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Monday, December 24, 2007

The Barrie Tilghman Press Conference & Lawsuit

Ladies & Gentlemen, about a year and a half ago, Barrie Tilghman called a Press Conference because I wrote her a letter via e-mail and stated I thought "she was not only a waste of my time, she was a waste of good sperm."

I was immediately asked if I regretted making such a statement and would I take it back and I responded, NO! When someone seems to be completely useless, clueless, careless and thoughtless, they're a waste of good sperm, period. Need I say more?

Barrie called in this Press Conference and tied it together with the Blogs, even though the message was a personal e-mail and I didn't have my own personal Blog at that time. This clearly showed her control issues but it sparked a whole new revolution. What it did was, it taught everyone who didn't know who or what the Blogs were about, where to go and what to expect. She called them hateful and nasty and when people arrived they quickly realized once again, Barrie was full of sh!t!

So what does that mean today? Well the same still holds true to my original comment, that certainly hasn't changed. However, over time, Barrie instructed everyone to STOP going to SBYNEWS.COM, yet they're still here? Look, it goes all the way back to the Rachel Polk/Von Siggers days where they knew it was Fire Fighters on The Watch Desk making racial statements against these individuals, yet the Mayor claimed they couldn't prove exactly who it was but yet it didn't stop. Then came Joe Albero. The Mayor firmly instructed every department to stop visiting my Blog, yet the Fire Department NEVER removed my Site from their Computers? Ebay has been removed. The Watch Desk has been removed. Why do you think the HEADS of the SFD would be insubordinate and ignore a demand laid down by the Mayor of the City? I know for a fact they were told to remove my Site and yet they never once even attempted to remove it.

It's because the Mayor encourages such hate from the Fire Fighters, as does the Chief and Deputy Chief. Look, you and I both know there are some VERY fine men and women in the SFD. However, if THEY do NOT step up to the plate and stop the nasty comments and encourage a better dialogue, they are just as much to blame. See, Gordy & Tilghman need to go. Oh, don't think you slide out of there without my mentioning Hoppes as well. They are grooming this man to be the next Fire Chief and you know what Ladies & Gentlemen, he has turned out to be a mirror image of Chief See and that's not good.

Those donation envelopes and mailers you're getting in. Just remember that Barrie Tilghman is behind all of these Fire Fighters calling my Wife and Grandson all sorts of names, YET SHE'S SUING ME! I can't wait to get into Court and ask her under oath, why are the Fire Fighters saying all these nasty things about my Wife and Grandson, you instructed these people to NOT go on that site during the day or their shifts, you demanded they remove it from their computers, yet they didn't do so, YOU KNOW IT and you're suing Albero for the harsh things he's allegedly said about YOU? Pot Calls Kettle Black, eh?

Yeah, I look forward to the Court Date. We're going to have an awful lot of fun with her case, that's for sure. So thank you Fire Fighters, for making my case with her that much easier. Merry Christmas!


  1. When is your court date? Some of us would like to attend and see what tactics the Witch uses. We like to keep our playbook up to date.

  2. Joe:

    It's Xmas Eve -- even the __itch deserves a break (until the 26th)!

    And a cool yule to you and yours.

    PS -- did you send a card to Dr. Daffy and Mr. Cornflakes???

  3. personally I think both of you were a waste of good sperm

  4. Clearly Barrie's leadership is failing and isn't it convenient that she hasn't forced the issue demanding these fire fighters stop commenting? I personally feel it was a bad move for her to go public with that harsh statement in the first place but she sure has lived up to what you said. I didn't like hearing it when I did but over time I have come to learn what we all knew about Barrie was only what the DT allowed us to know. However, I think she has more control over what's going on then you think. She's allowing and encouraging this because in her twisted mind she thinks she's winning and believes the blogs are a bad thing. Merry Christmas to you and your family and thanks for all that you do.

