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Monday, December 24, 2007


Yes, this is a COPY of Bill Duvall's Post Heading as I can assure you, (in typical Bill Duvall Style) he will NOT allow the positive comments to go up there. Therefore I will ask that everyone make their comments here instead. Let's see what happens now old Billy?


  1. He has been censoring comments forever. He won't post anything negative against Paul Wilbur or pro Harris. Hypocrite

  2. Debate is healthy, mud slinging only gets everyone dirty.......

    This season is a time of giving and expressions of love, religion and family tradition. Lest we forget that there is a higher purpose to which we can aspire,while doing our duty as citizens, watchdogs and avdocates
    of public responsibility, we can
    be forthright and honest, and advocate high morals and standards for government as Joe Albero does in his way. The real Christmas lies in the understanding of the human condition, and the loving others and ourselves anyway...Merry Christmas.

  3. I got a mailing yesterday that said EJ Pipkin voted with the Democrats for the Omalley Budget.

    I wonder if Duva knew that before in backed EJ? I agree with Duva on a lot of stuff, but I think him backing Pipkin was just a stupid knee jerk reaction.

  4. Yeeaaa! Way to go Billy!!! He'll be old one day too and I'll be there to rag on him.

  5. When Willie realized that much of what Campbell and Cohen were saying reflected poorly upon his pal Wilber, he completely dropped them.

    He really does not present much of local interest or importance any more. Name-calling is about all you hear from him.

  6. Mr. Albero, I have tried defending you numerous times on Duvall's site but he never publishes any of them. I gave up long ago and stopped going there because of it.

    Andy Harris is a good man and he has my vote. I don't think people realize just how many people are living here that are not from the eastern shore. The good old boy thing is a thing of the past and Wayne looks exactly like he acts representing District 1. Pipken, well, if he wasn't interested enough to run in the beginning and obviously didn't have his heart in it, then he's not worthy of my attention either.

    Andy Harris should be very grateful you allowed him to get recognized right here on your blog. It has served him well and that's what I believe Duvall is so upset about.

    Do remember this though Mr. Albero. There's going to come a day when someone is going to out do you on the blogs and I can only hope you'll be able to handle it better than Duvall has?

  7. Duval has allowed his bitterness to completely blind his judgement. He is no longer credible.

  8. Let's remember Duvall ("duvafiles") with due respect for his former zeal in exposing the Tilghman-Dream Team situation, but with regret that whatever the reason during the past year he has lost focus and now does not discuss the stench in Salisbury.

  9. Look, I sincerely do hope someone comes out with another Blog. Mine is killing me, time wise. If only ALL of you knew what it takes to manage a successful Blog. Yes, I said successful. I get anywhere from 200 to 300 comments a day, seriously. Many of them are rejected for personal reasons, attacks, language, hate mail kind of stuff. Considering I moderate my Blog, each and every message must be read and then the decision to allow it or reject it comes into play. Then, once I've filtered all of those comments, the ones I accepted then come back to me all over again to show confirmation it made it onto the Blog. BUMMER! I wish I could delete that process! Anyone know how?

    Then there's finding the time to go to all those meeting, answer other e-mail tips and go out and take pictures of each article, if possible. I'm doing the work of 4 or 5 people and quite frankly it sucks. However, Salisbury needs this and Salisbury has become educated towards the OTHER SIDE.

    So PLEASE, someone step up t the plate and give me some relief. When GA Harrison, (Delmarva Dealings) left us, boy oh boy has that made things tough! COME BACK GA!

    Oh, GO ANDY! LOL

  10. Forget that old fool & his nasty rantings....
    Merry Christams Joe & Merry Christmas everyone.

  11. I was considering Harris, but since he has the poor judgement to be your butt buddy, Im voting for Gilchrest.

  12. How can you forget his running commentary about such local legends as the Czarinna, Howdy Doody, Bubba, Prince Phillip of T, and the GHO.

    Sadly that seems to have disappearred on the duvafiles.

  13. "Joe Albero criticizes comment moderation, film at 11!"

    Considering you only let posts through that either agree with you, or are so outrageous that they make you look rational by comparison - this little exercise makes me laugh good and proper.

    This very website is nowhere near the bastion of free speech, no matter how much you insist it is. Debate is made with ideas, not declarations of IDIOT! and WRONG! as you're so fond of doing.

    You know why no-one wants to sign their name to comments? Ask anyone who has shown up on your front page. You've proven that in the absence of a valid counterargument, you resort to personal insults. Who would subject themselves to that? Time and time again, it's shown that you can't stick to the facts in a debate and wind up attacking the other party, no matter who it is.

    It always degenerates to that, and that is why you have to moderate so many comments with "...attacks, language, hate mail kind of stuff." People figure they might as well skip to the end of the discussion.

    Sadly, the environment you foster here brings out the worst in everyone.

    So, in lieu of intelligent discourse - some of us just come for the entertainment. Kind of like "Jerry Springer" without the nudity.

    Please, keep the nudity away.

  14. Merry Cheritmas Andy Harris & Family. Thank you for all that you do.


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