    Did Barrie have to sign off on the settlement, and is she sobered-up yet?

  5. LOL, I'm not a "Joey" and I don't want Joe for Mayor (he can't be anyway), but I DO have to say...


    BTW, Joey #1, I know you are using the phrase "dead" figuratively. Please, folks, be a little sensitive about things that might get read the wrong way. If you won't do it for yourselves, dear "Joeys," do it for Joe!

  6. Joe...you know I've got your back...but...dude...please don't EVER let ANYONE take your picture in a turtle neck like he Daily Times has on the website. Come on...a TURTLE NECK? I thought you had better fashion sense than that.

  7. dont you go gettin soft now joe.

  8. Sensitive??? Is the mayor sensitive when she retaliates against anyone that would dare to stand up to her or her administration? Sensitivity, like patience, is highly overrated.

  9. Agree with 11:58 AM - Hooray again for free speech - boy does this administration HATE that; they love keeping taxpaying citizens in the dark.

  10. GA, great post. Joe, congratulations. I knew they wouldn't or couldn't win this one. It has nothing to do with frivolity, it has everything to do with honesty. Something those two are short on.

  11. I agree with 12:45 completely,
    be careful how you choose your words Joey#1. Those are the kind of words you can't take back!

  12. 1:05 p.m. said:

    "boy does this administration HATE that; they love keeping taxpaying citizens in the dark."

    Amen! Don't just spread that word HERE...make sure every voting citizen of Salisbury knows it because Barrie = Gary!!!!

  13. Damn GA - I can't add much to that. You nailed it.

  14. "The Parties have resolved their disagreement on non-monetary terms."

    Please assure us that this means that payment of Webster's legal fees by Joe (or anyone other than Webster) was not part of the settlement deal.

  15. As of 1:30 PM -- still nothing on Duvafiles!

  16. OMG, wait and watch them wannabes in the next few months before the election.Man have they got a target on their backsides and rightly so. A new mayor and some of the council members will be able to bring Salis. back on its feet in four yrs.Only took WWTP Tilghman 10 yrs to screw everyone with the DREAM TEAM.Yea think Lynn Catheter will ask them to name a street for her.Besides where the hell has she been lately? The DIRTY DOZEN got to her.I guess shes been trying to milk the Chick-Fl-A Cow.

  17. Wow - it's on the Daily Times' website already.

  18. anonymous 1:33, are you seriously that dense? WTF does non monetary mean to you? What a retard!

  19. 1:33 do you know Joe Albero? If you did, you would know he and his money don't part easily. Why do you think I call him squeak? LOL

  20. Joe:

    No doubt you will do the tv news on 16 & 47 tonight. How's it feel to be a darling of the mainstream media?

    PS - hope you got Webster to tell you where he gets those $500 suits - you would look great in one!

  21. Just my opinion but I think the first classy thing Albero did was not counter sue Webster or Tilghman. That says more than you know to any respectable Judge. Kudos to you Mr. Albero. This result was well deserved.

  22. Webster's suits: fact--City gives him a clothing allowance.

    Congrats, Joe, dealing with Barrie and her knuckleheads takes its toll under any circumstances. Take a day off and celebrate.


    This is the best news I have heard all week.

    We all knew that the Chief did not have a case but its nice to see this end for you.

    Just my opinion but I think the first classy thing Albero did was not counter sue Webster or Tilghman. That says more than you know to any respectable Judge. Kudos to you Mr. Albero. This result was well deserved.

    Yes this demonstrated a lot of self control on Joe's part. Most people would have countersued for stupid money.

    I personally know Joe and can tell anyone for a fact, this was not about the money.


  24. I think he should still counter sue Barry, donate the proceeds to the Zoo. She's raped the taxpayers so much sue her and use the money to do what she could not, improve a damn thing.

  25. Anon 1245 and 110 you are right. Although it was meant figuratively I can see how someone would take it otherwise.

    I meant DEAD as in POLITICALLY DEAD in the water.

    Remember when you vote Barrie = Gary and Gary = Barrie.

  26. Reposted, from earlier post today:

    Anonymous said...
    Breaking News:

    Bill Duvall lives -- despite his lack of any "Red Net Alert" yesterday on Duvafiles about the now kaput lawsuit. It's not mentioned on Duvafiles today, either, but he does take offense at GA's recent comments about Bill McCain and Barrie Tilghman. Are you surprised?

    7:05 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Here's how Bassett and the Slimeballs are spinning it:

    "A lengthy legal battle between Salisbury's police chief and a controversial Delaware blogger came to a presumptive end Wednesday..." In other words, it ain't over til it's over.

    Like, when does/did the fat lady sing?

    PS - please send a better pic to the Daily Slime ASAP.

    7:20 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Inquiring Minds Want to Know:

    Did Duvall drive to Snow Hill yesterday to learn that the case had been settled, or did he find out from this blog and save gas?

    7:30 AM

  27. Joe:

    What did Willie have to say about your win?

  28. Nice job on getting you mug on the Front Page of the Daily Times today!


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