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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Question of the Day

What is your opinion on preteens/teens with cell phones?

Most cell phones today have internet access and music/games purchasing options that can be very costly to parents that are unaware that their children are capable of navigating their phone perfectly. Also, texting, and as some have phrased it "sexting" is also happening without parents' awareness.
On the flip side, it's also a comfort for parents to know their children have a phone at hand at all times so they can check in if not with an adult. Also, teens that are driving that may become lost or break down would not have to rely on a stranger for help.


  1. My daughter(12) has had a phone for 2 years. We got it for emergencies and do not allow texting or internet access. So far so good.

  2. If you have brought your children up correctly ( or grandchildren
    in my case)they will do the right thing.It is a comfort to know
    they have a cell phone in these
    troubled times.

  3. While mobile phones are useful in many situations, I feel that most users become addicts and are forever burdened with the need for a digital pacifier in order to function as normal.

  4. If you have the luxury of a phone for each and every kid in your home.
    There are phones available that don't have any features other than calling 5 numbers, and receiving calls.
    I don't think a child under 12 needs a phone that can access the internet and take pictures, and text. They can just be so foolish with it.
    A very real and present problem is with college age kids texting answers to test questions to each other in and outside of class.

  5. High school kids are texting questions and answers for tests as well as taking pictures of exams with their camera phones. I think the feature of calling only 5 numbers is perfect.

  6. When I provided cell phones for my kids, I denied them access through Verizon to do any text messaging. If "I" was paying for it, it was my rules.

  7. My two teenaged sons have had phones since they were about 13. Theirs are pay as you go phones, and the boys are responsible for paying for their time, and managing their texts/calls so that they don't run out.

    They're both involved in sports, and the phones are great for days when practice finishes early. I know once my older son starts driving on his own, I will find it reassuring that I can reach him/he can reach me if necessary.

    I also reserve the right to randomly check their phones at any time.

    Our school district policy does not allow phones to be used during school. They are seized if any teacher/administrator sees them during the school day.

  8. Wymzie has it right. Not only are young children making bad use of their phones, but too many adults try texting/messaging while driving their car. That must stop, it requires too much attention from driving correctly. And that does go for the ear type phones as well!

    A. Goetz

  9. I gave my daughter a cellphone about 2 years ago. We are on the road a lot with the horses and she stays over with friends so I wanted her to be able to get me at any time. The 5 number phone wasn't what I was looking for due to she would only be limited to those numbers and in case of an emergency she had no other choice. The phone I chose does not have picture or text options.

    It was the cheaper phone but I feel safer with her having it.

  10. I have 2 daughters. They both got phones when they started driving. Its nice to know that if they get broke down that they won't be out walking at night looking for a phone. They have so far been very reponsible with them. Sometimes its all in how you raise your kids. They also know that i access my account and know exactly whats going on with the phone and who they are calling and who is calling them and texting. If you have verizon you can access your account on line and it gives you every called and received call, you can also back your phone up which gives you the list of phone numbers that are stored in their phone.... if you didnt know. Just register at verizon wireless and youre good to go. I'm sure other carriers do the same. Sometimes you just need to stay 2 steps ahead of kids. LOL

  11. First of all, I do not have a teenager but I understand the benefits of them having one if they play sports, etc. I say this as long as they have limited features.

    Speaking as a parent of a pre-teen, I say there is no need for them to have phones. Kids are spoiled these days with toys like Wii's, PS3s, etc. and I do not see the need for them to have a phone. When do they actually need it, when they are playing next door at the neighbors...I don't think so.

  12. I too use the pay as you go phone for my child. He gets an allowance-and it teaches him some responsibility w/$$. I do not believe ANYONE should be allowed to talk on a cell phone while driving unless it is hands free. I nearly got run over one morning last week by a driver (adult) talking on the phone and not paying attn to her surroundings.

  13. wyWhat am i old fashion? I would not let my children have cell phones until they where 16 and they had to pay there own bills. I just dont think a 12 or 13 year old needs a cell phone.

  14. I have a teen and they have had a cell for two years. As of today they just got text on their cell. They learned responsibility of the usage of a cell for two years. They know I monitor it and I also take it when I need to. The Parents are responsible for them and their actions until they are on their own and should do their Parental duties and monitor their childs usage of a priviledge or do not let them have that priviledge. That is what is wrong with the young people of today. The Parents do not want to punish them or hurt their feelings because it is Politicaly incorrect. Parents have to do their Parental duties.

  15. One of the things that has dramatically changed since the overwhelming popularity of cell phones is the disappearance of pay phones. If you have kids that are out, and they break down or are with people that they don't want to be with anymore, or they are in trouble in anyway there just isn't a pay phone in all of the usual places anymore. We have done this by making them not profitable. See how powerful we are!

  16. Children,
    It's 11:00pm. Do you know where your parents are?

    If you don't know your child's whereabouts without a cell phone, what makes you think you do if they have one?

  17. Children will be children! But i totally agree with Anonymous 7:51am

  18. Is anyone aware that the radiation dangers are significantly greater in younger persons? Cell phones send radiation directly into the brain. There have been numerous experiments conducted in which an egg has been cooked in as little as 16 minutes.
    Try this at home: strap two cell phones to an egg using a string. Call the phones and leave them connected for a while. Check it out!

  19. Want a real laugh? I never had a phone in my house at all until i was 15 years old and then it was a party line. Most of these kids dont even know what a party line is. The world shore has changed.
    But if it helps to keep them safe its all worth it.
    Teaching them not to text messages and talk while driving will help me . A truck driver.

  20. I don't think Blondes with mini vans hauling toddlers NOT in child seats, should have cell phones. Ask the one that ran out in front of me on 13N in front of the mall. A loaded truck coming off the bypass at 40 miles an hour can not stop because you want to zig and zag all over the road while talking on the phone not paying the least bit of attention.

  21. Both my children (15 and 10) have cell phones with text and picture. I trust my kids, but this also helps me keep in touch with them! When I am at work or the movies, or somewhere talking on the phone is inappropriate they text me. If I have any doubt that they are where they say they are, they can send me a picture! Its great. We have rules and if they break them there are consequences. In almost 2 years we have not had a problem yet.


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