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Thursday, May 08, 2008

What's Wrong With This Photo?

Also in today's Daily Times Go Magazine they included this photo inside the Salisbury Zoo. Just to prove they're NOT following their own set of NEW RULES, look carefully at this photo and you'll see this woman carrying the family DOG! Pets are absolutely NOT allowed inside the Salisbury Zoo. However, in this case, they're not just in the Zoo, they're way in the Zoo!

It's bad enough we get to watch so many beautiful animals caged up and taken from the wild. It's another thing to bring in your pet and absolutely drive the caged animals that have an instant instinct to KILL this animals as they would in the wild.

The caged animals can also get so stressed out, it could kill them. I have a multitude of photos similar to this one but I thought it was pretty cool to see yet another photographer capturing exactly what I've been talking about for years down there.

The Zookeepers obviously are not doing their jobs and policing the Zoo. That is, unless Joe Albero walks through the doors. Then the radios go off, CODE 4, CODE 4! That means Joe Albero is in the Zoo. Pretty cool, eh? I have my own emergency code whenever I walk into the Zoo, ROTFLMAO!

Nevertheless, I just had to share this photo since so many of you no longer get the Daily Times. Obviously nothing has changed down there. Pitiful!


  1. Joe, is it possible that the Times used an old photo instead of going to the trouble of taking a new one? I'm not sure this was taken recently and think it may be from the Times archives.

  2. Joe -

    I kind of glanced at the DT this morning and did not even notice about the woman carrying the dog. We need MORE people like you who are observant and not oblivious to the situation. You're right....taking another animal into a ZOO is totally crazy!
    Thanks for your quick responses!

  3. Certainly, that could be the case. However, does it matter? The fact that someone is walking through the doors with an animal, (all of which I saw daily at the Zoo) and there are no Zookeepers to police it tells the whole story.

    I bring this out in the hopes that Joel sees it and make the proper changes to make the Zoo a better place for the caged animals forced to live there.

  4. I went through the zoo about three weeks ago and I must say that it is a lot better than it has been in the last couple years. It was a lot cleaner and the two ladies in the reptile house were very friendly and informative.
    Hopefully the good changes will continue.

  5. They had better fix that walkway the family was shown on in this picture-the last time I was there the steps were all rotten and spongy-a lawsuit waiting to happen.And they actually have a "Joe-code"?that amazes me considering some of the crap I see people walking into the zoo with-like live animals!

  6. I hope Joel sees these posts, as well. IF this is an old photo from the pre-Joel days, the comment that nothing has changed at the zoo is unfair. He may be enforcing the rules rigorously now but can do nothing about an old photograph.

  7. Back in the 70's we lived in Kansas. We used to go to the zoo in Manhattan, KS almost weekly. The Zoo and The Humane Society shared the same area, we use to take our miniature schnauzer with us to the zoo with every visit, she loved it, she was even better than some of the children (my dog was on a lease, the kids weren't). It just goes back to responsible pet ownership. But pets were permitted to visit the zoo.

  8. Did they fix that roof on the reptile house yet? The tarp has been on there forever it seems. I haven't been down there since the day I went to a zoo commission meeting. Joe had to point out yet another dead duck and Carrie Samis wouldn't even stop to see if it was so or not. Gary Muir was sent out to retrieve the 9th dead duck in less than a week. Of course Alessi pretended to know nothing about the previous 8 ducks. Ya just gotta love Salisbury.

  9. Since when did the Llamas in the zoo get pulled out of the wild to be put on display in the Salisbury Zoo. I am very doubtful it is in the Salisbury Zoo's budget to ship in a wild animal from another continent. My guess is that the wild you are referring to is a local breeder with an exotic name such as Pete or Jim.

  10. What a shame , the little zoo used to be first class and got good reviews ,I used to go there during my lunch break to relax and unwind, now it's headed down the shi**er just like a lot of other things in this city!!


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