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Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Gannett Publications Must See!

GO HERE to see the 5 year trend on the Stock Market for Gannett Publications. This is certainly worth taking a look at!


  1. Newspapers are getting to be dinosaurs, with minute to minute news via the web and TV, newspapers are doomed to go extinct. You don't need to be a market analyst to figure that one out, it's been nice, NOT, bye bye Gannett.

  2. What about "USA Today" -- junk journalism par excellence.

  3. Well, it can't happen too fast for me. When they go out of business here, we will still have the blogs to depend on for the news that isn't one sided like the Disgrace. Guess the Bassett Hound best look for a new job soon.

    A Goetz

  4. Oh, the Daily litterbox liner will never shut down, so long as the mayor's flunkies keep it in business with advertising and just enough "real" news to mean something. Besides, I hope they don't, as I still need them as my litterbox liner

  5. No wonder, even my online edition is late. They still have Mrs. Truit's editorial on the web as an editorial that I read yesterday.

  6. If that is the best they can do online maybe I should pull my advertizing, unless they are going to run that for days at no extra charge. I see Mrs. Truitt's editorial is still at their online site. People aren't going to continue to go there to read yesterdays articles, if people aren't going to read it, why advertize there?


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