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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

5 Animal Limit, Period!

Chief Webster laid down the law tonight stating there will be no exceptions to the new rule and no more permits will go out for special acceptions effective immediately.

It was also said that the Mayor was instrumental in this decision and tonight I found out why. It turns out there's a family within the City Limits that have 7 children and each one of them have a pet. The Mayor doesn't like it so she's changed to rules.

You may have more than 5 animals for up to 16 weeks and that's it. They don't care of you're a Professional Dog Handler or not, you will not exceed the 5 animal limit.

Now some of you might not think this is such a bad thing but not all owners raise fight dogs. Might I also add, what the heck is Chief Webster doing spending all this time changing laws towards animals when the Humane Society could have been instrumental in working with the Council to do such a thing? I'll tell you why, because the Mayor has a bug up her butt with this one family and she once again used taxpayers money to go after someone who probably disagreed with her, (sound familiar) and she's going to prove she will get whatever she wants and again abuse her powers.

I asked the Chief how many cases he's come across in the past year where the Police Department had complaints about too many animals in one location and he refused to answer. Now think about this folks, there's already a law on the books within the City of Salisbury stating you CANNOT have more than 5 animals. That's right, it's already on the books and has been for many years. This was simply brought up to eliminate the special exception this family enjoyed and this will effect many citizens within the City.

Jennifer and I use Cassandra Williams to professionally handle and show our dogs around the Country. She lives in the City Limits and handles many dogs for others in the area as well. They refused to look at this as an option and trust me, I brought it up at each and every one of these meetings. Now why would the Mayor and Chief Webster discourage professional dog handlers within the City of Salisbury? You don't think it's because the Albero's use this service and the Mayor knows it, do you?

I don't believe the AKC Groups and many other organizations will take lightly to the City's decision to discourage such professional handlers and dog owners and I will call these groups tomorrow and see if they'll move their show to Ocean City instead of Salisbury. I can't wait to see what happens to the revenue from the Hotel and Motel Industry each year when the City losses a small fortune.


  1. nosweat,

    According to the Chief, they don't care how you get to the 5 animals, 5 is the limit.

    The nuisance multiple animals create is what they're looking at and someone said, rabbits don't bark, where's the nuisance?

    Like I said in my post, the Mayor is stopping one family and that's what this is all about. The Chief couldn't tell me they actually have multiple cases and or problems of this matter out there. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure once or twice a year there is a problem but the time that has gone into this is just flat out ridiculous, unless you're out to get someone like Barrie Tilghman is. Folks, she'll stop at nothing to get you.

  2. So what happens when a cat or dog owner (or for that matter, hamster, gerbil, etc) has a litter?

    And for fish-- does each guppy count as one pet?

    This is nuts.

  3. Another question: do gang members count as pets?

    How about illegal aliens?

  4. Of course a Pet Shop is exempt from this change. As for the gerbils litter, they are allowed for up to 16 weeks and that's it. They must go at that point, "IF" you're reported.

    Remember Folks, the Police Department must provide a search warrant to search your premises. I'm sure the Chief knows this new law will be almost impossible to follow but again, that's not the point here. The point is to make sure the family that has 7 children and also has/had a special exception can no longer do so because they pissed off the Mayor.

  5. I asked that question iyeska and the Chief refused to answer me. Read my post again more carefully because I have suggested that since the Mayor knows Cassandra Williams is the handler for the Albero's, this is exactly why they have refused to allow this exception because I too have pissed off the Mayor. Follow the yellow brick road.


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