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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Old Man Duvall Is Losing It!

GO HERE Billy! If you can't find Salisbury, Maryland, call me, I'll walk you through it. How do you feel now, Idiot?


  1. Thanks Barrie Tilghman for bailing out the developers on the taxpayers backs--wonder why this article didn't make the Daily Times? What a freakin bunch of crooks they are.

  2. Joe:

    You have become Duvall's current "target of opportunity." The predecessors include O'Malley, Pollitt, Tilghman (both B. and P.) and Alessi. But back then he still had it -- now, he's more to be pitied than censured.

    Please keep up the good work in 2008. With G. A. Harrison on the bench these days, we really need your spotlight on the shenanigans and stench in Salisbury.


  3. Anon. at 9:35:

    What about Andy Harris -- now the number one target for Duvall's bile and venom. What he see's in E. J. Pipkin is completely beyond me.

    Joe: Keep it coming next year.

  4. Duvall is an idiot because you posted a bad link? Pot, meet kettle.

  5. Sir:

    The material you have posted is from a recent analysis made by a private consulting firm for the U. S. Conference of Mayors that rated the impact of the situation in the housing market and industry among the various metro statistical areas. It indicated that relative to its size, the Salisbury area is among the most impacted. The study was released several weeks ago, but has not been mentioned in the Daily Times as far as I'm aware.

  6. In the spirit of the season--please cut out ragging on Mr. Duvall. He was the pioneer in blogging and took on the heavyweights (like Barrie) when the rest of us were in short pants.

  7. Anonymous at 1:30:

    But, unfortunately, Duvall has left the reservation and is now pot-shotting at those who remain. It's now SOP for him. Joe is just reacting reasonably to the latest round fired, which as usual is well off the mark.

  8. Joe:

    By an "Update" in his "Fraud in the Blogosphere" post Duvall has now backed down a bit, but he is still slamming you. How disgraceful is that when you made him look like an IDIOT.

    PS: and he has posted another link that doesn't work. What a bozo.

  9. What a sad, but true, difference a year makes. 12 months ago it was "three against the world" -- you, Duvall and G. A. Harrison. Now you are the last hope.


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