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Friday, October 02, 2020

Pro-Life Activist Sued by Kamala Harris Says “Everyone should be afraid” of VP Nominee

In August, pro-life activist David Daleiden told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson that during her time as California’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris used her power to attack his First Amendment rights as an undercover journalist.

Daleiden alleges that Harris conspired with Planned Parenthood to suppress his rights after he released undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing the buying and selling of aborted fetal remains.

According to federal law, the buying and selling of human body parts is illegal. Engaging in the traffick of aborted baby body parts is punishable by 10 years in jail and fines up to $500,000.

After a Congressional investigation, Congress made dozens of referrals for criminal and regulatory charges to local authorities against Planned Parenthood.

At the time, Kamala Harris was California’s Attorney General. She had received $15,000 in contributions from Planned Parenthood during her 2014 reelection campaign. Instead of opening an investigation into Planned Parenthood, Harris went after Daleiden. Harris sued Daleiden under a California eavesdropping law that had never been used against an undercover reporter. In addition, she met with 6 Planned Parenthood executives in early 2016 in what Daleiden alleges was a conspiracy to put an end to his investigations and to suppress his First Amendment rights.

“So she used the power of armed law enforcement to crush someone who criticized her donors,” Tucker Carlson concluded in August’s interview.

“Exactly,” Daleiden responded. “Everyone should be afraid,” he said of Harris, and “her radical disrespect and contempt for the First Amendment.”

In response to the videos, both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation filed lawsuits against Daleiden. Planned Parenthood was awarded $2.2 million by a San Fransisco jury hearing the case last November.


  1. He was screwed from the start in California.

  2. He's got bigger problems than that. If elected she'll make the cabinet look like a flock of crows sitting on an electric line.

  3. In Russia defective people are disposed of before they can do damage,and I'm not referring to special needs individuals.

  4. Americans NOT afraid !!! Lock her up !!!

  5. What I would like to know with all the money that the Federal government gives to Planned Parenthood every year how can they contribute to campaigns of people running for office. Seems to me that shows they do not need those extra funds and that is a conflict of interest.

    1. Agreed, stop funding Planned Parenthood.

  6. After their loss in 2020

    She will join Reverend Jackson telling everyone that America racial divide caused her not to be voted in

    she is one stupid dumb ass

  7. Got her number !! America keeping her OUT of
    ANY office !!!

  8. 6:04 Is correct and Kamala Harris needs to be investigated thoroughly as Hunter and Joe Biden cut them no slack all these facts need to be front & center when voting and we have just days left!

  9. Kamala is not black she’s a chameleon and held black inmates past their release date as slave labor

  10. democrats love abortions

  11. How is someone who has immunity from law suits ALLOWED to sue private citizens? If she does in fact have immunity. If not, then disregard my comment

  12. Ethics are not a part of sleeping your way to vice-presidency

  13. Pence will eat her for lunch Wed this week !!

  14. Americans NOT afraid & will get Rid of her
    & her Demon-crat buddies from OUR Govt !!!!

  15. Polls are FAKE just like last time 2016 !!!

    Trump Will Win in LANDSLIDE 2020 !!! FACT


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