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Monday, July 21, 2008



Like a lot of folks, I have a job--I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.

I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ASS, doing drugs, while I work. . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check!?

WHAT AN IDEA!!!!!!!!


  1. Brilliant idea, but don't expect ACLU backing.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with urine testing of public assistance recipients.

    But I'm left wondering....

    You posted your most recent blog about Comegys not doing his job when he should be........

    What are your hours at work? I didn't actually think you had a job because you're always blogging.

  3. Great idea and the cost of the test should be deducted from the check that they receive. These are the kind of ideas that come from the regular folks that a career politician/bureaucrat would never even remotely consider or think of in the first place. Makes too much sense!!!

  4. didnt know you had a regular job joe

  5. Yes, and all cops should have to pass such a test as should all elected politicians.

  6. Joe's job is blogging.

  7. That is a good idea, however the people it will affect the most are probably some children. I'll probably be called a stupid liberal. I don't have any kids, I don't know why I even think of their welfare first. Abuse of the system has to be fought, we need more safe guards from the abuse.

    I know people used to sell or trade food stamps for drugs or alcohol. The impendence card was implemented to curb that, I'm sure it also get's abused. Maybe this post will offer some better idea's, my mind is open.

  8. Unless things have changed recently, you do have to pass a urine screen and participate in job search to be eligible for welfare.

    You must turn in the required number of job applications per week (It is 7 or 10 applications per week if I remember correctly.) or participate in a job training program and have random drug testing while you receive benefits.

    I am grateful for the assistance I received a few years ago although it was hard to maintain a household of three on $350.00 a month cash assistance. I also received $147.00 per month in food stamps.
    I applied for welfare when I became disabled and was waiting on a decision from social security.
    Believe me people on welfare are not kicked back living high on the hog as those who have never needed assistance seem to think.
    The goal of welfare is to help ANYONE who is in need through to become self sufficient. The limit on assistance is a lifetime total of five years.

  9. Great Idea!! Joe, why don't you spend some time on this instead of the negative shit on Gary Comegy's? This waste of taxpayer funds is more then we can imagine. I could fix the whole system in five minutes...hamburger, chicken, hot dogs, cannned greens..that's it. You can live on those items until you get a job to pay for your own food. Also the welfare check goes to the LANDLORD..not the individual on welfare. That would be so easy and they wouldn't be getting evicted for spending their money on drugs and lottery tickets.

  10. Exactly. People need to be held accoutable for their behavior and their choices. Testing welfare recipients for illegal drug use should be mandatory.If they do not want to cooperate, immediately terminate their benefits, no appeal. Send check to the landlord, thus insuring rent gets paid.

  11. Most welfare recipients are children.

    Do we want to cut off children if their mother is less than we hope her to be?

  12. Most welfare recipients are children?? Do you have the stats to back that up? I think I read this somewhere before, maybe the WatchDesk?? I 100% agree.

  13. Children are supposed to be recipents, but end up eating PB&J while mom and her new boyfriend are munching on Steak.

    Drug test them, hold them to a higher standard and maybe they will do the same for themself.

  14. This is a really good idea and I agree that the money they recieve is probably not enough for those who are acutally out of a job and living a decent life. The ones that really tick me off are the ones that are driving brand new vehicles and have 5 kids and have brand new clothes and shoes that I can't afford and I have a well paying job, these are the people who get on my nerves. Most of them are low class citizens who are out there selling drugs as a full time job, that is the way they pay for all those fancy clothes and nice new cars. Get a JOB!!!

  15. If Mommy cares anything about her bundles of joy then she wouldn't be out there teaching them how easy it is to live off of everyone else...and with that said she needs to close her legs until she can feed and clothe her own children.

  16. Maybe mom who is less than perfect shouldn't bring more less than perfect people into this world huh? That is whats wrong with the kids today..they think we owe them a living.

  17. My favorite was me working nights and weekends at a Seafood retailer to support my two kids alone....and these people coming in and buying shrimp, crabs, lobster, and fresh fish fillets with the food card!!! I couldn't eat like that and I'm positive their babies and kids under 4 weren't eating that stuff either! Used to piss me off when they would spend $80-$110 and still have a balance of $200-300 left on their cards (the machine put the balance on the receipts). How ignorant! I always knew when the first week of the month rolled around.....I was so disgusted! How many people were they claiming???


  18. anon 9:29,

    You are probably the exception! There is a reason Footlocker has what employees call "1st of the month customers!" They get a check the 1st of every month, and they buy new shoes. I worked in the Centre for 5 years in high school and college. Look at the sales figures for shoe stores in the mall on the 1st few days of each month. The money isn't going to the kids. (and neither is a lot of child support either...)


  19. You people having pitty on these THIEVES are unreal! Come to work with me and work on some of these section eight houses I work on for some of Salisbury's slum lords and you will have a different opinion.I work my rear end off to keep my head above water and these people laugh at us because they are living on us.If you think for a minute they are spending our money on just food for their families you are dead wrong.They know exactly how to beat the system come first of the month. If you don't believe me then take a ride through Church street area around the middle of the month and then on the first of the month. Seems to me that all of those people you see on the first of the month always take the same day off.By the way most of them have figured out how to sell the food that they do buy for drugs on the street. I used to wonder how someone on such a fixed income could afford digital cable services.I don't any more because we are paying their way indirectly.


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