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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Reader Asked That I Post The Following

"The following is based upon facts, not opinions:

* Hijacked airliners flew all around the eastern U.S. for hours
without any military response??? How could Osama bin-Forgotten make
our air force stand down, or did Cheney do that???
* The Pentagon was struck by a "hijacked" airliner 45 minutes
after two other "hijacked" airliners struck the WTC, without the
airliner being intercepted, approached, chased, or even seen by our
air defenses?
* The Gov't still refuses to release clear video of whatever
happened at the Pentagon to this day, six years later??? Why???
* The massive WTC-7 building was 350 feet from the nearest tower,
was not hit by a plane, yet it imploded in a controlled demolition at
5:20 pm??? It housed many gov't offices, & the over-insured owner
said the building was "pulled." Why???

The Bush/Cheney regime is using 9/11 as a pretext to brazenly subvert
our U.S. Constitution, launch illegal invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq,
(Iran?), & grant themselves dictatorial powers here at home! They
have committed high treason & must be impeached & imprisoned while we
still have the Bill of Rights!

I urge everyone to watch "Loose Change" free on the web for proof that
9/11 was a "false-flag" attack! Also Google terms like "911 truth" &
visit 911truth.org 911blogger.com ae911truth.org truthnews.us &
other patriotic, resistance sites!"


  1. When the truth comes out you will find the nameof a company --Kellog, Brown and Root.

  2. Don't tell me you're gonna be a soapbox for the 9/11 conspiracy nutjobs now!

  3. This Blog is here for open discussion about articles like this one. However, coming back attacking me and calling me names will not be accepted. I welcome your opinion but the name calling will not be published, unless it's me doing it, of course. LOL

    Seriously, someone just tried saying, "Get a clue you are a traitor if you believe this crap"

    I guess you'd be calling me a traitor for exposing the WWTP, or the Salisbury Zoo, or the hundreds of other major things I exposed locally? The only traitor here is YOU. Censorship is exactly what this Federal and Local Government want. Is it possible, you're damn right it's possible. Am I stating it did in fact happen? NO! It's now open for discussion. However, if YOU call ME names like you did I will not publish your comment, period. You also mentioned how dare I do so THIS TIME OF THE YEAR. Are you kidding me? Please tell me a date in which it would be acceptable for you?

  4. Salisbury News

    Salisbury's most reliable and unbiased source for your local news? Either you love us or you hate us! This Blog is opinionated only. Contact me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com

    This gives a whole new meaning to the term "local news".

  5. This is exactly why this country or its people gets no respect anywhere in the world anymore. People here are sheep, led around by the PC movement, to lazy to think for themselves. They are to busy worrying about what is popular, who has the better lifestyle, what is trendy, etc, etc, etc. It's easier to keep their heads in the sand than it is to take a stand against the many wrongs committed by our elected officials. The politically correct, bleeding hearts will surely be the downfall of this country.

  6. Fox has the evidence that nails Bush and Cheney on direct involvement with this. He's been kidnapped, but I'm hot on their trail. Hopefully I get to him before it's too late.


  7. I have lost all respect of this site....

    No better than the Daily Slime now Joe!

  8. Joe,

    Since it is open discussion, read this:


    Loose Change is a conspiracy therory written by a kid that was 17 years old at the time. He had not even graduated from highschool. He is not a mechanical engineer, he is not an arcitecht, he is not a pilot, nor military strageist, or even an expert in air defense. Yet he speculates on soley what little info he saw in the media and says "these are the facts" They are indeed not the facts. Please research before presenting "facts"

  9. I never CLAIMED this Post was based on FACTS! Get a grip.

  10. "Loose Change is a conspiracy therory written by a kid that was 17 years old at the time. He had not even graduated from highschool."

    Joey still hasn't graduated from high school.

  11. "I never CLAIMED this Post was based on FACTS! Get a grip"

    That statement rings true of most all of your posts. You never get ALL of the facts before you post something. Thats what stirs up so much anger in people who do know that facts.

  12. Looks like another victim is scorned.

  13. Well I can tell Christmas is over just by the comments on this blog. Some people are just to miserable for life. We'll be praying for all of you miserable people that are to stubborn to be happy.

  14. Anon 11:51, will you be praying for Joe as well. He always seems to have his panties in a twist.

    Regarding the topic at hand. Utter garbage.

    The events that took place on 9/11 were allowed to happen because of incompetence. Various agencies that have been in place for years compete with each other rather than working together. What we have here is a failure to communicate!"

    As far as the building collapses being planned demolitions give something a little consideration. It takes CDI crews, consisting of several experienced members, weeks to drill holes in strategic locations to lay hundreds of charges in and miles of detonating cord to get the job done on much smaller buildings.


    The original conspiracies claimed all three buildings were intentionally detonated and the work was done by 4 or 5 guys with a van over a 36 hour period. Supposedly they used card board file boxes to haul in supplies. No mention of how they drilled into the structures to set the charges or how they hid what would have had to have been miles of detonating cord (I've seen CDI mention what is between 6 and 7 miles of it on much smaller buildings).

    If you speak to someone versed in structural engineering they'll tell you what happened.

    Thousands of gallons of kerosene ignited Towers 1 and 2. After burning for a bit the massive steel beams in the structure were heated to the point that they weakened.

    Pay attention class, they weakened. They did not melt as many of the conspiracy theorist seem to think the nay sayers believe. They weakened and the buildings collapsed in their foot prints.

    They didn't fall over sideways because they're great big heavy things. Once there was a failure gravity took charge and there was a race to the bottom. If you look at footage one of the towers tops did actually list as if it was going to topple over sideways. But then it all came straight down. It is called pancaking. One floor drops to the next, they fall to the next, those three fall to the next, so on.