  5. Joe says....

    Oh, don't think you slide out of there without my mentioning Hoppes as well. They are grooming this man to be the next Fire Chief and you know what Ladies & Gentlemen, he has turned out to be a mirror image of Chief See and that's not good.

    this guy is so fat and lazy with minimal skills that i doubt he would be able to get a good paying job anywhere else. he better keep his nose clean and stay away from the bullshit or he will be headed for the poorhouse. makes u wonder what else he could do for a living and make the money he is making now?

  6. It thing that made the watchdesk so popular with local ff's is that barrie banned them from going there.

  7. Sir:

    The buzz at the GOB is that you will be an item in her upcoming "state of the city" BS on PAC 14. Congrats.

  8. I still miss the "X days left of Barrie Tilghman" countdown from the old site.

  9. Anonymous said...
    It thing that made the watchdesk so popular with local ff's is that barrie banned them from going there.

    12:46 PM

    Are you sure she banned anyone from going there?

    She encouraged the firefighter attacks firefighters. She encouraged the mudslinging and the racism from the firefighters towards certain councilmembers. Produce the memo where she banned firefighters from posting on the watchdesk. It doesn't exist. Ask Brezzy and Hoppy they conspired the the divide and conquer theory and the watchdesk was their tool. Now see where the fatass is sitting... at the top.... LMAO. Suckers!!

  10. FYI-All city computers are on the same network(county computers too). The internet is accessed from said network. True that you are unable to view many web sites, ebay, TWD, etc., etc. However your site was never blocked. I don't know why. When you try to visit a blocked site from a city computer a sign flashes on the monitor that states that the site is blocked by the Wicomico County Administration(or something to that effect). The Chief has no control over the "allowed sites", or at least he doesn't execute such control. I'm sure he has bigger fish to fry. I'm sure the Mayor could request that sites be blocked, obviously she hasn't. I'm sure that she, too, has much more to occupy her time than what web sites are being viewed. After all, who cares?

    Maybe its not quite the conspiracy theory you thought.

    Merry Christmas.

  11. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!

  12. Anonymous said...
    I'm sure the Mayor could request that sites be blocked, obviously she hasn't. After all, who cares?

    Maybe its not quite the conspiracy theory you thought.

    2:52 PM

    As a tax payer in this city I CARE what people look at on the internet while my taxes pay them to work for us. I would be willing to bet that I speak for a lot of tax payers as well. Get your ass off the internet and get back to work.

  13. It's Christmas eve, all the fire/ems equipment is checked(fully stocked and ready to respond), the station is clean, daily paper work is completed and filed, i have fourteen more hours to go in my twenty-four hour shift, i'm a highly trained well experienced emergency service provider, if you needed me(God knows I wish no one ever did) I'd exhaust every effort to help you(after all, i've done it thousands of times before). I have a break in-between emergency requests for help(hopefully a long break, unfortunately for some one, it won't be long enough). Does it bother you, really, that i'm looking at the internet?

    God bless you. I'm sorry. :-)

  14. Comedy Central is losing hits every second...hmm

  15. "It's Christmas eve, all the fire/ems equipment is checked(fully stocked and ready to respond), the station is clean, daily paper work is completed and filed, i have fourteen more hours to go in my twenty-four hour shift, i'm a highly trained well experienced emergency service provider, if you needed me(God knows I wish no one ever did) I'd exhaust every effort to help you(after all, i've done it thousands of times before). I have a break in-between emergency requests for help(hopefully a long break, unfortunately for some one, it won't be long enough). Does it bother you, really, that i'm looking at the internet?"

    Its a good thing you work in Delmar and not Salisbury. Your attitude wouldnt be tolerated in Salisbury.

    Merry Christmas

  16. Anon 5:33 God Bless you and thank you. Have a very Merry Christmas.

  17. wrong again. I work right in your city, Salisbury. Maybe you should time to meet YOUR fire fighters, we're a pretty proffesional, caring bunch....take time to find out. We all gravitated to this profession for a reason...it sure wasn't to get rich...we do care.

    I'm done now. I've said quite enough.

  18. Even if the city did block it it wouldn't matter because most of us have laptops and we can get the internet anywhere!!I think you all are forgetting that there is wireless internet now!


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