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Thursday, July 24, 2008


Today I went into the Salisbury Post Office like I normally do, and once again, took-a-step back in time. I don't want to sound like a chronic complainer but I still cannot believe that the Postmaster had the self-serve kiosk carted off.

The kiosk alone saved the Post Office valuable man-hours. The post office lobby kiosk could serve the public 24hours and 7 days a week. It was quick, efficient, streamlined and saved customers the agony of having to stand-in-line.

You could weight your mail, key in the zip code, swipe your credit card . . .and bingo. . .out comes the postage stamp. All with no assistance. How much easier does it get.

So what does our local Postmaster do . . . carts the machine off and out of the lobby. It's as if Salisbury went into the Stone Age.

I hope that if there was one thing Andy Harris can fix once he gets into office is to bring back the 20th Century into our US Post Office. If the Post Master refuses. . . he needs to get rid of him or her to.

Please Andy. . . I hope you're listening!


  1. Remember everytime you swipe a credit card anywhere the merchant is being charged a fee. Don't complain about postage going up or anything else if you want to keep using your credit card everywhere. It is time to stop the criminal acts of the credit card companies. I encourage everyone to stop using your credit cards.

  2. They really need to look at some of the mail carriers. I've had the wrong mail put in my box and I've had my mail put into my neighbors box. One day it is going to be something really important that someone isn't going to be as kind to return. Someone needs to do something over there. I'm sure it isn't taking place on purpose but there needs to be some type of diciplinary process if it continues.

  3. It is now time to pick at the Post Office. This Blog has wore everyone else out. Good job..nothing has changed so Joe has been very successful huh?

  4. I visited the post office the day they carted the "self-serve" machine off, and the reason the did was because some local degenerates had vandalized it.

  5. The article in the paper said it cost too much to run it. They quoted something like $300 a month. Theres no way it used that much electricity and there was never anyone standing there to help you if you needed it so I would like to know how it cost ANYTHING to use it.

  6. I asked about it at the post office because I used the self serve kiosk alot. They told me it wasn't getting enough use in Salisbury so they moved it to the Ocean Pines branch. Personally I think every town should have 1. It was soo much easier. I could go at night when I got off work, not have to wait in lines, etc.

  7. Anonymous said...

    "They really need to look at some of the mail carriers. I've had the wrong mail put in my box and I've had my mail put into my neighbors box. One day it is going to be something really important"

    It has been important at our house. My BCBS bill doesn't arrive anymore AT ALL. (when I call, it's been sent, they say).
    And my vehicle tag renewal didn't show up. It was more than a month overdue. Had to go to web site & get temp registration. MVA had sent the renewal tags more than a MONTH prior.

    We have a different mail person all the time...the "use it or loose it" personal time from the govt workers, I suppose. BUT THEY NEVER LOOSE those damn catalogs. Alas.


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