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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A SEIZURE DOG For Christopher

Christopher has been given an incredible opportunity to obtain a seizure response dog, through an organization called 4 paws for ability. Our family must raise $11,000, the amount of money equivalent to what it will cost for the training and placement of this service dog in our home. We have planned a 5K run/walk and stroller strut for May 17th starting at Asbury Methodist Church in Salisbury, MD. The dog will help alert caregivers to seizure activity. The dog will provide much needed balance assistance that will improve Christopher’s mobility. The dog will also be an invaluable asset in decreasing social barriers affecting those that suffer from seizure disorders. Having a dog trained to specifically deal with seizures will give Christopher more independence as he grows, and will give his parents some piece of mind.

GO HERE to see their official Website.


  1. Thank you Joe for posting that! You really are going to help reach alot of people that probably would have never known about it!

  2. I have seen some articles about this subject and they were all positive. Like when that Tsunami hit Indonesia a lot of the animals sensed it and went to higher ground well before the water overcame many people and did it's destruction.

    You just can't put a price on the independence that will help this young man, learn, grow and have a faithful companion as well. Bless You Christopher.


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