    This accounts for the "explosions" seen bursting from the windows. You've got the air mixed with smoke and dust in the volume of a single floor being squished. It has to go somewhere. Poooof, big wads of smoke and debris get squirted out of windows.

    As one might suspect the collapse of two huge buildings did a rather magnificant job of shaking the ground. Tower 7 didn't get a direct hit from any aircraft but it was damaged by debris from the impacts of those planes or the collapse of the first two towers. All that rumbling couldn't have helped matters as they fell.

    As far as the original owner saying the building was pulled is concerned it is a matter of context. What it was in reference to was fire fighters. The fire crew was pulled from the building as it was felt that it was unsafe. Enough of them had died already.

    Well, there's the conspiracy theory brought down in a controlled fashion.

    Now for the rest of the comment regarding the current administration. As should be painfully evident by now the whole mess in Iraq has been a mistake. We should have never ventured beyond Afghanistan. Our efforts should have been focused on locating bin Laden.
    Iraq, God forbid we get tangled up in Iran, has served as a fine terrorist recruiting tool. Terrorists aren't born, they're made.

    The current administration is the makings of our own bidding. We elect officials based upon party affiliation for the most part and get distracted with "hot button" issues like abortion or gay marriage when we should be looking at the whole picture.

    Our country gets into a mess and we, in knee jerk fashion, completely tilt the other way. It wasn't that long ago that the democrats got ousted by republicans. It took even less time for the republican strangle hold on the government to get wrested from their hands this time. One can only wonder how long the democrats will have before they screw it up and we throw them out.

    And nothing ever really changes. We get a government not of the people, by the people, for the people. It is a government of the elite, by career politicians, for corporations.

    Until we gut the financial rewards for what should be somewhat of a sacrafice to serve the country, get the lobbyists for corporations et al out of government, and find some honest people to serve we'll only see more of the same.

    BTW, this topic is hardly news. It is more aptly described as olds.

  15. Anon, 315, thanks for your brilliant analyisis of the fall of the WTC. What some structural engineers said is that the spray on fire retardant was "blown off" by the impact of the plane hitting. With the bare metal exposed, it began to heat and break down. Thats why we have the pancaking.

    No wonder our kids are so screwed up--they get fed this bullshit by the conspiracy theorists who have nothing better to do than sit around and think of this stupid shit.

  16. I have friends who live in Germany and when they were watching the news on September 11, they were reminded of when Hitler set fire to the Rhieghstahd.

    No one in Europe believed it was an attack but a our own government scarying us into believing we needed to give up more civil liberties.

    As for News Biometric Screening of the Retina was passed this week so that police agencies could keep datat bases on all of us.

    Don't you remember when they were trying out the Biometric Technology at the Super Bowl a few years ago. The had it up in the Fuji Blimp and they discovered over 125 fellons in the crowd. This is police work, this is personal identity invasion.

  17. Anonymous said...

    No one in Europe believed it was an attack ...

    10:06 PM

    Really? Where did you get your information? I don't recall hearing any mention of a poll being done on the matter.

  18. I went and re-read the original post, and I noticed it said "Loose Change". More like "Loose Screws". Why can't people just admit it was a terrorist attack? Do you also see the attacks on the US Embassies in Nairobi and Nigeria were conspiriacies too? What about the attack on the US Cole? What about the WTC attack in 1992? I guess that conspiracies only happen when REPUBLICANS are in power. Do you HONESTLY think the Bush Administration WANTED to go into a war only 9 months into his administration? If anything, CLINTON should have taken the bin Laden by the horns and bombed him back to the stone age in 1998. Statistically, we had more terrorist attacks under the Clinton Administration than we have under the Bush Administration.

    Grow up and quit watching reruns of the X-Files. Mulder and Sculley are doing just fine without you.

  19. Anonymous said...
    When the truth comes out you will find the nameof a company --Kellog, Brown and Root.

    9:22 AM

    What's the big secret? That Kellogg, Brown, and Root used to be a division of Haliburton? The implication being that Dick Cheney had something to do with it because of his position within Haliburton at one time? Let me give you a news flash--everything that is wrong with the world is not the Republican's fault.

    Joe, thanks for posting this, it gives me a break from the more serious stuff.

  20. Whoever believes that this was an inside job, you're a nut job and probably would be in need of some meds to keep your boat afloat. These were/are radical individuals that committed these attacks and would do it in a minute to your family, friends and so on...if given a chance. The Government's only culpability is that they went to sleep during the Clinton watch, believing that no one would want to harm us and that the whole world gets along. Well guess what, we've awoken and won't stand for this crap any longer. And as for you conspiracy theorists, find a new country and let them destroy you but I for one will not stand by to let it happen here!

  21. Watchful Eye,

    The Bush administration had a hard on for Saddam well before the towers fell. 9/11 offered a convenient excuse to walk toward that end eventually after fluffing up enough "intelligence" to frenzy the country into buying their policy.

    The quagmire that Iraq is should be proof enough for any conspiracy theorist that the same administration could never organize such a catastrophe and get away with it.

    Not to mention that such a conspiracy would have to be carried out with the aid of hundreds of people. Someone would have yapped well before now.

    But what is a child to do while loading a game into their X-box?

  22. 9/11 is pretty tough on people who don't do their homework. I recommend anyone who speaks on the subject check out a couple of books by David Ray Griffin. If you go down the lists at http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_alan_mil_080112_twenty_five_u_s__mil.htm.
    you will see a number of patriotic, serious, intellectually honest people from many walks of life who are calling for an honest investigation of 9/11 for good reasons. But if you only know what you have been spoon-fed in the corporate media or in the right-wing blogs (or leftwing for that matter) you don't know much.

    It's worth investigating.


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