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Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Speaker Pelosi, House Democrats leave town, fail the American people

Wheels up, off to California after adjourning the House until after Election Day. It’s a shameful display of partisanship in the wake of our recovery from the coronavirus. Rather than help small businesses continue to access unused funds from the Paycheck Protection Program, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is willing to block reasonable relief efforts, all in the name of politics. She doesn’t want to risk President Trump and congressional Republicans getting an ounce of credit in the final weeks of this election.

Some things are simply more important than political posturing, like ensuring American small businesses can weather the storm of the coronavirus pandemic. We have unspent funds from the Paycheck Protection Program, a COVID relief program that saved 51 million jobs in the United States, 2 million in Ohio alone. Its authorization is expiring, meaning the program is closing up shop, despite $138 billion left in the coffers.



  1. Democrats want us taxpayers to give our money to illegal immigrants to help them out! No way, they are not supposed to be here to begin with. And don't try to tell me they pay taxes too! They don't and can't without a social security number or tax ID number!

  2. Doofus post. Take the partisan blinders off for once. You can agree or disagree with the aplroach but the fact is Pelosi and Dems put forward a large relief package for COVID. GOP turned it down, which is their right. Stop with the nonsense from this post and stick tk the facts.

    1. What ever happened to “the art of the deal” from the self proclaimed deal maker?

    2. Nancy was not acting in good faith. She wants it all for special interest and you don’t care. You will vote career politician until dead. Trump will will the election 2 to 1 and you know. Russia, kavanah and riots cost major blow to democrats. Biden’s position on antifa and abortion is disgusting.

    3. 3:18 Yes a large package that would have mostly benefited illegals. Follow your own advice and stick to the facts clown.
      10:44 Oh he’s mastered the art of the deal boo. He was smart enough to turn down that bullshit “deal” you libbies tried to push thru😁

    4. Nancy wanted money for Democratic States. These States mismanaged funds and now want American taxpayers to bail them out. Nothing to do with small businesses. Trump wanted to fund every qualified American a stimulus package separate from Nancy's plan but she said no. Need I say more. Trump 2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  3. There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.
    -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
    Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
    -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

    Destroy the family, you destroy the country.
    -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

  4. Hopefully, when they come back...soooo many of them will have their notices of pending unemployment!

  5. Go to the polls and fire them all

  6. what pandemic? What storm are small businesses trying to weather didn't the president just say "Don't let (the coronavirus) dominate you. Don't be afraid of it.

  7. For these liberal violence-loving, misbegotten reprobates, it's time to bring back the old English hang/draw/quarter therapy for treason (Google it if you have a strong stomach for the most brutal form of execution ever invented). Of course, the reason why the Dem. party has turned into such an orgy of violent, rioting, anti-American, anti-white hatred is because they've been fellating the world's most DEMONSTRABLY VIOLENT religious hate ideology for years, Islam, and now they're behaving exactly like them. Because liberals have permanent muslim semen stains all over their souls -- one can't wallow in that kind of evil for years without that evil rubbing off on that person. That's just human nature.

    Note how the PC-crazed liberalfilth and muslimfilth are always sooooo violently, maliciously offended by EVERYTHING! Nobody told these insects (liberal or muslim) that NOBODY is born with a right to never be offended. In fact, I've found that people who get oh-so-offended always deserve it!

  8. Trump instructed his representatives to not continue stimulus negotiations until after the election. As much as I'd love to blame her it's on Trump..

    1. NOT really they wanted extra money for the states that got hurt by the cop riots

    2. Did you read what she wanted and for who? Do you remember 12 days ago when republicans gave her more and she refused again. My goodness pay attention and turn off the record player.

