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Friday, July 11, 2008

My Question Of The Day

Look, the economy flat out sucks, we all know that. Tax bills are coming in and people are being blown away by the new increases and what many don't know is, they're phased in over three years. The being said, each year you'll have the same increase as you just received, for three years! Gas prices are going through the roof and there's even the scare that gas will go as high as $7.00 per gallon over the next few years. The price of health insurance has gone almost to the point where most can't afford that either. Grocery prices are just a joke and what I'd like to know, since there's the option of anonymous comments on this Blog, in which I, nor anyone else can tell who you are, I think it's important for everyone to hear just how many of you can't take it any more? How many of you are worried about losing everything?

You see, our Government doesn't want a question like this being spread around. I say, screw the rest of the Country and the AP Reports that come out in the Daily Times that say one day new home sales are on the rise and the next day they say they're down 20%! Let's all work together on this Post and let's see just how bad things are right here on the Eastern Shore.

This could even relate to Family members that are struggling too. Let's see how bad things really are, without hearing what the MSM WANTS YOU TO HEAR!


  1. Worried about losing everything a big 0%. I have planned and saved and have a good job. ZERO

    Give me a break.. the economy isn't as bad as you think... there is only around 5% unemployment... not 10% which has been the norm in Europe for decades..

  2. Yes. It's bad, but we're doing OK. We've got 3 more years of college to pay for (for our youngest), but after that, we'll sock some money away.

    BTW, I mainly blame the follies of the Bush administration for the mess we're in. Don't ask me for the list (it's rather long, and it's all been said before). You can guess who I'll be voting for...

  3. Right now I find that, for me personally, the economy is a little slower. Many of our tenants are (were) having a difficult time making ends meet. Rather than move for immediate eviction, we decided to give people some time to adjust their budgets and try to get some help if necessary to get back on top of things. We lowered the rents on some units and waived late fees to help people out.(there will always be deadbeats who will take advantage of you and mistake your patience and kindness as a weakness. A good time to weed them out.) People are surprisingly resilient and we feel that it's better to help people who want to do the right thing than it is to take some cold, hardline approach to things in every circumstance.

    Our window, door, and cabinet retail sales have gone up and we have gotten more calls from perspective customers requesting estimates for remodeling work. Fuel prices suck. They cut into our overhead more than they ever have. They are steadily causing all of our products to increase in expense. We just have to be ever diligent in our efforts to keep that overhead down and attain higher levels of efficiency.

    Our plan is to continue working long hours and maintaining multiple income streams.

  4. Anon 7:03......

    I'm not saying it's like the great depression or anything. Just go to ANY restaurant on any night of the week. Standing room only. People are still spending money and that's good. I'm speaking from a business standpoint. It definitely costs more to do business these days and you can't always pass the costs on to the customer so either you find ways to save money or it comes from the profit margin. The numbers don't lie.

  5. Before the economy took a turn for the worse, I stopped working to stay home with the kids. If I hadn't done that, financially we wouldn't be so stressed. Actually, we probably wouldn't be stressed about money at all right now. But then everything has gotten so expensive since then that we're kind of stuck. If I start working full time again, it has to pay for daycare for 2 children at around $300 per week, but then who knows what the kids would be learning. I just don't feel comfortable with that. So I guess its not HORRIBLE yet because we're still surviving on one income...... but 2 years ago I never would have been torn between working and staying home. We're getting close to the point that its going to be necessary.

  6. Although it's nice to hear many of you are doing so well, that's not the case in my family. My husband and I are fairly secure but the majority of our family members are seriously struggling and selling their worldly posessions just to survive. Granted, they're material items and one day, (God willing) things will come back around and they can start over. In the mean time, we're the "come to guys" to help save them, or so they think. We're not going to lose everything simply because everyone else made bad decisions. We'll help where we can but we're not bailing everyone out. Yes, some will even lose their homes.

  7. shit, half the working cless famulies have been living off re-financing their homes for years, now that they cant do that anymore their burnin them credit cards up. this economy is shit, everyone i know is struggling real bad. alot of buisnesses counted on the housing market here on the shore and its dryed up like an old turd. wait til all the people with 401/ks that are invested in sketchy over seas markets try to cash out on them and the money isnt there. any body who believes this economy is o.k. for the middle class is mistaken. the hard working american middle class is being eliminated. most of the middle class if they had to cash out on all their bills right now are so far in the whole they might as well just go shot themselves in the head.

  8. It's pretty bad. What makes it worse is the Democrats and Republicans (though the Democrats have been in charge for the last few years) in Washington do not want it to get better. Their power depends on it getting worse, and them convincing people that "only the government can help them" by taking money away from those mean rich people (my boss). Which means no raise for me or my family for the next few years, hell I'll be lucky if I get to keep my job.
    How come we are so stupid that the majority thinks this mess is Bush's fault? Could it be because of government education?
    It's actually the fault of the people of this country expecting government to do everything for them and not being willing to even try to do for themselves.

    my 2 cents


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