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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Daily Times Awards Show Poor State of Local Coverage

In this morning's Daily Times we see that Gannett's local outpost has gone out and won 35 awards from the Maryland - Delaware - D.C. Press Association. WOW!

Note that there was one award for an article, authored by former reporter Katherine Crowell, about the "short life span of Salisbury City Council members". This piece was more of a feature piece than hard news coverage.

This lends further evidence to the poor state of coverage provided by the Daily Times when it comes to local government and politics, particularly when it comes to Salisbury city government. Of course this was something that we already knew.

Recently reporter Joe Gidjunis left for a more northern clime. What to do? Move city reporter Greg Latshaw over to the county beat, even though he hasn't mastered city coverage yet. Latshaw's replacement: a young lady who appears to follow past Daily Times practice of taking dictation from Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman.

Given the state of city's finances this is just what the taxpayers need. Of course, if Ms. D'Alessandro ever exhibits talent for her job, the can transfer her elsewhere.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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  1. There is no way I would advertise in the Daily Times. I have a business and from time to time, have specials that I would like to get out to the general public. Unfortunately, those days are over of using the Times.
    Why the readers of the Times even waste their money to even subscribe is beyond me! How can such a lousy newspaper even survive is amazing to me.

  2. Laura D. is a Barrie bozo starting with her stint on the student paper at SU -- an abject apologist who wouldn't know the truth if she stumbled over it.

  3. D'Alessandro? Is she related to Nancy Pelosi?

  4. Ms. Crowell was the only even mediocre reporter on the City beat in some years (since Diane Freda).

    Both couldn't get out of there Bassett's Daily Times) fast enough and have gone on to much better journalistic enterprise.

  5. Its 1 thing to be a lousy paper. But when they openly support and purposely stand as the mouth piece for known government corruption. Dedicatedly deceiving the public and their customers.
    Citizens need to boycott such entities to bring them to an abrubt halt and send the message to ALL...the corruption and abuse of government will no longer be tolerated!

  6. I like how the article reads:

    FORMER reporter Beth Ward
    FORMER reporter Katherine Crowell
    FORMER reporter Joe Gidjunis


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