    3. If Trump wore a mask perhaps he could have spent more time getting this deal hammered out and less time struggling to breathe in a hospital

  9. Dumpocrats don't give a crap about you and me!

  10. Let pelosi just keep on marchin' back to homeward bound westward. To San Fran-shitsco--where most of her constituents, and friends, are drug-addled, street shittin', pieces of puke. Just like the old bitch who would really look so much better hidden under a full body mask--I think they call that a burka, burqa--what-TF-ever. But let's not denigrate the towelhead terrorist and equate our piece of crap to theirs. The terroist is so much better and less dangerous to our country then pelosi. Just sayin'.

  11. Wow off again till after the election?
    Nice gig

  12. When haven't they failed the American people. It's all demoncrats know.

  13. And someone expected more from the democrats? Business as usual.

  14. Unspent Funds?

    Get a clue: the US Government is busted broke and a lying cheating gargantuan enemy of all people, everywhere.

    The illegal Federal Reserve Bank has been counterfeit the US Dollar since the Vietnam War. They were caught red handed violating Bretton Woods Agreement and in 1971 de pegged completely from real money which is gold.

    The government has none.
    China has most of it.
    India a lot of it.
    Russia the rest of it.

    Westerners were sold out by this criminal cabal long ago.

  15. I’m voting for FREEDOMS and that is not what joe Soros is offering through Biden.

  16. 549 Trump requested a stand alone bill for 1200 dollars for every American and he will sign it now. He just Posted it on twitter. He is being ignored by Nancy. Now what say U?

  17. The House & Senate should IMMEDIATELY Approve 25 Billion Dollars for Airline Payroll Support, & 135 Billion Dollars for Paycheck Protection Program for Small Business. Both of these will be fully paid for with unused funds from the Cares Act. Have this money. I will sign now!

  18. Donald J. Trump
    If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy?





  19. 3:18 - please first review this from Fox News:(https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-urges-congress-to-pass-more-coronavirus-aid-hours-after-breaking-off-negotiations)

    "A key sticking point in negotiations is aid for state and local governments, which Trump and Republicans have characterized as a "blue-state bailout." The president reiterated that on Tuesday, saying Democrats "just wanted to take care of Democrat failed, high crime, Cities and States. They were never in it to help the workers, and they never will be!"

    3:16 posted that illegal immigrants were also part of the Democratic plan passed by the house.

    It appears, 3:18, that it is you that needs to take off the blinders and review the facts of the Democratic plan first, before commenting. Further, "It is far better to have people think you a fool, than to open your mouth and confirm it."

  20. 1049 - Nancy and good faith in the same sentence?


    CONgress doing what CONgress does - nothing!


  21. And the Senate Republicans have done what for COVID relief???? Passed what bill????
    Come on guys , Pelosi has NEVER left the negotiating table and we all know that Trump is the "Best negotiator ever"! Has he met his match??

  22. Judging by the left field comments. The SU libtards are back. Ignorant uneducated useful idiots FOR KARL MARX and his failed ideals.

  23. Spoiled, drunk Nancy want to give millions to states that have failed because of stupidity in their government! She wants mail in ballots only, and illegals get stimulus check! She will money laundering through these states!!

  24. Demon-crats have always Failed the American
    people , so wake up America & VOTE TRUMP !!!

  25. Democrats = KKK & Do NOT forget it America !

  26. They Left town 3 times or more this summer,
    Leaving Americans in the Dark with NO stimulus $$$ !!!! Damn Them ALL !!!

  27. They will pay in Hell when they finally Die !

    They are worse threat to America & worse than
    China, NK, Russia !!!

    Destroying our country from WITHIN !!! Fact

  28. Their Pay should be cut off every time they take off from work, like they did all summer!

    They should ONLY get their salary ,No Bribes
    which is what the rest is !!!

    2 Term Limits for ALL incl Congress & Court

    A Must to fix America Govt !!!

  29. Democrats still Failing Americans NOW as we
    wait yet again for OUR needed Stimulus $$$
    while Dems Refuse to Pass a bill without
    their Pork Demands (which they Will Not get)

    Americans should Vote them all OUT of Congress 2020 !!!


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