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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

EMS Billing Outsourcing

You gotta love this guy Gary Comegys! As numbers were spit out and we watched everyone pat themselves on the back, the numbers for the first quarter were better then average verses ALL of last year in collections, maybe?

Gary then says, "We're where we need to be. I don't have any statistics in front of me but you guys are doing a great job." OK, I'm a City Council Member, I know for a fact you're scheduled to be in this exact meeting, I don't have any paperwork or figures in front of me but guess what, I can see from your body language that you're doing a great job so I trust you and that's all I need.

Debbie Campbell enjoyed the idea that the numbers might be better so far but since they've agreed to hire this outsource company to raise the collections for the City, "I'd like to see a quarterly report" for the future each quarter and see where we're going. Makes sense to me folks.

Mike Dunn immediately got angry once again at Debbie and aggressively stated, "We don't want to go down this micromanaging road!" This is exactly why Dunn and Comegys don't belong on the City Council! This is a business! I do NOT know of ANY business that does not deliver a quarterly report, yet the City of Salisbury's elected officials refuse to do what is right!

Maybe if Mike spent more time at home and not at the Pool things would be different? Too much sun Mikey????

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